I love He-Man! And this is brilliant! Skeletor Saves is a collective charity show with work from top artists based on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, benefitting The Ali Forney Center. One of the contributing artists, David Gomez from Barcelona created this “Prince Adam” masterpiece.
(Thanks Sid)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Student has sex with girl on university roof in broad daylight
A student who had sex with his girlfriend on top of a building of the University of Southern California in front of hundreds of onlookers has been suspended from his fraternity. The university is investigating if he had violated a policy that prohibits unauthorised access to building roofs. Seriously? I thought it's something far more serious. Pics here!
iPad for only RM9.80 now available for the dead
A store in George Town, Penang, is selling paper replicas of the iPad and iPhone 4 for the Qingming Festival. The paper iPad is going for RM9.80 and the iPhone 4 costs only RM2. Burn them during the festival and hopefully your long gone loved ones can get to use them in heaven, provided there's 3G coverage up there.
A personal diary on the tragedy of the Japanese earthquake
Salvator-John A. Liotta is an architect and postdoctoral researcher in the Kengo Kuma laboratory at the University of Tokyo. He shares with us his partial and personal diary of a few days that will remain forever in the hearts and minds of the people who experienced the great Japanese earthquake.
(Thanks zanny58)
(Thanks zanny58)
Pictogram Movie Posters
Viktor Hertz on his ongoing project to make pictogram versions of movie posters: "What I do, is that I make a quite simple movie poster, including one or a few pictograms, displaying the theme of the film. Either original pictograms combined, or modified ones, to fit with the film."
Puck Cinema is a caravan movie theater for animation buffs
I love the idea of Puck, a caravan fitted out as a cinema. It could be the smallest cinema in the world. Inside is a tiny cinema with room for only seven people. Puck shows animation films from around the world which are not usually broadcast on TV. It would be cool to have something similar right here in Singapore.
Online archive of Alexander Graham Bell's papers
Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers contains correspondence, scientific notebooks, journals, blueprints, articles, and photographs documenting Bell's invention of the telephone, his family life and other scientific research. The pic here is Bell's design sketch of the telephone, ca. 1876.
(Thanks Sir Thomas)
(Thanks Sir Thomas)
Japan's libraries after the great quake
Just take a look at these photos of the condition of Japanese libraries after the recent great earthquake and you can tell how powerful the shaking of the ground really is. The photos show books being thrown out of their shelves and littering the floors of the libraries. Heartbreaking to see, more so if you are a bookworm.
(Thanks Miki)
(Thanks Miki)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tin Pei Ling's Twitter account before she made it private
PAP's youngest candidate Tin Pei Ling may have changed her Twitter username from @tinrina to @tinpeiling and protected all her tweets but I stumbled upon this Google cache of her old tweets. You can view some of her old tweets here.
Now why is this important? Of course it is. I think Singaporeans should be able to read what our potential Members of Parliament are talking about and more importantly, to see for ourselves how good or bad their grammar is.
Take for example our dear Tin Pei Ling in one of her tweets: "S'poreans not havin endured hardship... is a happy prob actually, coz it means we did not bad. : )" What the... ?! Even Ris Low writes better English.
Update: Tin Pei Ling has spoken on Facebook last night with much improved grammar.
Update: Tin Pei Ling announces on her new Facebook page that she's going to stand on top of moving MRT train!
Update: Tin Pei Ling now has a new Facebook page which can read by anyone.
Previously: Straits Times puts photo of Tin Pei Ling's hair on its front page
Keep walking when you have your NS Maid to carry your backpack for you
I'm sending this to my friends at Johnnie Walker. Maybe they can use this photo of the full time National Serviceman getting his maid to carry his backpack for their next advertising poster. Yeah, keep walking! Actually, I'm all for the 4G army recruiting maids and bangla workers to assist soldiers. Makes life a lot easier. Don't you think?
Update: The NSF pictured above is remorseful for his actions and realises that it was wrong for him to have allowed this. He has been counselled and continues his training according to Ministry of Defence.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Straits Times puts photo of Tin Pei Ling's hair on its front page
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the first time in the history of The Straits Times that a photo showing a lady's back and hair made it to the front page of the newspaper! Strange photo isn't it? Where's her face? That lady is PAP's youngest candidate in this year's General Election, Ms Tin Pei Ling who is 27 years old, a senior associate at Ernst & Young Advisory and married to civil servant Ng How Yue, the principal private secretary (PPS) to the Prime Minister.
Yes, she's the same lady who in 2007 said in a speech that the widening gap between the lowest-income group and the well to do is not the government's responsibility.
The same lady who at a PAP Party Awards event stomped her feet in front of the camera when she didn't know what to say. Video above.
And yes, she's the same lady who in an interview given to My Paper today revealed that she wants to make friends with you online and then take you into the real world.
She's Tin Pei Ling. Yes, that's her. And yes, she wants your vote and maybe another Kate Spade handbag or two.
Update: He loves me. He loves me not! Does Tin Pei Ling really know? Or does she not?
Update: Our dear Tin Pei Ling even has a song written for her: "When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich? Here's what she said to me. Que Pei Ling, Pei Ling. Get a rich husband, forget how old is he. The future is as bright as can be. Que Pei Ling, Pei Ling. Ferrari, LV.... (Thanks Mr Big)
Update: Watch Tin Pei Ling's NUS University Scholars Programme video interview. (Thanks Kok Wan)
Update: Read about Tin Pei Ling in a NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences advertorial. (Thanks Rickie)
Update: Wooh! Tin Pei Ling aka @tinrina has changed her Twitter profile pic! Why? Beach shot too sexy is is it?
Update: @tinrina is now @tinpeiling. She is still protecting her tweets but you can read her old tweets thanks to Google Cache and yes, she's still on Facebook.
Update: Tin Pei Ling has spoken on Facebook last night.
Update: Tin Pei Ling announces on her new Facebook page that she's going to stand on top of moving MRT train!
Update: Tin Pei Ling now has a new Facebook page which can read by anyone.
Update: Tin Pei Ling vs NSP's own sweet young thing, Nicole Seah in Celebrity Deathmatch, General Election style!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Largest and most complete LEGO Star Wars Minifigs for sale
Wow! Dude is selling what he calls the largest and most complete LEGO Star Wars minifigs on eBay: "All sets are 100% complete with minifigs and weapons. San Diego Comic Con 2009 also included. 30th anniversary Gold C-3P0, White Boba Fett, Chrome Darth Vader and Chrome Stormtrooper." Starting bid is US$20k!
Zombie Pinup Pregnancy Photoshoot
I love these pregnant zombie wife photos taken by Mary Wiccaphoto. Geeks Are Sexy writes: "Nicolas’s spouse is a zombie, and from the look of it, she’s about to give birth to a little monster, who I’m sure, will start craving for brains as soon as it comes out of its little den!" For Nicolas and his wife's sake, I hope their kid isn't a zombie.
Make your own 3D camera using two disposable cameras
3D cameras are still costly but making your own is actually quite easy and affordable. All you need is two disposable cameras. Turn one of the cameras upside down to get the two lenses as close together as possible. Line the cameras up so the lenses are on the same level and then tape them together!
Tim Jones makes weird and terrifying things
Tim Jones is a contemporary artist who specializes in dreaming up creatures that could be considered freakish, malformed or generally abnormal. He focuses on combining opposite characteristics such as innocence and menace in an effort to achieve a uniqueness in his characters and creations. My first reaction when I saw his work is WTF!
LEGO Alphabet Spaceships
Mark Anderson's writes about his amazing LEGO Alphabet Spaceships: "I was looking to create some LEGO spaceships, but ran into a brick wall when it came to design. I mean what hasn't been done to death already?! So, to kick start my creativity, I decided to do a spaceship based on each latter of the alphabet."
Tarsier 2.0 transforms your iPhone 4 into a 6" iPad
The Tarsier 2.0 for iPhone 4 is a combination of a bumper case and a detachable, foldaway lens fixture that magnifies the iPhone's display to an equivalent of a 6" LCD. It's great for granddads and grandmas and those of you who complain that the display on the iPhone is too small.
Millennium Falcon in-store promotion model for Toys R Us
Dude is selling a Millennium Falcon model used by Toys R Us for their in-store promotion: "It weighs approximately 60 pounds. It comes with the 2 guns but it is missing the radar dish. The flashing lights still work and only requires a standard outlet plug."
Friday, March 25, 2011
MOM staff, here's what you get with a $575 designer chair
Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has spent almost $272,000 to buy a total of 472 Herman Miller chairs for its staff! The model Celle (pronounced as Sell-uh) costs $575 each and comes with a 12-year warranty. Yes, 12 years! Why would a ministry of the government need designer chairs for its staff? I have no idea but I do know one thing. Looking at the chair I'm sitting on right now, I'm hating it already. Check out the video of the Celle chair above. Feeling jealous? Go work with MOM.
And here's a review of the Celle. Yes, chairs have video reviews too!
What Xiaxue really needs is...
Just talked to a foreign reporter about a story that she's doing on bloggers in the region having plastic surgery to artificially enhance their face - in other words to make them look like Michael Jackson. The answer may not be what she really wanted from me but here's the thing. If any leg extension surgeon is reading this and would like to sponsor your services to make someone taller, please contact Xiaxue.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
"Cultured" Singaporean bitch tells heartlanders to stay away from Holland Village
Thanks to Samantha, I don't think I can go to Holland Village anymore man. I'm not cultured enough. Anyway here's the story. Bitch calls local radio station and complains about heartlanders who visit Holland Village. Yes, she stays there and claims Holland Village residents are cultured while heartlanders are not and they shouldn't visit Holland Village. So screw you Samantha!
Star Destroyer Ice Luge will cool your beer
Here's how to impress your Star Wars loving friend during his birthday! Dude made a Star Destroyer Ice Luge for his friend's birthday. He used a chainsaw to carve a large block of ice into a Star Destroyer with narrow channels on it so that it can be used as an ice luge to cool a beverage for drinking.
Retro Handheld Games Collection is playable online!
Over at Pica Pic, you can view a digitalised collection of handheld retro electronic games like The Terminator, Space Bridge, Bartman, Mickey & Donald and much more. And the best thing about the site is you can play all those games online! Yes, for free!
(Thanks GeekGod)
(Thanks GeekGod)
Otaku rooms after the great Japanese earthquake
Danny Choo posts several photos of otaku rooms after the giant earthquake struck Japan: "Owners of these otaku rooms got off lightly compared to Northern Japan after the earthquake. It is said that the most vulnerable rooms in the event of an earthquake is no doubt the otaku room."
Beautiful Vintage Book Covers from 1902 to 1984
Ewan James writes about his Vintage Book Covers photoset on Flickr: "Some writers seem to be gifted the most superb cover design! For the most part, I've tried to upload only those covers which I feel capture the essence of the novel or go some way to enhance the reading experience by adding meaning."
Monopoly Money Refill Pack gives you more money
Need to supplement the bank reserves in your Monopoly game? The Monopoly Money Refill Pack has $16,550 worth of Monopoly money! It is also a great way to cheat and beat your friends at Monopoly. You can also use it as a notepad or leave a tip at the restaurant. But please be generous with the tip. Remember, you now have lots of Monopoly money. Don't be greedy.
How to make a real life Pixel Trash Can
BrittLiv is a Chemical and Biological Engineering student who loves working with wood during her spare time. Here she teaches us how to make a Pixel Trash Can using what else but wood: "From the second I saw this paper pixel trash can I fell in love with it and I knew that I wanted to make a real life model."
Reform Party ready or not ready?
Straits Times says Reform Party is ready: "The Workers' Party (WP) does not think it is ready, but the Reform Party (RP) thinks it is."
But My Paper says they are not ready: "Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam, secretary-general of the Reform Party, said he agreed with Ms Lim that they are in no position yet to form the government."
So which is it? Can you newspaper guys make up your minds? Ready or not ready?
Update: Joy from My Paper sends me a tweet: "My colleague had double checked with Mr Jeyaretnam on that quote before running, so my paper's article is accurate."
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Remember this? The 1983 Sentosa Cable Car Disaster
On 29 January 1983, the derrick of the Eniwetok, a giant floating oil rig, struck the cableway between Sentosa and Jardine Steps, causing 2 cable cars to fall into the sea. 7 passengers were killed. 13 other passengers were trapped in the cabins above the harbour. They were rescued via helicopters in a 3-hour operation led by then Colonel Lee Hsien Loong (now Singapore's Prime Minister) of the Singapore Armed Forces. The epic Straits Times photo above shows one of the rescuers walking bravely on a cable, trying to get to the passengers still trapped in the cable car!
After the accident, Singapore's cable car system was shut down for 7 months. A commission of enquiry concluded that the ship's captain and harbour pilot were largely to blame for the mishap and recommended steps to prevent the possibility of future accidents.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Diorama of damaged Japanese nuclear station updated with pile of debris blocking road
Last Thursday, I posted several screenshots of NHK's adorable diorama of the damaged nuclear station. Today, I found out that NHK has updated their diorama with debris blocking a road! Screenshots above. And yes, I have a video of the diorama too! In the video, a guy from Tokyo Fire Department explains how his team went about to spray water at the nuclear station with the help of the diorama, of course. Brilliant Japan, just brilliant!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Even astronauts need a photography manual
Astronaut’s Photography Manual (PDF) was prepared by Hasselblad for the NASA Photography Training Program. The guidebook describes the operation of the Hasselblad 500 EL/M cameras used on the U. S. Space Shuttle. It is also a concise manual on photography to assist astronauts in creating the best possible space photographs.
R2-D2 DVD Projector has to be George Lucas approved
Nothing beats watching all the Star Wars movies in the comfort of your home with the Star Wars R2-D2 DVD Projector. It comes with an iPod Docking Station, a built-in 20 watt stereo speaker system, full motion wireless remote control, popular R2-D2 sound effects and a freaking Millenium Falcon remote control!
Facebook "Like" now available for the real world as a stamp
Now you can let others know what you like without doing it on Facebook. These Like and Dislike stamps give you the ability to emphatically stamp your opinion on tangible objects in the physical world. For example, you can now let a person know if you like or dislike him by stamping it on his forehead.
(Thanks Boywonder)
(Thanks Boywonder)
How to make cute Dinosaur Tails
Jessica writes about the dinosaur (or dragon) tails that she made for her kid: "I designed these tails with two straps that wrap around their waist with velcro in front making it easy for them to get them on and off themselves." Requires some experience with the sewing machine.
Couple recreates Mills & Boon romance covers
Remember those Mills & Boons romance books? Well, Oli and her boyfriend Ross have recreated the book covers using self portraits of themselves! So far they have done only three covers. I hope they do more because these are brilliant!
(Thanks Karenz)
(Thanks Karenz)
Stormtroopers support earthquake and tsunami relief effort
You can support the relief efforts for the Christchurch and Japanese earthquake tragedies by buying this Stormtrooper poster designed by Dave CT. All profits from this poster sale will be donated to the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Half will go to the Christchurch Relief and the other half will go to the Japan Tsunami.
Muji's Lego Brick and Paper
Lego Bricks and Paper by Muji aims to make craft making more fun by combining Lego and paper! Draw on the paper included, cut it out, make some holes with the puncher and put together with the Lego bricks and connectors. There are 5 sets to choose from: Animals, Circus, Sea, Transparent and Christmas.
Spotted: Angry Birds plush toys in Singapore taxi
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Diorama of damaged Japanese nuclear station shows how cool Japanese TV really is
Last night, Japanese broadcaster NHK unveiled a diorama of the damaged Japanese nuclear plant. They are using the miniature model as part of their news presentation. I have screenshots here.
This is an actual satellite image of the nuclear plant. You can clearly see the damaged buildings. Now let's take a look at NHK's diorama.
Pretty accurate and it comes complete with skeletonized buildings, grass landscape, trees, roads and vehicles!
Here's a wider shot of the entire site. And closeups of the individual buildings that house the reactors below.
For updates on the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster, you can follow me on Twitter.
Update: This was shown just seconds ago on NHK. They have updated their diorama of the nuclear station with a helicopter dumping water at reactor number 3 and a couple of fire engines waiting for their turn to spray water!
Latest Update: NHK has updated their diorama of the damaged Japanese nuclear station with a pile of debris blocking a road! You can also watch a video here.
Also check out:
Before and After quake satellite images taken over Japan (video)
Japan Tsunami 11 March 2011 (video)
Scary video of tsunami sweeping into Japanese town (video)
Singaporean woman shows Singapore government how to donate to Japanese quake victims
Don't go under rain in Singapore SMS is a hoax
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