I seldom take part in online quizzes that ask me a set of questions to find out what sort of a person I am, or what kind of car or food I am, but when reader r'chelle sent me a link to Which Care Bear are you? quiz, I couldn't resist to find out. And guess what? I'm a Tenderheart Bear, my favourite Care Bear. Hooray!
Care Bears Stare! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
(Thanks r'chelle)
heh cute
Woooh. Tenderheart.
I love Tenderheart!
IZ: You are Tenderheart!
I'm Grumpy Bear.
I miss watching the care bears.
Isn't Tenderheart the leader of the Care Bears?
Yup. He is.
And Braveheart Lion is the leader of Care Bear cousins.
Care Bear got cousins?
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