Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Doll from Ghost in the Shell 2 in Lego

How to make your own lettuce bikini

The Artful Bras Project

Live Super Mario with special guest President Obama!
Watch this live re-enactment of the Super Mario game (video above) by some clever Japanese folks for a variety show. It is so cool that even President Obama had to make an appearance in it!
(Thanks Mr Big)
How dude duped UK tabloid paper The Sun
Dude emailed The Sun with a fake news story about a woman who spotted her husband’s car parked outside another woman’s house using Google Street View. Guess what? The Sun took the bait and published the story! From Idiot Forever:
I also got lucky because The Sun is a bunch of fools. The picture I sent wasn’t even a street view. I don’t even know if the picture was of an apartment building. It could be a commercial building for all I know. I just zoomed into London (because that’s the biggest city I know) and picked Victoria Street (because Victoria Beckham is attractive). Then I looked for some parked cars. I guess The Sun didn’t include the Street View picture in their story because they knew it wasn’t a Street View Picture at all and they just wanted to write a fun juicy story.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Terminator Robots Exhibition in Tokyo

(via Nerdcore)
Lucky Voice Karaoke Party Box will make you sing like there's no tomorrow

Paint Can Pinhole Camera

Ghost in the Machine: Cassette Tape Art

Twitter Fail Whale in Lego

How to look under a girl's skirt: A Japanese Guide
Reader miso sent me these scanned pages from a Japanese magazine that teaches you the correct position to look under a girl's short skirt when walking up the stairs. May prove useful for some of you perverts out there. Bigger image here.
(Thanks miso)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Vote Earth and switch off your lights during Earth Hour tonight

TorrentBoy is a book inspired by BitTorrent

Dude archives his Tweets into a hardcover book

Complete set of vintage Star Wars action figures

Jeff Victor's Marvel Masterpieces Cards
Digital Soaps are a gamer's best friend in the shower

The End Is Near Robot

Friday, March 27, 2009
Super Mario Coffee Table

(via BoingBoing)
Marvel's Wolverine Fine Art

Download free First Person Shooter computer games

Rocketman shows us that Boba Fett can really fly
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Shower cap makes your hair grow back

(via Tokyomango)
From a garbage can to a R2D2 PC casemod

(via Engadget)
Cyborg animals will scare the living daylights of your enemy

Remote Control Zombie

Asian Drill Pop

(Thanks steeleloh)
Homer Simpson Motivational Posters

Calculate your Water Footprint

Software by Microsoft

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Short film inspired by Half-Life video game
Watch this amazing clip (video above) from Thibaut Niels's upcoming Half-Life inspired short film "What's in the Box?". I can't wait!
The Yellow Treehouse Restaurant

(Thanks Sir Thomas)
You Can Shave The Baby Doll

(Thanks andyviper21)
Stress-reliever Boobies help you get rid of your stress and more!

A Paper Toy A Day

(Thanks Lord Kimbo)
Lego Brick Shaped Gummy Candies

Dollar Teddy Bear

(Thanks pinkdior)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Cell Stickies give iPhone users ego-stroking text messages

(via Gizmodo)
CGSociety's Ultimate Steampunk Challenge

Robots are cool, cute and sexy

Shuellas are like raincoats for shoes

Billboard is Singapore's largest enlargement from a 35mm full-frame digital camera!

Star Wars Money
diablo2003 says, "While watching The original Star Wars, I realized that talk of money is thrown around quite a lot but you never actually see it (other than Han flipping the bartender a coin after shooting Greedo). I thought it would be cool to design a piece of Imperial currency as I saw it. I designed it mostly after American money but used some European influences as well."
(via Boing Boing)
Is Anyone Out There?: Creepy short film by Paul Herbert
In June 2008, writer director Paul Herbert created a sci-fi/horror short film series called "Is Anyone Out There?". The above video is from episode 4. He goes to London, finds out there's no one there and loses all hope. You can watch all 10 episodes from Season 1 here. Paul is renaming his series to Evacuation and here's a teaser for the new season.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Rare early Star Wars radio interviews

Wedding cake made up of 80 Pacman cupcakes

Playstation Portable Candy

(Thanks Jackie)
Sixteen Miles to Merricks

(Thanks Scott)
Look who's on the cross? It's Ultraman!

(Thanks rodyeo)
Yahoo! Mobile Developer Awards coming to Indonesia!
Remember last year's Yahoo! Mobile Developer Awards, a competition for students from leading Singapore tertiary institutes to build mobile widgets for global corporate brands? Above is a picture of me and the team that eventually won it, Team Simple from NTU. This year, our friends in Indonesia will be getting their own Yahoo! Mobile Developer Awards. All developers in Indonesia who are interested to find out more about the competition can join the Yahoo! Kopi Darat – Yahoo! Developer Networking session tomorrow. Go RSVP now!
Previously: Yahoo! Mobile Developer Awards Party at Zouk
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Photoshop Necktie tells everyone you're good at Photoshop

(Thanks GeekGod)
Hwa Young Jung draws her favourite English things

Clever advertising by new vampire TV show

Obama Blackcurrant Juicy Gummy Candy now available in Singapore!

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