Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Fabulous Secret Powers
"Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and sang..." Add He-Man with What's Going On by Four Non Blondes and a little bit of disco and you'll get probably the best He-Man video you will ever watch. Go Prince Adam! Go!
Gundam made of plastic model leftovers
I've seen some amazing Gundam sculptures but this one is really impressive. It took 250 man-hours to build this 10 foot RX-78-2 Gundam using the leftover wires that hold together plastic model parts together. Now that's recycling!
How to convert your iPhone 4 into Leica M9 camera
Joey Celis hates buying cases from his mobile phones so for his new iPhone 4, he decides to make a sticker instead! He writes about his iPhone 4/Leica M9 conversion sticker: "Since I couldn't install a blinking antenna I decided to embellish the front and back of the phone to make it look like a Leica M9." I want! I want!
Teabagging Bag makes tea, nothing sexual
For those of you who do not know what teabagging is, it is an act where a man inserts his scrotum into another person's mouth in the fashion of a teabag into a mug with an up/down (in/out) motion. And then, there's the Teabagging Bag, the ultimate tea bag! Nothing sexual. It is reusable and just makes tea.
Yoda Head Cake looks amazing like Yoda's head
Tchitwood took 9 hours to make this incredible looking Yoda Head Cake. 2 hours for baking and stacking, 1 hour for carving the cake and molding rice krispie ears, and 6 hours for the fondant work, detailing and painting. I don't know how anyone can eat this. It's Master Yoda!
(Thanks Mr Big)
(Thanks Mr Big)
Sexy Star Wars Pin-Ups
Star Wars fanboy Morten Moeslund loves pin-ups. Who doesn't? So he spends his time drawing nothing but these sexy Star Wars pin-ups. First he scans the lineart which is done by hand and then he paints them using Adobe Photoshop. He does other characters not from the Star Wars universe too.
The Happy Meal Project proves Happy Meal is a mutant food
Sally Davies bought a Happy Meal, put both the burger and fries on her living room table and then photographs the meal every day for the next 137 days and counting. Surprise, surprise. The Happy Meal looks more or less the same as it did when Sally first bought it.
Eating Fried Beer is more fun than drinking beer
The folks from Fun Fried Beverages have succeeded in creating the world's first Fried Beer. They put beer inside a salty pretzel like dough, and deep fry it. When you take a bite, beer pours out of the inside pocket of dough. Sounds delicious. I would like to try one!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A Light in the Darkness: A Star Wars Fan Film
Watch Part One of A Light in the Darkness, a two part Star Wars fan film directed and co-written by Fed Wetherbee, an Emmy award winning cameraman who has worked on many popular reality shows including, Survivor and The Ultimate Fighter. Part Two is currently in post production with a release date for later this year.
Perseid Meteor Shower from Joshua Tree National Park
Henry Jun took this stunningly beautiful timelapse video of the Perseid Meteor Shower and the galactic core of the Milky Way as seen from Joshua Tree National Park between August 12 and August 15, 2010.
I'm inspirational so come and be inspired by yours truly!
I am on Chihiroig's Inspiring People list on Twitter together with Barack Obama, Perez Hilton and MC Hammer.
Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls
The Abracadabra music video by Korean pop girl group Brown Eyed Girls has a lot of suggestive content including BDSM themes, boob touching and lesbian kissing. Yay!
(Thanks Alicia)
Fire Tornado filmed wrecking havoc in Brazil
What's scarier than a tornado? The answer is fire tornado! This one was filmed in Sao Paolo, Brazil. It is caused by a combination of wildfires and strong dry winds following weeks of drought in the country. You should be glad you don't have to face one in your neighbourhood.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Is there really a Pontianak at Bukit Timah hill?
I know it's the Ghost Month but last Saturday, me and my buddies from the Singapore Paranormal Investigators went to an abandoned kampong located at the foot of Bukit Timah Hill to look for a pontianak which is a Malay female vampire. Watch the video.
Making Metagun: A Time-lapse Video
Nizzotch says, "This is a timelapse of me making Metagun, a game for Ludum Dare 18." You can play the game here.
Notice to spray pesticides for pests
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sexy girl turns into demon in Chatroulette, scares horny guys
Brilliant viral marketing video by the people behind the upcoming movie, The Last Exorcism. Sexy girl chats with horny guys in Chatroulette. Girl teases them. Horny guys get excited but then she transforms into a demon. Horny guys not so horny anymore.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Worst Guns N' Roses Cover Band
I have never seen a worse Guns N' Roses cover band. Really! Someone please sign these guys right now! YouTube is too small a stage for them.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Chipmunks perform You Are The One Singapore

The only way I can listen to JJ Lin's You Are The One Singapore aka the Singapore YOG Cheer Song is when Alvin and the Chipmunks sing it. Watch it on Klik.TV!
Kush provides a natural rest for your breasts
Ladies, you can fork out US$55 to buy Kush to gently support and cushion the weight of your breasts when you're sleeping or you could simply give me a call and I can lend you my face for the job. Yes, it's a free service!
Journalism warning labels for sloppy journalism
No bad journalist is safe! Go download Tom Scott's Journalism Warning Labels and paste them on newspapers where you find sloppy journalism and other questionable content. You can also download his original Illustrator file.
Kick-Ass Motorcycle Helmet inspired by Halo
Japanese dude shows us how he makes his ultra cool motorcycle helmet probably inspired by the popular game Halo. The page is unfortunately in Japanese but the pics speak for themselves.
(Thanks Hu)
(Thanks Hu)
The Illustrated Guide to PhD for PhD students who don't know what PhD is
Every fall, Matt explains to a fresh batch of PhD students what a PhD is. It's hard to describe it in words so he uses pictures: "Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge. Once you're at the boundary, you focus. You push at the boundary for a few years. Until one day, the boundary gives way."
Yo! MTV Raps card collection will bring out all those old rap memories in you
Dude has 147 of the 150 cards in the Pro Set “Yo! MTV Raps” card collection. The cards were produced in 1991 and feature 150 cards showcasing rap artists and their accomplishments. He is still missing cards 23, 39, 98. Help him if you can.
Kindle and iPad displays up close and personal
Keith uses his USB powered Microscope to magnify the display screens of his iPad and Kindle. He writes: "I wondered what the Kindle’s screen looks like close up. Quite different! I then compared the Kindle’s screen at roughly 26x and 400x with the iPad’s screen at approximately the same resolution."
Merly the YOG mascot, all grown up with boobs!
Extvia created this fanart of the Youth Olympic Games mascots, Lyo and Merly. He writes: "I just had to try very hard to draw them as cute as the originals. This is a fully digital picture, though I made 3-4 pencil reference sketches before I draw the whole thing on my PC. As usual, I made a little modification on their design with naughty thoughts."
(Thanks Jit)
(Thanks Jit)
Paperdoll Youth Olympic Games Mascots
Print and fold your very own paperdoll version of Lyo and Merly, the mascots for the 2010 Singapore Youth Olmypic Games. Lyo is a lion cub with a mane as fiery as his passion for life. merlion cub who loves exploring the seas surrounding Singapore, and beyond.
(Thanks Shy)
(Thanks Shy)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in HD
If you missed the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Youth Olympic Games which is now being held in Singapore, head over to the Official Youth Olympic Games Channel on YouTube to catch it again in HD! Watch Part 1 and Part 2.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Star Wars Lego minifigs do battle in Space Invaders
Chris McVeigh uses Star Wars Lego minifigs for his Space Invaders project. He writes: "This project has been in the making for months. It took some time to sort out the platform design and secure the rarer minifigs. It's now hanging on my living room wall, where I expect it's found a permanent home." I want this on my wall too!
Have your own cool custom robot for under $100
Dude wants to give anyone a cool custom Robot for under $100. He writes: "I am making custom low-cost Robots for kids and adults. I want to get everyone's opinion on what they want in a Robot for under $100. If anyone has something specific in mind that they would like me to design and build, message me privately and I can start immediately."
(Thanks matthewjk03)
(Thanks matthewjk03)
Russian Happy Meal not from McDonald's
Russian Happy Meal anyone? More like Russian Nightmare Meal! Over in Russia, buying preserved food will get you a free gift that is well, equally preserved. That's right. Stuffed animal toys in a jar filled with preserved pickles, chillies, etc. Not sure if they come with instructions to wash the toy before playing.
(via Nerdcore)
(via Nerdcore)
Postertext are book posters for reading enthusiasts
Thanks to Postertext, you can now hang your favorite book on the wall with the complete text, arranged to depict a memorable scene from the book! Currently they are only making posters based on classical literature but they will be expanding to contemporary literature, including popular books such as The Lord of the Rings.
What every Doctor Who fan wants is a Dalek birthday cake
Stacked, a specialty online cake business located in Canberra, Australia, created this magnificent Dalek birthday cake. They write: "This cake was a challenge but ended up better than we could have imagined. It stands 22" high and weighs nearly 20kg."
Entire Simpsons town in 3D pixel art using only Perler beads
By arranging and organizing thousands of tiny pieces of Perler beads, the folks behind Project Springfield are in the process of creating a multi-layered landscape that includes nearly the entire town of Springfield, the home the Simpsons!
iPhone cover looks like a retro cassette
Covert your iPhone into an old cassette with the Retro Cassette iPhone cover. The silicon cover is designed to look exactly like an old audio cassette, complete with its own case. And when fully opened, the case makes a perfect stand for your iPhone. Sweet! Only for iPhone 3G and 3Gs.
Life, Panoramic
Life, Panoramic is a collection of city portraits from around the world, written and photographed by locals. Here's one taken in Beijing: "Further down, an old man drags deliberately at a cigarette, holding the smoke deep in his chest. He stares nostalgically at paddle boats drifting by."
(Thanks Terra Siow)
(Thanks Terra Siow)
Who's wearing what in the new English Premier League season?
The 2010-11 English Premier League season kicks off later this evening with the match between my beloved Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester City. Come on you Spurs! Click here to take a look at how all the 20 English Premiership clubs will look this season.
(Thanks Mr Big)
(Thanks Mr Big)
Monkey playing with Goat proves evolution is alive and well in Chennai
Over at Chennai, the monkeys there don't only want to play with themselves, they want to play with goats too. Like riding on the goats and pulling their tails.
(Thanks Joven)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hollywood Bruce Banner transforms into Bangladeshi Hulk aka Halka

Perhaps one of the best ever Hulk transformation you'll ever watch. Yes, Halka is really a Bangladesh made film. Don't ask me who did the award winning Hulk CGI! Watch this on Klik.TV.
Delicious Strawberry Flavoured Chocolate Condoms Unwrapped and Tasted!
I got this from a friend who bought it from Taiwan. Thanks babe! It looks like a box of condoms.
"Choco is better than sex," it says. Hmmm, not so sure about that.
Ok these aren't condoms but strawberry flavoured chocolate that is wrapped up to look like condoms!
Here's a close up.
Tear away the wrapper and there you have it.
It does look like a condom but you can't wear it. You put it in your mouth and eat it. So how does it taste like? Better than any condom for sure. I think there's a chocolate flavoured one too.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Hairy Underwear for people who love hair
Finnish art duo Nutty Tarts' Hairy Underwear Collection includes panties, undershirt and leggings for men and women. Designed for people who want to celebrate hairyness, the Hairy Underwear is also perfect for people who have gone hairless and miss their hair.
Safety booklet warns kids there's danger around every corner
Gene remembers his first bicycle and the original paperwork and city license that came with it, along with a small safety booklet supplied by the local police department. It contains advice for children and shows in rather graphic detail the consequences of carelessness.
Japanese Retro Video Game Shops
Donkeykong posts photos taken inside Japan's retro video game shops. He writes: "Although auction sites like eBay and Yahoo Japan are becoming increasingly fertile hunting grounds for treasures from the video game past, there is nothing that beats walking into a retro video game shop." I agree!
Cherry Chomper chomps away the seeds
The Cherry Chomper is great for all you lazy cherry eaters. It pits cherries so you don’t have to. Simply pop a cherry in its mouth, press the head and release. The rapid plunging action pushes the seed through the cherry leaving it perfectly pitted and ready to eat. Comes with a little recipe booklet.
Star Wars Cupcakes are Yoda approved!
lclllc runs her own bakery and judging from her photos on Flickr, she's quite good at making cupcakes. She has done the Muppets and the Super Hero Squad and one of her latest creations is these set of Star Wars cupcakes. They are awesome!
Vintage Tokyo Subway Manner Posters
Over at Pink Tentacle, you can view a collection of manner posters that appeared in the Tokyo subways between 1976 and 1982. This one, The Seat Monopolizer, was inspired by Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator". It encourages passengers not to take up more seat space than necessary.
How to print with the iPad
iPad printing apps claim to do a lot but many of them simply do not work so I decided the best way to print with the iPad is to put it on the copier!
Blackstar Warrior is better than Star Wars Episode I, II and III
Who's the baddest dude in the galaxy? Blackstar Warrior! Who's slicker than Superfly? Blackstar Warrior! Who's coooler than Captain Kirk? Blackstar Warrior!
Monday, August 09, 2010
Korean girls do the Pizza Hut Dance
Watch till the end and they will even teach you how to do the Pizza Hut Dance.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Seat Savers are great for people who wanna "chop" seats
Seat Savers are helpful items that keep your seat for you until you return. Items include spilled Dunkin Donuts coffee, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, nail polish, Chinese food and Hot Sauce. What a brilliant idea! Beats using tissue to chop seats.
(Thanks Adele)
(Thanks Adele)
Stormtrooper Hood Ornament made from McDonald's toy
Dude uses the head of a McDonald's Stormtrooper driving a wind-up AT-AT toy to make this cool Stormtrooper ornament for the hood of his car! He sanded the head with fine grit sand paper and then painted the head metallic silver before mounting it on his car.
Fly Legs as Eyelashes... Eeeks!
Jessica Harrison wears fly legs as eyelashes in an exhibit titled Flylashes, part of a small series of works using fly parts with other materials. She explains: "I used the legs and wings for explorative sculptural purposes, in the case of Flylashes, gluing them to my own eye using eyelash glue."
The Definitive Beastie Boys Sample Source Collection
Miscreant Productions writes: "As promised, this is it; the brand new, fresh-ass updated compilation that trumps any other Beastie Boys sample collection that has ever been attempted!" What an effort! Go download The Definitive Beastie Boys Sample Source Collection now. Go!
Jami loses her bike in Brooklyn, then gets it back
Author Jami Attenberg on how she got her stolen bike back: "Today is one of my proudest days as a New Yorker. My bike got stolen last night and goddamn if I didn’t have it back before noon today, thanks to a curious but powerful mixture of internet savvy, a responsive police force, and one very special Law and Order fan."
Robotic Dog Coin Bank will eat your coins and not puke them out
Just drop some coins into the dish of the Robotic Dog Coin Bank and watch as the dog eats them up. But don't worry, all your coins will be safe inside the box, not in its tummy. Phew. The Robotic Dog Coin Bank comes in a choice of five fun breeds, each with his own unique color marking.
10K Apart wants you to inspire the web with just 10K
Ok guys and gals, it’s time to get back to basics - back to optimizing every little byte like your life depends on it. Your challenge? Build a web app (preferably in HTML 5) in less than 10 kilobytes and send it to 10K Apart. Over $10K in prizes to be won. Contest ends in 18 days.
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