The UFO Casebook has compiled some of the best UFO pictures ever taken from 1870 to 2006. I think this one on the left is one of the better ones. Now, you be the judge if these photos are real.
Most of them look questionable. Two of them with the traling lights look very similar to my photos of a long exposure shot of an airplane flying overhead.
Most of them look questionable. Two of them with the traling lights look very similar to my photos of a long exposure shot of an airplane flying overhead.
This one looks like a pretty fun UFO to ride on with lots of colourful lights. Come take me!
Could be hoaxes.
50 cent per ride liao.
50 cents per ride? lol
Where? Where?
Shouldn't they put a warning sign on such a ride?
Warning: Not for the faint hearted.
Possible side effects: Memory lost and chip implants in parts of your body.
Gota pay 50c for all that? I'll pass.
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