Miss Singapore TV season 2015 episode 2 is out! Watch and share. Thanks! (Note: Unfortunately, this episode is not playable on mobile phones. Watch it on your computer.) On this episode, watch the finalists of Miss Singapore Beauty Pageant 2015 raise money for VSA, then the girls do their dance flash mob, show off their talent in the Talent segment and wow the audience at OneKM mall at their Fashion Showcase. Here are some photos.
"Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place. Where as a child I'd hide. And pray for the thunder and the rain. To quietly pass me by." Here's the full video of me on the drums playing Sweet Child supported by the female Axl Rose on vocals during our National Day party talent show.
Here's episode 1 of Miss Singapore TV season 2015. I had a fantastic time shooting this ep with the girls at Bintan Agro Beach Resort. Had 3 days of footage to go through to cut this episode and sleepless nights of post production work. I hope the final product captured the fun and memories we had at Bintan.
In keeping with tradition started with Mrs Singapore TV 2015, I used the slightly edited Miss Singapore TV commercial that I shot starring the reigning queens Tammy Ng, Siyamala Vasavan and Jasmine Chye for the title sequence for Miss Singapore TV 2015.
I would like to thank ERM for organising the trip - boss Angela Tay and my Bang Bang Bang sisters, the very hardworking Jacqueline Wong, Xue Ting and Florence Lai, Walter Soh for the comedic moments on this ep, the very nice people at Bintan Agro Beach Resort for accommodating us and feeding us, Sindo Ferry - without them we had to swim to Bintan, friends at The Makeover Inc - Brenda Goh, Xuanz Tang, Lih Ming, the Vintage Studio boys Jeremy Soh, Ang Vincent and Gary Oliver and the lovely bloggers Mary Jane Tauyan Fitzsimmons and Ng Meishu.
And of course not forgetting the finalists of Miss Singapore Beauty Pageant 2015. You gals are the real stars of the show. Love you all. Enjoy episode 1 and the following pics and a bonus video found at the end of this post of me partying with the girls and crew on our last night in Bintan.