I've been told that new Japanese lingerie company La Miu sells really nice lingerie. Its web store isn't ready yet but fortunately for us, we have these lovely models to wear the lingerie for us.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
5 hot and sexy pics of La Miu Lingerie Girls
I've been told that new Japanese lingerie company La Miu sells really nice lingerie. Its web store isn't ready yet but fortunately for us, we have these lovely models to wear the lingerie for us.
Time-lapse videos of massive change on Earth
Wired Science have made several videos, compiled from images posted on NASA’s Earth Observatory, of some of the most impressive conquests of man over environment. Above video shows the urbanization of Dubai.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Carpet doubles as an Airplane Kit

Japanese Hulk Comic

(via Nerdcore)
Horror novel on toilet paper... only in Japan!
Suzi Chua's Stone Paintings
12 Truck Drivers. 12 Different Views.

Anakin Skywalker Jedi Utility Belt

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Mocca wants to challenge inSing.com for Singapore's most irritating banner ad
First, it was inSing.com scaring the shit out of Singapore web users with their Nasi Lemak banner ads, now it's Mocca's turn. What's with these assholes? Are they really out to fight for the title of Singapore's most irritating banner ad? Mocca's web banner ad has no "Nasi Lemak!" but it has "Click! Click!" played over and over and over again. Watch the ad in action in the above video. Warning: May give you clickalitis. Click! Click! Argh! Enough click click already, Mocca!
Previously: Nasi Lemak! Nasi Lemak! Nasi Lemak! Enough already inSing.com!
Man-made floating island is a recycled paradise

DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand

Twitter on Paper

A fanny pack for your head

(Thanks zinc)
Watch the first 5 minutes of Blood: The Last Vampire
Watch the first 5 minutes of Jun Ji Hyun's latest film (her first in English!), Blood: The Last Vampire, courtesy of the folks from Yahoo Japan (video above). Jun under her English name Gianna Jun, plays Saya, a sword-wielding girl hunting down supernatural creatures. The movie is based on the hit anime film of the same name. Jun Ji Hyun was in Singapore recently to promote Blood the Last Vampire. Watch her being interviewed by Channel News Asia here and view some photos of her at Bugis here. Blood: The Last Vampire will open in Singapore on 4th June.
Kiss Your Face Make-up Kit
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tokyo film camera users show off their cameras

(via Mefi)
Awesome Game Cartridge Art

(via Nerdcore, Eayz)
Donkey Kong Wall Decals

Dude folds paper into amazing pictures

Knitted Star Trek Meerkats

(via Boing Boing)
Can a Jedi lightsaber cut through Superman? Short Answer: No
I love Yahoo Answers, only because they have tons of stupid questions such as "Can a Jedi lightsaber cut through Superman?" and great answers from people who really know their stuff. From Yahoo Answers:
Superman receives his power from the radiation of our yellow sun, and is weakened when exposed to radiation from a red sun. It is possible that a sith lightsaber, being red, might have similar properties.
Even so, Superboy Prime was defeated after being plunged through Krypton's red sun - which weakened him, but did not destroy him. Therefore, a red lightsaber which hypothetically had the same properties as a red star should have a similar effect, i.e. it would injure him, but not "cut" him, much less cut through him.
If Superman were rendered vulnerable by a lightsaber, it would likely create a momentary weakness in that spot, allowing the physical impact to cause damage. However, lightsaber blades, being made of plasma, presumably have a very small mass. Therefore, the force of the impact would be negligible.
In short, hitting Superman with a red lightsaber is like hitting a normal human with a wet noodle.
Microsoft Support tells us to keep moving the mouse!
The problem: When you try to return data from Microsoft Query 97 to a Microsoft Excel 97 worksheet, the spinning globe icon (which signifies that a query is processing) may appear for a long time, and then the query returns no data to your worksheet.
So what do you do? Well, you go to Microsoft's online support to get some answer of course and you come across a method (see Method 2) to work around the problem. Ok. Are you ready for the solution? Here it is: If you move your mouse pointer continuously while the data is being returned to Microsoft Excel, the query may not fail. Do not stop moving the mouse until all the data has been returned to Microsoft Excel.
Keep moving your mouse pointer! Brilliant! Or is this the worst workaround ever? Apparently, according to some folks at Reddit who has experienced the miracle of the moving mouse, it is indeed a valid workaround for various software products, not just Microsoft.
(Thanks GeekGod)
Previously: Microsoft names research project Cibai, women all over the world feels liberated!
100 Best Movie Lines in 200 Seconds
Bet you didn't think it was possible to fit the 100 greatest movie lines into 200 seconds aye. The guys from Liquid Generation have got the video (watch it above) to prove you wrong. Hasta la vista, baby!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Is Mediacorp humiliating local actors in its new Just for Laughs TV show?
Brendon Fernandez, a Singaporean actor was unhappy with the tactics used by Mediacorp to lure local actors to "star" in its Asian version of Just For Laughs. He says, "Mediacorp has been calling up actors and making appointments with them to attend an audition at Mediacorp for an English-language project which has been described as a still in development drama-dy. This is in fact completely disingenuous."
He describes the fake audition process, "In the account that I heard from an actor who attended the audition on 25 May 2009, the waiting time was in excess of an hour and a half past the scheduled appointment time. When the auditionee is finally ushered into the area in which the audition is supposed to take place, he or she is given several forms to fill out. The area is reported to resemble a badly-constructed mock up of a tv-set. The auditionee will be left alone in the room."
"After some time has passed, the auditionee will hear a knock that appears to come from inside the wardrobe that is on the set. There will also be a voice of someone claiming to be locked in the wardrobe, asking the auditionee to let them out. When the auditionee opens the wardrobe, it will be empty. The crew then bursts out from hiding and shouts: Surprise! You’re on Just For Laughs- Gags!"
Brandon feels that what Mediacorp did was humiliating to the actors. "I was saddened and angered to learn that this is how Mediacorp treats working actors today," he says. "This was a deliberately concocted scheme to lure professional actors into a humiliating trap. The people who attended devoted their time and their skills in preparation for what they believed to be an audition for a role in a professional TV series. Some may have given up other opportunities for work in order to attend. These actors responded in good faith to what they thought was an opportunity for work, and they were treated abysmally."
Monday, May 25, 2009
Shocking pics of wild party in Kuala Lumpur!
Our friends up north in KL sure knows how to party man, judging from these pics that have been circulating all over the internet. I got them from an email with the subject: "The wild party in KL Action in Bangsar Mulu Club (KL)." Some party there alright. Can anyone tell me what is this about? And why am I not invited huh?
Check out the 25 shocking pics here which I tried my very best to censor.
The Internet in 1969 vs now: No difference. Husbands still have to pay for wives' expenditures.
This 1969 video imagines how the internet would look like. It's amazing that the things mentioned in the video are all available now in one form or another. I like the part when the commentator says "what the wife selects on her console will be paid for by the husband at his counterpart console" and then the husband bites his finger and shakes his head. Poor husbands. Damn internet!
Fan-made Green Lantern movie trailer is pure awesome!
Dude made a two-and-a-half minute trailer for DC’s Green Lantern (video above) using clips and audio from twenty-eight different movies and TV shows including Star Wars, Lord of the Ring, Planet of the Apes, Chronicles of Narnia and Dragonball.
(via Screen Rant)
How to make a credit card bracelet

Mario and Luigi fight Ghosts with Turnips

Salt and Pepper Shakers that look like Batteries

The German Poo-Shelf Toilet

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Ikea instructions for hiding your girlfriend's deceased dog

Where shall I put the spare keys to my house?

HTC Touch Pro battery burns dude's jeans

(Thanks Dizz)
Frozen toads will make a great giant paperweight for your desk

(Thanks Phil)
Transformers Mouse, USB Drive and USB Hub will transform but not roll out

Carry two digital SLR cameras like a gunslinger

(Thanks Mr Big)
Girl's role model is KFC's Colonel Sanders
We all have our own role models that we look up to. For young Jennifer, her role model is none other than the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Colonel Sanders! She writes: "I want to run my own business like him. He is old but I am young. He is dead but I am not. He was very popular but I am not popular." Awww, you are now, Jennifer. Larger pic here.
(Thanks stitch09)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hotbake vending machine makes tasty sandwiches

Washy Washy Clean is a song for hand washing

(Thanks Mr Big)
Classic Toho Movie Monster Illustrations

(via Nerdcore)
Fake Shark Attack Wetsuit

Playful Toys

Thursday, May 21, 2009
American Idol Live!
I was covering the American Idol Finale live on my Twitter. For those of you who missed it, here are the tweets:
-Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe I'm watching TV this early in the morning but this is... American Idol!!!! Live!
-Based on the scoops last night, it looks like Kris Allen will beat Adam Lambert. Don't know why I'm still watching.
-100 million votes last night for both Kris Allen and Adam Lambert.
-Ryan Seacrest is introducing the Idol judges now with very funny snippets of their judging style.
-Adam Lambert and Kris Allen take the stage! Both in all white, very PAP like.
-The American Idol Top 13 sings So What! All of them in all white!
-Last year's American Idol winner David Cook is singing now! Woohoo! I love David Cook!!!!
-This new single sang by David Cook is actually very nice. Love seeing him again on Idol. I was crazy over Cook last year. Glad that he won.
-David Cook is giving up the title tonight. Says both Adam and Kris are great performers.
-It's the Golden Idol Awards time now. Ryan is presenting awards to those Idol contestants who didn't make it.
-Nominees for Outstanding Male. Hahaha! Showing this guy who is singing this terrible rendition of Mad World.
-This is the funny part of the Idol Finale where we can laugh at the past contestants this year that are really really really terrible.
-The winner for Outstanding Male is Nick Mitchell. Remember him?
-Oh my god. he just stripped on stage!! And is singing now.
-It's time for the first duet of the evening. Lil and Queen Latifah!
-Paula Abdul is always looking happy during performances and dances along. I really like to have the drug she's taking.
-Jason Mraz, Anoosh and Alexis doing a threesome on stage now.
-Showing the journey of Kris Allen. It's amazing how this dude grows stronger and stronger throughout the competition.
-Kris Allen is singing a duet with country music star Keith Urban. Both with their guitars.
-Not bad. Actually Kris Allen should consider doing country music. LOL. Or better yet do Gospel songs.
-The 5 female Idols, Alexis, Allison, Jasmine, Lil and Megan are performing now with Fergie!
-Black Eyed Peas takes the stage!
-Golden Idol Awards again. Saluting the contestants who have the best attitude.
-And the Golden Idol goes to Katrina, the bikini clad contestant! Yay! Her bod is stunning! Esp those fake boobs.
-Katrina is wearing her bikini and singing on stage. Wait. Idol judge Cara joins her, with her clothes still on, of course.
-Oh my god. Idol judge Cara just ripped apart her dress after the song to reveal her black bra and panties!!!
-Allison sings Time After Time with Cyndi Lauper. I actually love Allison. Her voice rocks and the red hair!
-I can't believe that I'm seeing Cyndi Lauper on Idol. Sorry, I didn't know she's still around.
-But seriously, that's a very good performance by Cyndi Lauper and Allison.
-Ryan Seacrest is talking to Kris Allen's parents. Dad says thanks to America for voting for his son.
-Now Ryan is talking to Adam Lambert's parents.
-Danny Gokey is singing Hello. Ha! I'm guessing Lionel Ritchie will step out soon.
-And yes, what did I just say? Lionel Ritchie is indeed on stage!!! Joins Danny.
-BTW, no one sings Hello like David Cook. They should make Cook sing it with Lionel.
-Lionel Richie doesn't look like he has aged. Botox? Plastics? Lots of sex?
-Now showing Adam Lambert's journey on Idol. I'm loving Adam more than David Cook. And I really was crazy for David last year.
-Adam Lambert takes the stage. Gosh what is he wearing?!
-Looks like Adam is wearing for some musical. Oh wait. Kiss just joined him on stage. Adam and Kiss. Now that's something!
-Adam actually looks quite good with the crazy Kiss guys. I think he should put on the Kiss face make up.
-Would I pay to see Kris in concert? No. Would I pay to see Adam? Yes. Coz he knows how to entertain n he got the pipes too.
- Guitar legend Carlos Santana is on stage. With his guitar, what else. Matt Giraud sings along. The rest of the guys and girls join in the fun too.
-Hahaha! Steve Martin plays the ukelele. Michael Sarver and Megan both singing. Ooops that's not an ukelele. It's a banjo.
-Steve Martin thinks that he will win Idol tonight. Hahaha! Amazing that he actually has a music album out.
-Ah, the guys wearing nice black suits, tie with white t-shirts, take the stage now. I'm digging Anoosh's face hair.
-Oh my god! It's Rod Steward!!!! He doesn't like the Idols to be sharing the stage with him. Shoos them away. Ha!
-Last Golden Idol of the evening. Nominees for outstanding female. haha! Time to laugh at these poor girls!
-Tatiana won Outstanding Female. Runs up to the stage. Ryan tells her its time for a break. She insists on singing. All staged.
-Adam Lambert and Kris Allen do the Queen number, We Are the Champions with Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Hmmm isn't Queen looking for a lead singer? Adam Lambert should fit in very well.
-Kris and Adam on stage, together. Results soon! Simon says both are brilliant, nice people, future is all theirs.
-And the new American Idol is..... Kris Allen! What did I tell you? I was right. My info was 100% spot on!
-They are giving him the new American Idol trophy. So I'm correct. The Anti Gays, Christian fanatics have voted Kris to win.
-The new American Idol Kris Allen sings the very crappy winner's song. Paula doesn't look so happy.
So, Kris Allen is the new American Idol. Does he deserved it? I don't think so. Adam has been the top dog throughout the competition and for him to lose it at the very end is just totally unfair. Anyway, I first broke the news that Kris has won Idol some 13 hours ago on Twitter. Here are some of the interesting tweets last night about that breaking news:
-BREAKING NEWS! I've been told that someone who works for Idol confirms that Kris Allen has won American Idol. Fuck! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-BREAKING! Source confirms that only a couple of tens of thousands votes separate both Kris and Adam. Kris won Idol by a very slim margin.
-BREAKING! Same source also confirms that Kris did lead in previous rounds and that they did not "fake it" by putting Adam near the bottom.
-My source, the "Idol staff" has not replied to my messages. Hopefully he will not get fired for letting me know the result.
-Kris Allen seemed to consistently beat Adam Lambert by that slim margin for the first two hours of voting. http://tinyurl.com/5ap7mj
-Pastor tells everyone to vote for Kris because he is a believer and he comes from a great ministry. WTF! http://tinyurl.com/qvffzv
-Anti Gays, Christian fanatics, Danny Gokey fans are all voting for Kris Allen. No wonder Adam loses by slim margin.
-Don't believe me that Christians are assembling their army to vote for Kris Allen? Here's another pastor rallying. http://tinyurl.com/qutu4y
-First the Christian fanatics tried to take over pro-gay AWARE, now they are taking over Idol to make sure Gaybert doesn't win.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Risk Reinvention Board Game: A Review
It takes nerve. It takes determination. It takes courage. It's the new Risk board game by Hasbro! Risk Reinvention is an updated version to celebrate Risk's 50th anniversary. It features a new look and modernized rules. I had a chance to play the new Risk together and the new Monopoly Deal (thanks to Hasbro) with my mates recently and we had a blast!
Inside the box, you'll find the updated gameboard, a deck of 42 territory cards, all-new playing pieces that include 5 capitals, 15 cities and 5 sets of coloured units, 7 dice, objective cards and instructions. The instructions are a little complicated but just like Monopoly Deal, you'll learn more as you play the game.
There are three ways to play the new Risk: Basic Training, Command Room and World Conquest. Basic Training is a quick and easy way to play and designed as an introductory version of Risk. It is highly advisable to play this version until you are comfortable with the rules, then you can move on to the Command Room and World Conquest versions.
I actually love the new Risk and my mates too. The updated rules are great and allow players to streamline planning and executing strategic military campaigns and increase the rewards of taking risks during each turn. Game time is fast and furious. One can win the game in less than an hour. Like Monopoly Deal, Hasbro has done it again by taking a classic game and actually made it better.
Risk Reinvention is available at all leading toy and departmental stores at an approximate retail price of S$64.90. Is it worth buying? A 100% yes for Risk fans! Other board game lovers should have it in their collection too. More pics here.
Monopoly Deal Card Game: A Review
Just in: The new Monopoly Deal Card Game and Risk Reinvention
We live in Singapura, the MTV version
This is an old flash video by NCH Animations of the very funny song sang by Hossan Leong back in 2006 at the TalkingCock in Parliament: We, the Citizens event. The song is a classic and the animation is just perfect! "I live in Singapura. It's not perfect living. But at least it's interesting. I live in Singapura. Though it's kind of crazy. We win other country."
(via misskely)
Texas Star Party Night Sky Time-Lapse Video
Breathtaking time lapse video by William Castleman of the night sky as it passes over the 2009 Texas Star Party in Fort Davis, Texas. Images taken with 15mm fisheye lens. Watching this makes me miss all those wonderful nights I spent under the clear dark skies with my telescope and my fellow astronomy buddies.
(via Mefi)
Muji wall mounted CD player is simplicity at its best

Silent Hill cosplay is creepier than playing the game

(via Nerdcore)
DIY Cardboard Speakers

Typewriter Sculptures by Jeremy Mayer

Dude has the most flattering blogger profile ever!
There isn't enough words that Kashmiri, a blogger from Pakistan, can use to describe his glory self. Check out his Blogspot profile:
I m cute smart intelligent nice loving caring dashing Adorable Marvelous Attractive Friendly Lovely Attitude faithful ambitious sensitive silent very good in hide emotions love to sleep full of good qualities Responsible Exciting to be Around Nice Always Dependable Smiles a Lot Friendly Personality .Outstanding Really Great Memories Excellent Listener Very Kind Enjoyable Benevolent charming Dazzling dedicated Exquisite elegant Fantastic Happy face ideal Naughty Optimistic Remarkable Thoughtful Unique Ubiquitous Very Cool Wonderful Alluring .. Appealing Good-looking Glamorous .Beautiful Eye catching Striking Fascinating Seductive Sparkling Full of life Shining turner Seductive Humorous Stunning Superb .Exquisite Fabulous .Excellent .Exceptional .Terrific .Glittering Tempting .Persuasive Influential Credible .Likeable .grabbing Impressive Marvelous Prominent Pleasing .Extraordinary Congenial .Good-natured .Amazing Tremendous Elegant Fashionable Words r Finished But Still Could not Fully Describe
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Microsoft names research project Cibai, women all over the world feels liberated!
Of all the names in the world that Francesco Logozzo can think of for his research project at Microsoft, he comes up with the epic word, Cibai. What is Cibai? Here. I think someone needs to tell Francesco or Microsoft what it really means. Don't want them to start producing their Cibai t-shirts and merchandise.
Check out this excerpt from his Cibai research paper (PDF): "The next step in the development of Cibai is the generation of method summaries: we plan to apply Cibai on the Java API so to generate stubs, and then to reuse these stubs when analyzing large programs." Apply Cibai on Java to get stubs then reuse stubs on large programs? Huh? I didn't know Cibai is so complicated.
Update: Cibai has exploded on Twitter. Here are some funny Cibai Tweets:
mrbrown: Dear USA tweeters. Let Singapore teach you the real #cibai. CIBAI is actually a warm Asian greeting. Try it the next time you meet someone!
weirdnotion: I've got so many friends who already own #cibai. You're not gonna make a profit, Microsoft!
starstreet: My friend just said: My CIBAI got virus!! Oh god the jokes won't stop coming. Coming, get it? Coming...?
misskely: Damn Cibai is so complicated? Fear not, maybe they'll publish a manual: Tools and Shortcuts to cibai.
And lastly two of mine:
izreloaded: Friend asked if I tried Cibai before. I said which one? Microsoft Cibai, not yet. Too complicated. I prefer my Cibai to be less complicated.
izreloaded: I've been talking about Cibai non stop for more than two hours already. Think I got the Cibailitis. It's highly infectious.
Nasi Lemak! Nasi Lemak! Nasi Lemak! Enough already inSing.com!
Since everyone is talking about the inSing.com ads that are showing up on TV and the web, I thought I should do an extended version of their Nasi Lemak ad for those of you who can't get enough of, yes you guessed it, Nasi Lemak. Watch the video above.
DK says it best in a comment left on my YouTube video page: "Brilliant! Someone please play this youtube video at the person who approved the stupid inSing ads. Repeat the video until he decides to pulls it down from CNA (Channel News Asia)."
Monday, May 18, 2009
Retro Mini Handheld NES System

Swedish designers show us the proper way to tell the time

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