Tuesday, September 09, 2008

George Yeo "When I Grow Up" Blogging Competition

Singapore's first blogging minister George Yeo's blogging contest to encourage young Singaporeans to express their individual vision of what Singapore should be when they grow up, has received plenty of entries. I've been reading some of them and here's one by Ooi Min Hui of Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School:
In schools, every pupil carries a light bag, teachers never give more than two worksheets and the walls are decorated beautifully. All schools are big so that every class do not need to share classrooms. Every pupil will also get his/her own locker to store things that are not needed to be brought home. Pupils will be allowed to wear home clothes to school. Pupils will be able to choose the colour of the table and be able to choose where they want to seat.

Hotels have different types of rooms that both children and adult like. Playgrounds are provided next to the hotel. Football fields and basketball courts are just behind every hotel. Breakfasts will be provided for every two rooms booked by one family at the same time. They will allow tour guides to guide first time people in Singapore. Tour guides will also recommend some beaches to them.

Police station will be built at every neighbourhood so that it is safe everywhere. Policemen will answer questions without needing to think a second. They will give a chance to everyone who does wrong things. If one does wrong things more than two times, he/she will be given a light punishment. But if he/she does something wrong more than five times, he/she will really get it from the police.

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