It was a lovely sunny day on Sunday so I grabbed my camera gear and headed out to the brand new NUSS The Graduate Club at Kent Ridge and the Shaw Foundation Alumni House next to it for some phototaking.
First, the lunch. My favourite, seafood aglio olio! The prawns are delicious. The pasta, so, so.
The NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House.
And the equally impressive building of the The Shaw Foundation Alumni House. I tell you, the blue sky on Sunday was spectacular. It's been quite sometime since I've seen blue sky like this. Love it! Here's to more sunny weekends.
Body Worlds, a traveling exhibition of preserved human bodies and body parts that are prepared using a technique called plastination to reveal inner anatomical structures, is here once again in Singapore. On Saturday, I was invited to the Science Centre Singapore to check out the exhibition. Photography and videography are strictly prohibited but I had special access. Here are some photos and a video that I took at Body Worlds.
Body Worlds feature approximately 200 new authentic human specimens, including whole bodies, individual organs and animal specimens. Of the Body Worlds series, this is the largest collection of exhibits to date.
The latest installation will take visitors through the different stages of human development, from embryonic form to old age. The multi-sensory experience will compel you to reflect on the elegant form and function of the human body, while gathering a better understanding of its fragility under distress and disease. The showcase features our bodies living through time: how we change physically as we grow, mature, peak and wane.
Body Worlds: The Original & The Cycle of Life is now on at the Science Centre Singapore till 6 March 2010. Tickets are $20 for adult and $12 for children 16 years and below.
The last IT show of the year, Sitex 2009 opens its door at the Singapore Expo today. Before you head out to brave the crowd at Sitex, it's wise to check out the Sitex 2009 price lists, brochures and flyers here and here first to find out the best deals.
I received this Akihabara Oppai Puding aka Japanese Breast Puddings - apparently made by a first class cook using advanced techniques and highest classs ingredients - sometime ago from an anonymous reader. Yes, I do get a lot of strange fanmails and gifts. Heee. But breast puddings? This is a first!
Here's how the packaging looks like at the back. It's all in Japanese.
Now here's the fun part. The undressing pics!
Woooh! A Japanese maid with huge boobies!
Ok. I just had to remove the bra. Wouldn't you?
Wah! Pink nipples somemore!
I'm not really a fan of puddings but breast puddings with pink nipples... I like! And no, I'm not going to eat them. Seriously, who eats this kinda stuff?
Our very first Klik Your Face contest held at Ben & Jerry's Chunk Fest was a big hit so we decided to do it again, this time at Anime Festival Asia 09. We got some of the coolest looking people at the festival to pose and preen for our cameras.
Who is your favourite? Vote now at Klik Your Face @ Anime Festival Asia 09 Contest. I'm rooting for the Cowboy Girl Charmaine. I love cowgirls... especially those who carry a big gun. Bang! Bang!
Talking about Danny Choo, you can watch the Tokyo Stormtrooper video parts 1 and 2 on Klik.TV. The video had its worldwide premiere at AFA09. Very proud of it. Go watch it and all the other videos ok.
Don't look at this link if you aren't into gruesome pics. Ten years ago Shahnaz (pictured here) was burned with acid by a relative due to a familial dispute. She has never undergone plastic surgery. She's one of the many in Pakistan that suffer from acid attacks. This shit must stop!
Download and print your own paper piano model! There are 24 different models, and a blank one so you can design your own. Fold the tabs under the keyboard and tape in place. It's that easy.
Thyme Machines are selling fully sculpted Star Wars USB drives. So far they have Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, Yoda and Boba Fett. Each drive comes in 4, 8 or 16 GB of memory.
The Steering Wheel Desk Tray attaches to your steering wheel for easy access to a writing and drink storage surface. It is flat for writing and perfect for lunch or a snack. For safety reasons, never use this product while driving.
YouTube is shots of tequila. "Just ONE" to humor your friend quickly turns into 4 or 5. Anything and everything becomes wildly entertaining. A fun way to waste some time you won't really remember the details of. Probably for the best. More Internet Vices here.
Morley Safer of 60 Minutes gets the first look at how Titanic Director James Cameron created his $400 million 3D fantasy Avatar. The movie is set on a moon somewhere out there, a fantasy eden which earthlings want to explore. I can't wait to watch it in the cinema.
Nice infographic by Ellen Forney that teaches you how to avoid jail time if you smoke pot. Keep the smell away from your front door. Live in a small apartment? Don't open your door if your place reek of pot.
I had lunch with Danny Choo and the rest of the team during a well deserved break from all the filming for his Tokyo Stormtrooper In Singapore video last week. While everyone was eating, I had a chance to take a close look inside Danny's Stromtrooper helmet. Here are some pics.
BTW, for those of you who don't know, a Stormtrooper has to take off his helmet before he eats his lunch. Even for Danny Choo.
This is how Danny sees the world when he dresses up as the Tokyo Stormtrooper. Everything is so green!
You can catch the world premiere of the Danny Choo special video, Tokyo Stormtrooper in Singapore tomorrow (Saturday) 3.30pm at Anime Festival Asia 09. Watch part one here or click the image above. We have exclusive behind the scenes pics here.
Of all the videos that I've filmed, this one is my most proudest. It was a real privilege to be the person to film Danny Choo in Singapore and special mention goes out to my colleague Jit who did a great work to help direct and edit the videos, and also to the guys at AFA09, Shawn, Jim and Maurice.
Klik.TV will be at AFA09 tomorrow and Sunday. The venue is Suntec Halls 403-404. See you guys and gals there and don't forget to say hi and wish me Happy Birthday. Yes, it's my birthday tomorrow. I'll be 21. LOL.
Who's your favourite Japanese Maid? Klik.TV is giving away a pair of tickets to Anime Festival Asia 2009 to a lucky person. Just choose your favourite maid and tell us why you like her. The winner of the contest will also have the chance to take a photograph with her at AFA09!
My favourite has to be super cute Tomomi.
And yes, I want her for my birthday this Saturday.
Klik.TV will be filming Danny Choo, the Tokyo Stormtrooper outside ION, Orchard at 6.00pm today. Do come by and say hi and if you want, you can dance with Danny. Here are some pics taken earlier today at Raffles Place and the Merlion at Fullerton.
See you guys and gals at ION later today. Don't forget to bring along your dancing shoes.
Yesterday after work, I hanged out with Gerri (my new colleague at Klik.TV) at Blujaz Cafe to say goodbye to Eunice who is flying back to Australia. Here are some pics.
From left to right: Gerri, Eunice and me.
Oh yes, btw, I did cut my hair recently...
Tanya, who was my intern at Klik.TV said that with this new hairstyle, I'm no longer emo. LOL. But, but, I'm still very much emo, ok.