Monday, December 24, 2012
Happy Holidays and have a Gangnam Style Christmas!
Wishing all my readers a Merry Gangnam Christmas and a Happy New Year! Party hard and stay safe.Watch my Gangnam Style video above.
And to all Singapore Haunted fans and viewers, enjoy this video starring the stars of Singapore Haunted (via the Official Singapore Haunted Facebook Page). Thanks for watching and supporting the show. Love ya all!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Singapore Haunted on Malaysian newspaper theSun!!!

The hit web TV show that I'm directing, Singapore Haunted continues to get more and more press coverage. This time, we are on Malaysian newspaper theSun! You can read the article here (e-paper version). It's not everyday, my show is mentioned on the same page as the Hobbit! Heh. In it, I answered some questions posed by the paper.

Here are two of the questions.
theSun: In this day and age, why are people still so fascinated by the paranormal?
IZ: I think people are generally fascinated by the paranormal and that's why our show Singapore Haunted is popular. Also, it is because the show deals with a subject matter that we, as human beings, are so curious about. Everybody has a fascination with the unknown. It's a constant journey towards finding the truth.
theSun: How did you become interested and involved in this field?
IZ: I've always been fascinated by the unknown. And everyone grows up listening to ghost stories and I'm no different, but I was a bit sceptical. A few years ago, I had a chance to produce and direct a special to promote a paranormal show for Discovery Channel, and it involved a team of investigators doing paranormal investigation. I was totally blown away by the findings, and the viewership for that special was really amazing. So when we founded R3LOAD Network, I knew right away that we needed to produce a show that can help debunk or prove the many different haunting stories we have in Singapore. That's how Singapore Haunted was born.
You can also read the web version of the article here.
Previously: Singapore Haunted East Coast Park Yellow Tower Revisited Special episode makes the news!
Charles the Chair is made of concrete, now weather proof
The world's most favorite lounge chair and ottoman is finally weather-proof! Charles the Chair is made entirely out of concrete by Singapore furniture outfit Fred Lives Here. They sell iconic furniture and homeware for people who enjoy modern classics, bespoke items, or things that are just plain cool.
Large Star Wars collection for sale on Craigslist
Dude is selling his large Star Wars collection for $35,000 on Craigslist: "Life size statues including Han Solo in Carbonite, Anakin, Stormtrooper armor, all vintage figures (nearly 100 MOC), numerous limited edition pieces from Master Replicas and Gentle Giant, Data East pinball, many autographs of the actors on 8x10 glossy photos..."
How to make Charlie Brown Christmas ornaments
Jessica teaches us how to make these adorable Charlie Brown Christmas ornaments that look like cookies that look like ornaments. She writes: "Cut out the felt shapes. From the ornament shape, cut 6 peach, 5 white and one each red yellow and blue. Each ornament will have a front and back main piece."
Christmas Gifs celebrate Xmas the animated gif way
Christmas is coming so enjoy this collection of animated Christmas Gifs, a festive showcase of animated gifs created by an international group of illustrators, animators and directors. Lots of gems including this Santarina that transforms into a green skull.
(Thanks dann)
(Thanks dann)
LED Space Helmet makes you look damn cool in space
Jenn Mann originally made this LED Space Helmet for a David Bowie themed Halloween party. It became a hit so she decided to make more and sell them. She writes: "LEDs are arranged around the inside back of the helmet so it glows from the inside. The back of the helmet is painted solid white."
The Michael Palmer & Laura Ong Affair: The Public Speaks
XinMSN news story about the Michael Palmer affair featuring top quotes from the likes of Mr Brown and me: "A local tabloid exposed 33-year-old Laura Ong Hui Hoon's lurid text messages to Palmer and identified Laura as Palmer's lover. Laura was the former constituency director of Pasir Ris West Constituency Office." You can follow me on Twitter here.
Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter build from beer cans
Dude who is an expert in recycled art builds this model of the X-Wing Starfighter using Kaiser beer cans! The X-wing is the primary interceptor and dogfighter of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic in the Star Wars universe. It was famously piloted by Luke Skywalker.
Star Wars R2D2 Hip Flask
YourFlask is an Etsy shop that sells specialized flasks for your drinking pleasures like this R2D2 hip flask that has the image of the popular droid on both sides of the flask. The 6oz flask fits easily into your jeans or jacket pockets and is a must have when you travel the galaxy far far away.
Beeracuda is your over-the-shoulder beer holder
Beer lovers will love this! The Beeracuda is an over-the-shoulder beer holder. The liquid lunch box stores five cold cans of beer in the insulated sleeve, and a sixth can on the koozie-enhanced shoulder strap. Don't leave home without it.
(Thanks Jason Fa)
(Thanks Jason Fa)
Dude replicates people's Facebook profile pics
Here's a really cool way to attract the attention of the person you wanna friend on Facebook. Casinoroy on his FB Profile Pic Replication project: "After finding people with the same name as me, I'd replicate their profile pic and seed them a friend request."
(Thanks Angelo)
(Thanks Angelo)
X-Ray Ronald McDonald toy reveals bones and more
This made in Japan toy of a X-ray Ronald McDonald clown has a transparent body which shows off the inner body parts. Yes, you can see all the bones and not surprisingly, there are also hamburgers below the ribs. What else will Ronald McDonald eat right?
(Thanks Lycia)
(Thanks Lycia)
iPhone case is a multi-tool with knife and scredrivers
Now you can fix your bike and cut your steak with your iPhone! Task One is the first Multi-tool for the iPhone. It houses 16 tools in an aircraft aluminum enclosure mounted to your phone via two polycarbonate bands. It has a 2.5" knife, saw, pliers wire cutters and more.
Play foosball on your iPad
Classic Match Foosball is an iPad accessory that lets you experience playing foosball on your iPad! Download the free app and you are ready to play the Classic Match Foosball game. The accessory is a working foosball gametable that pairs working 2 axis control bars with tactile elastomer handles while transforming your iPad into a foosball table.
Friday, December 07, 2012
Look at how much light pollution we create in Singapore
This image from NASA's EOSDIS shows the light pollution generated by Singapore. EOSDIS provides the capability to interactively browse full-resolution, global, near real-time satellite imagery allowing us to view at the entire Earth as it looks "right now" - or at least as it has looked within the past few hours.
And here's a beautiful view of Earth at night from space constructed using cloud-free night images from a new NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite. The video shows the glow of natural and human-built phenomena across the planet in greater detail than ever before.
Monday, December 03, 2012
Singapore Haunted East Coast Park Yellow Tower Revisited Special episode makes the news!

Look who's on the front page of AsiaOne on Saturday? Me! The new episode of Singapore Haunted is getting some good media coverage. In Singapore Haunted Yellow Tower Revisited Special, I sent the team back to the Yellow Tower at East Coast Park to gather more evidence of the ghost of the girl that was gang raped and murdered there many years ago.
Here's the AsiaOne report: "According to Singapore Haunted, a voice said 'Home' when investigators asked the entity why she didn't leave the place. The entity also replied 'Young' when asked how old she was when she died at the tower."

Yes, we're on the front page of Stomp too! Read the Stomp report here: "A team of local paranormal investigators claims to have captured the thermal image of a ghostly figure which is said to haunt the Yellow Tower at East Coast Park... The team from Singapore Haunted, a popular web TV series featuring a group of paranormal investigators exploring some of the most haunted locations in the country."
The episode is also featured on Vietnam's popular news portal 24h and The Kuala Lumpur Post.
You can like the show and view bonus clips, pictures and get all the updates on our official Facebook page.
Play the classic real-time strategy game Dune 2 online
You can now play the classic Dune II game online for free! Dune II was the archetypical "real-time strategy" game. Striking a balance between complexity and innovation, the game laid the foundation for the coming Command & Conquer, Warcraft and StarCraft series, and many other RTS games.
(Thanks GeekGod)
(Thanks GeekGod)
Realisitc Baby Head chocolate cakes are downright creepy
When not making cakes, Annabel de Vetten of Conjurer's Kitchen is an amateur magician. When's she not doing magic, she creates unique cakes and other delicious goodies. One of her creations is these commissioned creepy looking baby heads made from solid white chocolate. I love white choc but who wants to eat it in this form?
Play Strip Poker with Eva Angelina and she'll start stripping
If you are a fan of poker and you want to play the game on your Android smartphone, then you should check out Strip Poker - Eva Angelina. This game has been deemed as one of the most underrated mobile poker games in the market but if you're looking for a typical poker game then this is something that's definitely for you.
Strip Poker - Eva Angelina have a simple rule - amass $201 or more and the gorgeous dealer will start stripping. For those of you who are expecting her to strip all the way to nudity, you will be disappointed. Yup, no nudes! But hey it says Strip Poker right? Well I guess you guys have to wait for a version where she strips all the way. If you are an android phone user you can download the game for free here.
Artists repaints dolls so that they look like the real person
Repaint artist Noel Cruz thinks celebrity dolls aren't lifelike so he repaints them! Here he describes the art: "Repaint is a new form of pop art, wherein the doll's face is treated like a three dimensional canvas, with the added challenge of painting within a very small area and an even greater challenge of recreating a real person's likeness."
Shark Tracker lets you track sharks all over the world
Thanks to OCEARCH's Global Shark Tracker, you can now observe the navigational pattern of sharks that have been tagged with satellite tracking technology all for the purpose of shark conservation. When a shark's fin tag breaks the surface and a satellite is over head, you'll get a ping. The system can detect the radius to within 250 meters.
Wall chart documents the 100 years history of film
Larry Gormley has spent 5 years to create The History of Film wall chart which chronicles the history of feature films from the origins in the 1910s until the present day. More than 2000 of the most important feature-length films are mapped into 20 genres spanning 100 years.
Photographer trades his skill, travels the world without money
The Pixel Trade is a photographic project by international freelance photographer Shantanu Starick. He travels around the world without using money by trading his services for a few days, photographing any subject, in return for food, shelter and transport.
(Thanks Zia)
(Thanks Zia)
The Worlds first power generating iPad Rocking Chair
Even the rocking chair needs an upgrade. The iRock is a rocking chair with a self sufficient iPad dock and sound station. Regular rocking will add +35% to the duration of the battery of your iPad. 2 x 25w speakers enables you to enjoy your favorite songs while rocking. The iRock is handcrafted out of Swedish pine wood and comes in 5 Different colors.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Singapore Haunted captures image of female ghost at the legendary Yellow Tower at East Coast Park

Singapore Haunted, a popular web TV series produced by R3LOAD Network featuring a team of paranormal investigators exploring some of the most haunted locations in the country, has revealed new amazing evidence of the paranormal at East Coast Park's legendary Amber Tower also know as the Yellow Tower.
In its latest investigation, the team from Singapore Haunted returns to East Coast Park's Yellow Tower for a special episode. Many years ago, a girl and her boyfriend went to the Yellow Tower late at night. A group of men then beat up the boyfriend and went on to rape the girl. The girl died during the incident. Apparently the ghost of the girl still haunts the tower till today.
Last year, the team left powder on the stairs of the tower and captured amazing footprints believed to be from the same female ghost. The evidence was aired in an episode which went on to make headlines in Singapore.

For their latest episode, Singapore Haunted Yellow Tower Revisited Special, the team decided to return to the Yellow Tower after receiving numerous emails from viewers who watched the episode of the investigation held there last year. Viewers claimed that the paranormal entity is still residing in the tower.
Singapore Haunted producer/director IZ Darson was surprised with the team's discovery this time. He says, “We've done this show for 2 seasons and we are about to do our third and we've encountered many different types of paranormal activity but the evidence we gathered at the Yellow Tower this time has to be the most compelling evidence that points to the existence of the paranormal.”

Highlights of the investigation include this incredible thermal image of a paranormal entity. Thermal imaging detects radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. This pic shows the thermal image of a ghostly figure on the second floor of the Yellow Tower. It was captured right after one of the investigators claimed to see a female ghost which appeared to him for a few seconds. (Video time code: 15:34)

The team used various scientific equipment like night vision and thermal cameras, digital infrared thermometer, audio recorders and the K-II meter which is a form of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) detector. Paranormal investigators believe that paranormal entities emit EMF and it's this EMF that can be detected by the K-II meter.
Other incredible evidence include 2 EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) recordings of the voice of the female entity. The first voice was recorded when the investigators ask the entity why didn't she leave the tower. A voice answered: “Home” (Video time code: 11:41). The second voice was recorded after the investigators asked how old she was when she died at the tower. The reply was: “Young” (Video time code: 13:26). Both EVPs were followed by intense EMF activity recorded by the K-II meter.
Follow us on Facebook for updates, bonus clips and pics.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thanks for all your birthday wishes and presents!
A belated post but I celebrated my birthday on November 21. Thanks for all your birthday wishes, presents, lunches, dinners, drinks, hugs and kisses. If you haven't got me a gift, it's not too late. My birthday celebrations end on December 1. And yes, do follow me on Twitter and Facebook and also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks again!
How to make a Sushi Cake
I love sushi and this sushi cake looks so yummy! Here's the recipe to make one that serves 6 to 8 person: "Wet your hands, so the rice will not stick on them, and spread half of the rice, push down firmly. Cover with slices of cucumber and avocado. End up with salmon."
(Thanks Shy)
(Thanks Shy)
Bicycle Taxidermy provides loving and lasting solution for your mechanical bereavement
We all love our bicycles but what happens when our favourite bike can't be ridden anymore? Throw it away but keep the handlebar. Bicycle Taxidermy provides a service to mount your bike's handlebar on a scorched or bleached
European oak plaque. The plaque denotes your bike's model, pet name, dates
ridden and a commemorative verse.
Rare Russian Star Wars posters go on sale on eBay
Bloody Rare Books is selling 4 very rare original posters from the first release of the classic Star Wars film in Russia in 1990. This one pictured here is known as the Puma Head poster featuring Darth Vader with a Puma head mask and mini lightsabers on his head. Very strange but I like! Other posters available: Rock Head, Cantina and Cowboy.
Japanese eco-friendly shopping bag converts into helmet
Shopping in Japan can be dangerous especially when an earthquake hits so the Japanese have invented the Grappa, a reusable eco-friendly shopping bag which also doubles as a helmet to protect your head. The helmet part of the bag contains a foam material called EPS. It's the same material used to absorb impacts in ordinary hard hats.
The Hobbit filming locations on Google Maps
Dude has mapped all the known New Zealand filming locations for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on Google Maps. The Hobbit is an upcoming series of three epic fantasy-adventure films directed, co-written and produced by Peter Jackson and based on J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy novel The Hobbit.
Artists transform bicycle parts into works of art for charity
The SRAM pART Project has invited 80 noted artists to transform bike parts into works of art. Each artist is given 100 SRAM high-performance bike components. The artworks will be featured in a juried gallery exhibition, then sold at a gala live auction event. The proceeds help people in need through World Bicycle Relief.
How to explain the Elmo sex scandal to your kids
Thanks to Gawker's illustrated guide starring Elmo, Spiderman and My Little Pony, now parents can explain the Elmo sex scandal to their kids: "Like Elmo's first friend, Cecil said that Elmo had misbehaved with him when he was just a little boy. Cecil said that he had met Elmo while calling numbers he wasn't supposed to call when he was 15."
Gourmet burger making machine will replace human cooks
Momentum Machines is building a machine that can replace all of the hamburger line cooks in a restaurant. Called the Alpha Machine, it can slice toppings like tomatoes and pickles before it places the slice onto your burger, it offers custom meat grinds for every single customer, uses gourmet cooking techniques and it can produce 360 hamburgers per hour.
Google Maps reveal Giant Dick at Sentosa next to RWS
Look what Google Maps find near Resorts World Sentosa (RWS)! A Giant Dick !!! It even calls it Hard Rock (what else would you call a giant dick right?) and if you look closely, there's an excretion of some sort of fluid next to it. Oh my. (Thanks J See)
Monday, November 19, 2012
Mysterious robots of all shapes and sizes invade parts of US
The invasion has begun! Robots of all shapes and sizes like this one in the picture above have been spotted in various parts of the US. No one knows where they come from or where they are heading to. Some videos below.
These group of smaller robots were spotted traveling on the subway in America. The video says: "Something big is happening at a secret location, and these robots are making their way there. These robots have shown signs of advanced artificial intelligence."
Another sighting reported is this one-armed robot hitting the streets.
And this video shot inside a diner shows a two-legged robot. What's going on? This Tumblr site called Brilliant Machines is updating all the various robot sightings. If you spot a robot in your streets do tweet using #brilliantmachines hashtag.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Donald Trump's crazy tweets used in Hitler parody video
Like many people all over the world, I was watching the US Presidential Election results live on TV and also following it on Twitter. When it was announced that Obama had won, Donald Trump went on a Twitter tirade, apparently very unhappy with the result. My first reaction was, why not use his crazy tweets on a Hitler parody video. So here's what I did. Enjoy.
In the video above, Hitler reacts to CNN announcing Barack Obama has won the US Presidential election beating Mitt Romney. Featuring tweets by Donald Trump! This video is a parody of Downfall, a 2004 drama film directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler's reign of Nazi Germany in 1945.
Exploding toys and stuff photographed with very fast flash
Alan Sailer loves shooting stuff in his garage with a pellet rifle and photographing the results with a home built flash. Check out his Explosions photoset on Flickr. Here is a pic of My Little Pony during the explosion in its head. Alan says: "I actually wish this had been taken a few microseconds later. But it's still pretty creepy. It fun messing with the iconic images of childhood this way."
Popinator shoots pop corns into your mouth
I'm not really sure if this thing is real but the Popinator is brilliant marketing by Popcorn Indiana, a company that sells popcorn. The Popinator is the world’s first fully automated, voice activated popcorn shooter triggered by the word "pop". It pinpoints where in the room the spoken word originated from and shoots a popcorn at it. It can shoot up to 15 feet.
I want one!
The Beatles Yellow Submarine Chair Set
Todd Fendos is selling his hand-crafted and painted chairs painted in acrylic with a high-gloss polyurethane finish and inspired by world-famous paintings and individuals. These chairs here is based on The Beatles Yellow Submarine. The pop art style chairs have been painted in bright, vibrant acrylic colors. The backsides of the chairs have also been painted in a Pepperland style.
Skittles Sorting Machine sorts Skittles so you don't have to
The Skittles Sorting Machine was built by Brian Egenriether. It's main purpose is to sort Skittles! He writes: " An IR LED and phototransistor are used to stop the turnstile in position. I fabricated may of the parts from epoxy including the body, the turnstile, the chute header, etc. The base is wood and the funnel is from a hummingbird feeder."
Images from Google Satellite View used in artistic prints
Jenny Odell used images that she got from Google Satellite View for her impressive artistic digital prints called Satellite Collections. She writes: " I collect things that I've cut out from Google Satellite View-- parking lots, silos, landfills, waste ponds. The view from a satellite is not a human one, nor is it one we were ever really meant to see." (Thanks Mike)
Collection of Airline Baggage Labels
Airline Timetable Images, a website devoted to the collecting of airline timetables, has a special section with images of airline baggage labels from all over the world. I like this one by Royal Nepal Airlines. It shows the elusive Yeti serving drinks.
(Thanks Y Tay)
(Thanks Y Tay)
A Slower Speed of Light lets you play in the speed of light
Go try out this free game by the folks at MIT Game Lab. A Slower Speed of Light is a first-person game prototype in which players navigate a 3D space while picking up orbs that reduce the speed of light in increments. It combines accessible gameplay and a fantasy setting with theoretical and computational physics research to deliver an engaging and pedagogically rich experience.
Obama sent to space, has photo to prove it
In honor of the US Presidential Elections, the Earth to Sky Calculus club, a goup of middle and high school science enthusiasts, launched Barack Obama and Mitt Romney into the stratosphere from Bishop Union High School. Here's Obama posing for the camera when he reached space.
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Singapore Haunted: Top 10 Most Haunted Moments Caught On Camera!
A flying ghost at Changi Hospital, a playful tree spirit at Bedok Reservoir and the ghost of a girl who died at the famous Yellow Tower at...

You can watch an almost live webcam (30 secs delay) of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant which suffered major damage from the 9.0 earthqu...
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