Saturday, November 05, 2011

Singapore Haunted: Bedok Reservoir Mother and Child Suicide episode makes the news!


The latest episode of the hit show that I'm producing and directing, Singapore Haunted has made the news! Singapore Haunted: Bedok Reservoir Mother and Child Suicide was featured on Thursday's edition of Shin Min. Yes, we're on the front page! That's Singapore Haunted's Mervyn Ambrose in the pic.


Here's the full story on page 3 of Shin Min.


They also did a short interview with me for this story.


This episode was also featured on page 2 of Thursday's edition of Lianhe Wanbao! That's a photo of Singapore Haunted's Noel Boyd and...


Here's a picture of two of our guest investigators for this episode, Aravind and Samuel.

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