Monday, October 24, 2011
New Barbie comes with tattoos, designed by Tokidoki
The new Tokidoki Barbie doll wears a pink miniskirt, logo leggings and black top with signature skull heart and bones. Oh, and she's has plenty of tattoos on her neck, shoulders and chest! Yes a tattooed Barbie doll! The doll is designed by Tokidoki's Simone Legno. Here's a pic of me and Simone having a smoke break.
Ten Seconds Project pays homage to Hide and Seek
I love Alma Haser’s Ten Seconds Project. Her project plays homage to the childhood game of hide and seek. The rules are loosely based on the game - Alma gives herself ten seconds to try and hide, or make herself as small as she possibly can, before her camera goes off on self-timer. Sounds fun! I think I'm going to try this.
(Thanks Boywonder)
(Thanks Boywonder)
Train Set Typography features old train sets as alphabets
Check out Norwegian graphic design Ludvig Bruneau Rossow's self-initiated typography experiment called Train Set Typography where he used an old train set, found in his grandmother's basement as the basis for creating letters.
(Thanks Marcus)
(Thanks Marcus)
Japanese blogger makes her own anime-themed lunch boxes
Lisa Katayama came across this Japanese blog full of amazing lunch boxes featuring anime characters while she was looking for inspiration for a Halloween costume. There are 8 pages full of pictures of anime-themed lunch boxes. Enjoy!
(via Tokyo Mango)
(via Tokyo Mango)
M1 Shop Paragon's iPhone 4S Midnight Launch Event
You can be the first person in Singapore to own the iPhone 4S at M1's iPhone 4S midnight launch event at M1 Shop Paragon on 28 October 2011, 00:00 hours. Selected M1 Shops and Exclusive Distributors will open on 28 October at 7am. You can also get the iPhone 4S at all M1 Shops & selected Exclusive Distributors from 11am.
Space Invaders Blanket will protect against the cold and aliens
Ana sells this really cute Space Invaders blanket that she made herself. She writes: "After making my first Space Invaders blanket last year people have repeatedly asked me when I would start selling them. So here goes. This afghan is roughly 5'1"x4', it's been hand crafted with love and acrylic yarn."
Play Scrabble in your garden with the Backyard Scrabble
Kristy and her friend Keith made a 5-foot square Scrabble board game that she can play in her garden. The Backyard Scrabble is made of a wood frame with 3¾-inch concrete squares. 100 3¼-inch square letter tiles were made from baseboard trim.
(Thanks Shy)
(Thanks Shy)
Lego Darth Stewie is as iconic as the cartoon character
One of the editors of Hispabrick Magazine has a cool Flickr photoset of his Lego sculptures. His sculpture of Darth Stewie is my favourite. Darth Stewie is played by Stewie Griffin from Family Guy in the animated series' various Star Wars parody episodes. In those parodies, the Family Guy characters were re-imagined as Star Wars characters. Here's a clip of Darth Stewie in action.
Raincatch is a wearable coat that collects and stores water
Raincatch is a garment which acts as a coat and as a water gathering, purification, storage system. The collar collects rain which is filtered down the back of the coat, passing through charcoal filters and then purified using a chemical process. The purified water is stored around the hips of the coat.
Dude creates realistic sets for Star Wars Lego photography
I'm a fan of Avanaut's Lego Star Wars photography. The lighting and the setting are just amazing. His latest work captures a Snowspeeder in a Knock-Over mission. He says: "This has the most complicated rigging I've done so far, the legs of the walker were detached from the top and the left leg was further divided into smaller bits."
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Register your iPhone 4S interest with SingTel
You can now register your interest for the new iPhone 4S with SingTel. There's an online form where you will have to type in your particulars. Only 1 submission per NRIC. SingTel will then inform you when they will start accepting orders for the iPhone 4S. The new iPhone is expected to hit Singapore on October 28.
Future Singapore MRT Network Map hits Facebook
Here's the future Singapore MRT network map that has been making the rounds on Facebook. It is not known who is behind the map. LTA refuses to confirm if it is theirs. Take a closer look at it. The map is very detailed and very confusing with lots of stations and Lines that do not exist now. It even shows the Johore Line!
(Thanks Mr Big)
(Thanks Mr Big)
Japanese Pachimon Postcards from the 1970s
Check out this gallery of Japanese postcards showing various pachimon kaiju (imitation creatures based loosely on famous TV and movie monsters) at iconic locations around the world such as the Statue of Liberty, the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal and more. These postcards were published in the 1970s.
Chinese KTV Girls bring home 6-figure salaries
Chinese KTV girls get 400-800 RMB a night for drinking and singing with their male clients. They work 4 to 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. In one year, they can earn up to 96K to 192K RMB (approx S$38,300). No wonder more and more pretty girls in China are abandoning their education to become KTV girls instead. Easy money.
Vespa Seat is a must have for Vespa lovers
Bel&Bel, a studio based in Barcelona, is selling these beautiful Vespa Seats. Each rotating leather chair is made from original pieces of the legendary Piaggio Scooter. The back of the chair is made from the front part of the Vespa scooter.
(Thanks aLynx)
(Thanks aLynx)
Nerf Barricade converted into Steampunk Big Daddy Gun
Dude adds lots of wood to the Nerf Barricade toy gun and made it into the Steampunk Big Daddy Gun: "I have constructed it from hand cut planks. The wood came from an old chair thats at least 75 years old. All the strapping has been hand cut from aluminium and hand riveted in place."
Lego Gears of War Lancer Assault Rifle shoots rubber bands
This life-size Lancer Assault Rifle from Gears of War is made from Lego. It is a rubber band gun with safe, semi and full auto modes. The rifle has a magazine release for storing all your rubber band bullets and comes complete with a motorized chain saw!
(Thanks GeekGod)
(Thanks GeekGod)
Time, Esquire, Vogue & Playboy Magazine Cover Pillowcases
Now you can be on the cover of Playboy magazine by just lying on your bed! Just put your pillow into one of these Time, Esquire, Vogue and Playboy magazine cover pillowcases, then put your head on your pillow and smile. That's it! You're on the cover of Playboy! Ok. Now go to sleep.
(Thanks Ricky)
(Thanks Ricky)
Menstruation Machine lets you experience menstruation
Hiromi Ozaki writes about her Menstruation Machine: "I'm a female artist and the machine is not only for men, it can also be worn by women in future when menstruation might become something obsolete." It is fitted with a blood dispensing mechanism and lower-abdomen-stimulating electrodes and simulates the pain and bleeding of an average 5 day menstruation process.
Friday, October 07, 2011
Pangolin spotted while filming Singapore Haunted at Labrador Nature Reserve
While filming Singapore Haunted Episode 4 and 5 at Labrador Nature Reserve on 27 August 2011, the Singapore Haunted team gets an unexpected surprise... a pangolin! The anteater is classified as "critically endangered". Watch the video above.
The Sunda Pangolin is a species native to Singapore and other countries in South East Asia. The pangolins are hunted for their skin, meat and scales. Their skin is used as leather while the Chinese use their meat in their cuisine.
The pangolin is a protected animal in Singapore under the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act, which is enforced by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA). Please do not harm it, catch it or kill it if you spot one. More info about the pangolin here.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Stormtrooper performs at Guns N Roses Rock in Rio concert
This Stormtrooper is non other than Guns N Roses guitarist Ron Thal who amused everyone when he put on the helmet while playing the band's anthem Welcome To the Jungle at Rock in Rio 2011. You can watch the full Guns N Roses concert here. Guns played a mixture of old hits and new songs from their Chinese Democracy album.
Singapore to get iPhone 4S on 28 October
Apple will start selling its new iPhone 4S in the US on 14 October 2011. Other countries to get the iPhone 4S first are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the UK. Singapore will only get the iPhone 4S on 28 October together with 21 other countries. In Singapore, iPhone 4S will be available from the Apple Singapore Online Store, Starhub, M1 and Singtel. Those in the US can pre-order the iPhone 4S from October 7 for delivery beginning October 14.
No Siri for iPhone 4S users in Singapore
No iPhone 5 but new iPhone 4S is like iPhone 4 on steroids
No Siri for iPhone 4S users in Singapore
No iPhone 5 but new iPhone 4S is like iPhone 4 on steroids
No Siri for iPhone 4S users in Singapore
I find it very strange that Apple Singapore does not list Siri as one of the new features of the iPhone 4S on its website. Siri lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, place phone calls and more. You can ask Siri: "Any great burgers around here?” or “Where’s the closest ATM?” and Siri will answer. Unfortunately, it looks like users in Singapore will not be able to use Siri when they purchase the iPhone 4S. The beta version of Siri is localised for US, UK and Australia and it is available in English, French and German.
Also read:
No iPhone 5 but new iPhone 4S is like iPhone 4 on steroids
Singapore to get iPhone 4S on 28 October
Also read:
No iPhone 5 but new iPhone 4S is like iPhone 4 on steroids
Singapore to get iPhone 4S on 28 October
Taste the flavour of words with Typewriter Cocktail Machine
Only someone as crazy as Morskoiboy can make something like the Typerwriter Cocktail Machine, a hydraulic typewriter that converts words into cocktails! He writes: "In the back of the keyboard, there are slots for the bottles with colored beverages in them. There are 26 total slots, one for each letter of the Latin alphabet. When a syringe stem goes up, liquid is taken from the bottle connected to it."
Glitch is a fun game of giant imagination
Glitch is a web-based massively-multiplayer game in Flash which takes place inside the minds of eleven peculiarly imaginative Giants. It is free to play and some game items are purchasable. In the game, you choose how to grow and shape the world. Everyone is playing the same game and anyone's actions have the ability to affect every other player in the game.
Epic Lord of the Rings Two Towers battle depicted on Lego
Brandon Griffith, Alyse & Remi Gagne, and Bruce Lowell built this very impressive Lego diorama of The Last March of the Ents, the epic battle depicted in the film version of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. The Orthanc tower stands more than 7 feet tall - taller than the builders! The entire battle scene consists of 23 Ents and 100 plus Orcs.
Homemade Batman Slingshots
Albotas writes about his dad's Batman slingshots: "Recently my dad’s taken up the craft of slingshot making. He made these three Batman slingshots. The colors are all achieved by the use of different woods, rather than staining them."
(Thanks Lord Kimbo)
(Thanks Lord Kimbo)
No iPhone 5 but new iPhone 4S is like iPhone 4 on steroids
Those of you waiting for the iPhone 5 may have to wait a bit longer. Apple's newest iPhone is the iPhone 4S, an updated version of the iPhone 4. It has the same body of the iPhone 4 but comes with dual-core A5 chip, IOS 5, iCloud, 8MP camera with all-new optics that shoots 1080p HD video and Siri, the intelligent assistant that lets you use your voice to use your iPhone.
Also read:
No Siri for iPhone 4S users in Singapore
Singapore to get iPhone 4S on 28 October
Also read:
No Siri for iPhone 4S users in Singapore
Singapore to get iPhone 4S on 28 October
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Dude photoshops Ewoks into his kids' photographs
Anthony took her daughter and son to the Sequoia National Park and told them that the Ewoks live there. They didn't find any of course so he photoshopped the Ewoks into their photos! He writes: "I had to explain that they are extremely shy and hardly ever let anyone see them. After I had a little time alone with the photos, I told her I thought I saw something strange in a few pictures."
Harry Potter Pillows let you cuddle up with the Boy Wizard
You can get these adorable Harry Potter pillows from Kimmy's Etsy shop. The complete set has the Boy Wizard, Red Head Wizard and Girl Wizard pillows. Each pillow is 18x18 inches wide. She's also selling individual pillows including the Evil Boy Wizard pillow. And if you're not into Harry Potter, there's the Batman and Robin pillow set.
2m long Lego Star Destroyer is a monster of a ship
This amazing Lego replica of the Venator class Star Destroyer is made from 43280 Lego parts without any instructions book or digital modelling software. It weighs 82kg, has a length of 2.44m and a wingspan of 1.2m. No glue, or screws, or steel frame were used in making this monster ship.
Full scale 1969 Ford Mustang made from paper
Jonathan Brand's ambitious project is to build the entire full scale 1969 Ford Mustang out of paper. He says: "I utilize a large format printer to translate the digital into the real world as a flat inkjet print. I then cut, fold and glue these numbered and labeled shapes together much like a complicated three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle "
Predestines Superhero Fetus Sculptures
These sculptures are just amazing! Predestines is a series of superhero fetus sculptures by French artist Alexandre Nicolas. You'll see fetuses of superheroes like the Incredible Hulk, Superman, Catwoman and Wonder Woman. There's even a fetus of a non-superhero, crazy Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
(Thanks Rickie)
(Thanks Rickie)
Photographers fight in Singapore Formula 1 Pit Lane
Two photographers were caught fighting in the pit lane at the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix. Watching the video, I was hoping that the photographers would actually hit each other with their cameras and their huge expensive lenses. Now that would be more fun than the actual race itself.
(Thanks GeekGod)
(Thanks GeekGod)
Pac-Man Ghost Halloween Dress
Jes Zamora the one woman work machine also know as Boober Cakes Clothing is selling a limited number of Pac-Man Ghost dresses for Halloween made of kitten-soft fleece and felt eyeballs. She also sells Pac-Man Ghost baby dresses which are really cute!
(via Boing Boing)
(via Boing Boing)
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