Tuesday, November 29, 2011
AT-AT Starbucks Edition serves your fav Starbucks coffee
In the Star Wars movies, the AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) aka the Imperial Walker is a major part of the Galactic Empire's army. But if you're part of the Galactic Empire battling the good guys in one of these AT-ATs, you will definitely need the occasional coffee break. So where do you go for one? The AT-AT Starbucks cafe, of course!
EZ-Steady is a simple stabilizer for iPhone, DSLR, etc
Dude makes the "perfect" camera stabilizer after almost a year of designing, prototyping, and re-designing. EZ-Steady lets you get really smooth camera motions without having to use a large rig. It is a simple, hand held device that eliminates camera shake and gives the footage a feeling of flying.
Nintendo NES Controller Bra comes in all sizes
SceeneShoes sells hand painted bras and shoes. Their Nintendo NES Controller Bra is my favourite! SceeneShoes writes: "This bra is made to look like the the iconic NES Controller! Don't forget to order the matching NES Cartridge bikini style panties."
Olly converts your internet notifications into smell
Olly takes services on the Internet and delivers their pings as smell. It has removable section in the back which you can fill with any smell you like. It is also stackable. If you have more than one you can assign each one to a different service with a different smell. Check out their blog for the development process.
How Matt pulled off a 10-day London vacation for $700
Serial traveler Matthew Kepnes did a 10-day trip to London for only $700. Here's how he did it: "Using my own travel hacking tips, 10 days in London only cost me $710 USD. That works out to be roughly $70 USD per day. And that's not just my day-to-day expenses. That includes EVERYTHING - my flight to London, my hotel, transportation, food, drinking and attractions."
Airline passengers must turn off devices but it’s not clear why
On his New York Times blog Bits, Nick Bilton wonders why we must turn off our mobile devices when we take a plane ride: "Let’s assume that just 1 percent of those passengers left a cellphone, e-reader or laptop turned on during takeoff or landing. That would mean seven million people on 11 million flights endangered the lives of their fellow passengers. Yet, in 2010, no crashes."
Artist prints all the images uploaded to Flickr in 24 hours
For his art exhibition in Amsterdam, Erik Kessels printed all the images uploaded uploaded to Flickr in a 24-hour period and dump all of them in a room. Now that's a lot of photos! He says, "By printing all the images uploaded in a 24-hour period, I visualise the feeling of drowning in representations of other peoples' experiences."
Monday, November 28, 2011
Make your own robot statue at My Robot Nation
My Robot Nation allows you to create your own 3D robot model in your web browser without any plugins! You create it live in your web browser with a fun and simple drag and drop interface and they will make your creation into a ceramic-like robot standing 2 to 6 inches tall. Create your robot by combining body parts, attachments and stamps.
Darth Vader CD Player is Vader approved
The Darth Vader CD Player is a CD player and AM/FM radio in the shape of Darth Vader's helmet. Push the mask upwards to put a CD inside. Includes a headphone jack and a line-in for amplifying audio from an external source such as an MP3 player. I think it makes a good Christmas gift for any Star Wars fan. Ahem. I want!
RPG game about 2 doctors fulfilling a dying man's last wish
To The Moon is a sci-fi, tragicomedy, romance and psychological indie RPG/adventure game about two doctors traversing through the memories of a dying man to fulfill his last wish by using a technology that allows them to weave artificial memories. Interesting storyline. I'm not surprised if someone make this into a film. You can try the game for 1 hour.
Star Wars themed heels are perfect for female Star Wars fans
Jillian makes beautiful custom hand painted Star Wars themed heels! She writes: "I love StarWars, a good cup of coffee, an excellent comic book, a fantastic floy ride, and napping on a tree branch. I have been painting shoes with my durable technique for a few years now. If no customization is required, I will make Star Wars themes shoes for you."
Alien Computer Screens
Dude posts several computer screens from the 1979 Alien movie. The science fiction horror film was directed by Ridley Scott and stars Tom Skerritt and Sigourney Weaver and it spawned several sequels and prequels. It won the 1979 Academy Award for Visual Effects and was also nominated for Best Art Direction.
(Thanks MadNas)
(Thanks MadNas)
Woman takes photo of herself everyday for 4.5 years
Clickflashwhirr's Every Day photo project requires her to take a photograph of herself everyday for 4.5 years. She says, "My face has grown out of the front of my head since birth. There seems to be very little I can do about it." You can watch the video here.
(Thanks Ju)
(Thanks Ju)
iPad 2 made of diamonds, gold and T-Rex dinosaur bone
At £5m, the iPad 2 Gold History edition has to be the most expensive iPad in the market. This is no ordinary iPad 2. It is encrusted with diamonds, gold and has a main front frame made from Ammolite, the oldest rock the world! And add to that, sections of a 65 million year old T-REX Dinosaur’s thigh bone are splintered and shaved into the Ammolite! Seriously, this iPad is too precious for anyone to use.
Kodykoala's Custom Zombie Gameboy
Donald aka KodyKoala makes custom video game figures and statues. One of his latest creations is this custom Zombie Gameboy standing at 7 inches tall. He writes: "This The Gameboy was really beat up to begin with, so I decided the Zombie motif would work with it. The feet are from an Iron Man Mark I figure and the hands are from an Iron Monger Figure."
Make anything on your iPad with Codea
Codea lets you create games and simulations or just about any visual idea you have on your iPad. Just type your code. Touch your code: tap numbers, colors and images to adjust them. Press play to watch it run. Features a full featured vector graphics and image renderer that lets you prototype what you can imagine and lots of fantastic example projects to learn from.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Muppets Cake Pops look like the real Muppets
These are really cute! Bakerella made some Muppet Cake Pops to celebrate the new Muppets movie. She writes: "Okay these are my favorite. I’m sorry Rowlf. And Kermit. Fozzie I still love you. Beaker… well, your hair is lovely, but Miss Piggy’s is prettier." Go check out her recipes.
(Thanks Myra Leong)
(Thanks Myra Leong)
Apple isn't happy with Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone Case
This Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone case is a brilliant idea. Too bad, the folks at Apple didn't think it is: "Well it was fun while it lasted. Yesterday, Society6 was issued a cease and desist from Apple's lawyers. So I'm sorry to say that the cases and skins are no longer available." Wow! I didn't know Apple has the right to Steve Job's image.
8-Bit Starry Night: A re-imagination of van Gogh's masterpiece
Brother Brain recreates classic images in an 8-bit style by combining graphical elements from retro video games! Here he re-imagines The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh using materials from Castlevania and Zelda games.
(Thanks GeekGod)
(Thanks GeekGod)
Averia is the Average Font
Avería was created as the average of all fonts on a computer - a total of 725 fonts. Creator Dan Sayers wanted to find out what the average of all his fonts might look like by overlaying each letter at low opacity. He was pleased with the result and decided to create a new font based on the average of all the fonts on his computer. I'm downloading!
The 2012 Time Travel Calendar
The 2012 Time Travel Calendar collects time travel events from films, comics, TV shows and videogames and puts them on a single timeline that plays out over the year. You're getting about 2.6 billion years of time travel in 12 months. All together, there are 155 instances of time travel documented on the calendar.
(Thanks Joshua)
(Thanks Joshua)
Photos of old Singapore taken by British pilot in late 1960s
David Papworth has posted photos taken by his late father during his RAF service posting in Singapore during the period of mid 1967 to the end of 1969. He says: "For many years, these slides remained hidden away in my father's loft and due to family circumstances, it was not possible to gain access to them until now."
Turn your laptop into a portable whiteboard
DrawTop is an adhesive whiteboard made out of high-quality, non-porous vinyl. It custom fits to your laptop, erase cleanly, last for years, and is compatible with any water or alcohol-based cleaner. It cannot be removed and reused, but you can peel it off without any adhesive residue.
Battlestar Gallactica Colonial Viper Helmet
You can own a replica of the Colonial Viper Helmet seen in the original Battlestar Galactica TV series. An original, screen used helmet was digitally scanned to make this replica. The data was then “tweaked” slightly to make the helmet symmetrical. The eagle, microphone and earpieces were cast from original parts.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Singapore Haunted: Bedok Reservoir Mother and Child Suicide episode makes the news!
The latest episode of the hit show that I'm producing and directing, Singapore Haunted has made the news! Singapore Haunted: Bedok Reservoir Mother and Child Suicide was featured on Thursday's edition of Shin Min. Yes, we're on the front page! That's Singapore Haunted's Mervyn Ambrose in the pic.
Here's the full story on page 3 of Shin Min.
They also did a short interview with me for this story.
This episode was also featured on page 2 of Thursday's edition of Lianhe Wanbao! That's a photo of Singapore Haunted's Noel Boyd and...
Here's a picture of two of our guest investigators for this episode, Aravind and Samuel.
Friday, November 04, 2011
Singapore Haunted is the number 1 most searched on Google
Wow! The show that I'm producing and directing, Singapore Haunted has made it to the top of the most searched items on Google Singapore on November 3 2011. And as I'm writing this, it is still at number 1! I'm so proud and happy that I nearly cried. Wait a minute. I did cry. Thanks Singapore! Click here to watch our latest episode, Singapore Haunted: Bedok Reservoir Mother and Child Suicide.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Piaggio APE 50 converted into a small camper
German industrial designer Cornelius Comanns's Bufalino is a small camper converted from a Piaggio APE 50 three wheeled light transport vehicle. The camper is equipped to meet the basic needs of one person. It consists of a bed, two seating units, a cooking zone, a basin, storage space, a water tank and a refrigerator.
Lens Band helps you stop zoom creep in your zoom lens
Stop zoom creep! Lens Band is similar to the silicone wrist band but it is specifically designed to stop your zoom lens from extending under its own weight when pointed downwards or collapsing when pointed upwards. The Lens Band easily stretches over any sized zoom lens, to fit snugly over the zoom ring.
(Thanks GeekGod)
(Thanks GeekGod)
Brains in a Jar Cupcakes is gross but extremely edible
Halloween may be over but it doesn't mean you can't freak out your family and friends with this Brains in a Jar Cupcakes. Amy writes: "Obviously these are not real brains (much to the disappointment of my 7 year old son), but they’re close enough and are the perfect combination of creepy and gross."
Build your own Cineskates with a Gorillapod and some wheels
This looks like a project that I should be doing right away! Ed Lewis teaches us how to make an adjustable tripod dolly using a GorillaPod and three rollerblade wheels. He says: "It’s a tripod… with wheels! Now you just need to plop a camera on top and you’re good to go and experiment. You can get some cool shots with this tripod dolly"
Nikon D300s successfully sent to space on a weather balloon
Cygnus Project has successfully sent a Nikon D300s attached to a weather balloon into space and they have the photos to prove it! This pic on the left was taken by the camera just over two hours into the flight. As you can tell, it was already in space! There's also some condensation on the lens that was frozen. Video here.
Make your own iPhone case from your Instagram photos
Casetagram helps you design your own easy snap on, durable hard iPhone case using your own Instagram photos. Just connect your Instagram, import your photos, use their template to create your design and let them print it into a case! Right now, they are offering free shipping to international orders.
(Thanks Vicki)
(Thanks Vicki)
Project Womb lets you die in a high tech womb-like coffin
The folks behind Project Womb find rectangular caskets unnatural and unfriendly so they come up with a womb-like coffin design that is also a media-driven time capsule that makes sure your life story lives on. It comes with a cloud-based encrypted media database that hosts your music, images, video and text for an indefinite time.
Dot Mario Cushion is super cute but not for sale
Club Nintendo in Japan is giving its Platinum members a number of gifts including this Dot Mario Cushion. So cute, I want! Other gifts include desk calendar, a choice of two soundtracks from Tomodachi Collection, Pilotwings Resort, Star Fox 64 3D, Wii Fit Plus, and Mario Kart Wii.
(Thanks Lord Kimbo)
(Thanks Lord Kimbo)
Massive Motorcycle Tin Toy collection goes on sale on eBay
Some dude from Australia is selling his massive motorcycle tin toy collection on eBay: "Tin motorcycle toy collection, over 300 friction, wind up and battery motorcyles from Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, England, USA, etc. Included is another collection of battery powered remote controlled motorcycles and other plastic vintage bikes."
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Singapore Haunted: Top 10 Most Haunted Moments Caught On Camera!
A flying ghost at Changi Hospital, a playful tree spirit at Bedok Reservoir and the ghost of a girl who died at the famous Yellow Tower at...

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