The second flash mob (if you would like to call it) organised by HTC happened at Wisma Atria on Saturday with a lot less people and comes with a false start. Watch the Wisma Atria flash mob on Klik.TV here (or click above) and catch the false start video below.
Speakers not working. LOL.
Previously: HTC Flash Mob at Raffles Place is the Largest Ever Flash Mob in Singapore
haha! how come they never check their speakers?
btw that girl in black top and blue hotpants... wooohooooo!!!!!!
raffles place one better
so it is by htc! no wonder they showing off the phones.
that girl danced like she's dancing for a strip show.
I can spot IZ. I can spot IZ. Heee.
Dude, their speakers no battery must be.
Wah seh. Flash mob can restart one meh?
IZ: Both videos are really great. Thanks man. Klik.TV rocks!!!
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