Say you are the leader of a rogue country and you decide to show off to the world and to your most hatred neighbour that you have the might to scare them shitless. So what do you do? Arrange some long range missile tests and then
photoshop the pic to make it more awesome and hope that no one can spot your digital editing work.
Shahab-3 missiles. Almost begging to be bombed aren't they?
The photo-editing probably means they didn't make too many of them.
p.s. rogue, not rouge =P
The question is: Did they use pirated Photoshop? Haaa!
Busted! Those Iranians are not so clever heh.
>Shahab-3 missiles. Almost begging to be bombed aren't they?
That's their plan. They want to be attacked so that a holy war will start.
Lost: Ooops. Thanks for the spotting the spelling error mate.
Mr Big: Must be pirated copy from China! :op
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