My favourite cartoon intro clip has to be M.A.S.K followed by He-Man. Boy, I'll give anything to go back in time and spend my mornings and afternoons in front of the TV to watch these cartoons again.
1. Action Force
2. Bravestarr
3. Captain Planet
4. Care Bears
5. Centurions
7. Defenders of the Earth
8. Denver the last dinosaur
9. Ducktales
10. Dungeons and Dragons
11. Ewoks
12. Flash Gordon
13. Galaxy Rangers
14. GoBots
15. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
16. Tarzan Lord of the Jungle
17. The Flinstones
18. Galaxy High
19. Garfield and Friends
20. G-Force
21. G.I. Joe
22. Grimm's Fairy Tales
23. Gummi Bears
24. Heathcliff
25. The Incredible Hulk
26. Inspector Gadget
27. Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
28. Jem
29. The Jetsons
30. Macross
31. M.A.S.K
32. Mighty Mouse
33. My Little Pony
34. Pac Man
35. Plastic Man
36. Police Academy
37. Popeye
38. Potato Head Kids
39. The Racoons
40. Rainbow Brite
41. The Real Ghostbusters
42. Ring Raiders
43. Robocop
44. Rubik The Amazing Cube
45. Smurfs
46. Shazam
47. She-Ra
48. Snorks
49. Strawberry Shortcake
50. Silver Hawks
51. The Muppet Babies
52. Teddy Ruxpin
53. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
54. Thundercats
55. Transformers
56. Voltron
57. Visionaries
58. Wuzzles
59. Yogi's Treasure Hunt
60. Starcom
61. Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers
62. Robotech
63. Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
64. Alvin and the Chipmunks
65. Fraggle Rock
66. Tiger Sharks
67. Dino Riders
68. Dennis the Menace
69. Legend of Zelda
70. Bionic Six
71. Blackstar
72. Gravedale High
73. Astroboy
74. Dinosaucers
75. King Arthur and The Knights of Justice
76. The Littles
77. Star Blazers
78. Inhumanoids
79. Thundarr the Barbarian
80. Spiral Zone
81. Pigeon Street
Also read:
Intros and clips of all Ultraman TV series
Watch music videos played on MTV's first day
Brilliant dude!!!
My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears - my fav!!!
The theme songs for these old cartoons are so catchy.
IZ: Many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
damn it....youtube not working now
heh.. its working again
80s cartoons are better than the ones we have nowadays.
Shy: I'm singing to Duck Tales now. Join me.
Wahaha awesome! Thanks for compiling the list! :)
We're the E, E, E, E, Eeeeewoks!
i have to say mask has the most awesome opening and a wonderful theme song.
I luv the 80s!
I cannot believe there are so many of those great cartoons that I miss so much.
I cried a lil when watching your Silver Hawks clip. All the memories start flooding in.
Where's Dinosaucers?
I haven't watched these in ages but amazingly, I can still sing to the theme songs while watching the clips.
My top 5 cartoon intros:
3)The Muppet Babies
5)Gummi Bears
How could you forget GraveDale High?!?!
we r the carebears countdown
5 4 3 2 1
star blazers, bugaloos, monchee chee?
Astroboy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zspGKUk9mE0
Fucking awesome!
Thanks man!
Filmation produced some of the best cartoons ever.
Don't forget to add "The Littles" url:http://youtube.com/watch?v=tYqvAzGpYME
Awesome list. So may cartoons I loved watching as I grew up
Dude, you are my friggin' hero.
Some that came to mind as missing...
Shirt Tales
Get-A-Long Gang
Punky Brewster
Mr. T
Excellent list.
Hi there!
Thundarr the barbarian
really nice work there on getting all of these together!
Jayce, MASK, Galaxy Rangers, Dinosaucers, so cool
Escuse-me. I am brazilian and localizated you blog from this blog: www.jacarebanguela.com.br.
Congratulations for you list. I copy this list from the Outer Space game forum (forum.outerspace.com.br) and atualizated with others openings clips, like Pole Position and Wildfire.
The topic with this list is http://forum.outerspace.com.br/showthread.php?t=55939.
Sorry, but my english is poor... hehehe.
Congratulations and see ya!
Hey dude, you should put the link to Spiral Zone. It was a great cartoon.
fantastic, but whers pigeon street? x
Pole Position!
Nice compilation man! Thanks!
hi great site to bring back many memories. How abt Tom&Jerry? Tweety&Sylvester?
thanks for this list, it`s been driving me and my mates nuts trying to remember the name of a classic `toon we used to watch, it`s `battle of the planets` by the way!!
I wuz wondering if neone could help me remember the name of this show i use 2 watch when i wuz little im not sure if it wuz late 80s or early 90s but it wuz a show with this group of kids one which could transform n2 a car and the other 2 would hop in after that and thats pretty much all i remember but more description of the boy transforming is when he starts 2 transform his hands turn n2 the wheels and so does his feet and then his teeth turn n2 the grill of the car then his body becomes the rest of the car and thats all that ive got so if neone remembers this show please please send me a message at my Myspace url listed on my comment This would help me so much if neone could Thank You Lycan
Have you got Aksi Mat Yoyo?
i am almost 30 now so much has changed scince i was a child in the 80s i couldnt help but cry when i watched the gummi bears!im sad that the world is what it is today my kids are getting deprived of the values our cartoons taughtus . you are missing one of my favorites- the shirt tales,you should look 4 it.thanks
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