I've just made this using the Parody Motivator Generator. Upload any photo and key in your title and motivational text.
(Thanks Johnny Q)
A flying ghost at Changi Hospital, a playful tree spirit at Bedok Reservoir and the ghost of a girl who died at the famous Yellow Tower at...
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iz: vain you!
Just what I need!
I want this to hang in my office.
damn it IZ. damn it.
Vanity: Everybody needs a bit of self-idolatry.
I love the line.
IZ: You look yummy. Very edible. Gawd.
Myra Leong: You and the other IZ rabid fangirls will be happy to know that over on IZ's Flickr, you can download the bigger size poster.
Thank me!
I told you ladies before...
IZ = Vain = Gay
So now leave him alone :oPPPP
hehehe. u got the goatee look going for u there.
Hamsem as always. MMMMMuacckkss...
I want him for dinner, supper, breakfast and lunch.
luv the pic!
Im in LOVE...
*stare at me Z
Those eyes!!!
Myra, no you can't!!!!!!!!
I think Gaylord needs a bunch of us fangirls to chase him with parangs again.
dann: Better not because IZ has this ability to look at you n make you feel like he is stripping u naked. Haha! I've told him a few times. He doesn't believe me.
Oops let me add.. I mean in a good, nice, pleasing way.
He can do that?
shy: me sharpening the parang now.
shy: the more i want him to stare at me now.
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