I was at Sentosa on Saturday night with the Klik.TV crew to cover ZoukOut 2009 at Sentosa. We will be posting the video tomorrow so in the meantime, here are a few photos taken before we started filming.
That's Samantha and me.
Here's Jit!
View of the VIP/Media area from the top! BTW, it was free booze for us till 11pm! And no, I did not get drunk.
The night was still early when this pic was taken.
The Muttons from 98.7fm join a very happy Samantha for a pic!
The all important ZoukOut Media Pass!
Do watch out for the ZoukOut 2009 video on Klik.TV tomorrow. Lotsa dancing bikini babes, I tell you!
can't wait for the video then!
too bad you have to leave early iz. was so looking forward to zouking out with you.
We want the dancing bikini babes!
We want the dancing bikini babes!
We want the dancing bikini babes!
We want the dancing bikini babes!
thanks for interviewing me that night
>And no, I did not get drunk.
Right. We believe you. :op
samantha is such a cutie.
Nice T-shirt dude.
What? No pics of sexy girls first?
iz: so how's zoukout this year? better than previous ones?
Woooohoooo!!!! IZ!!!!!!!!!!!
Eh how come got no free passes for me? Heh.
can't wait for zoukout 2010
Bring me next year IZ.
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