Great! We've made it to CNN. And with a headline like this, I'm sure everyone worldwide will think that Singapore is a bunch of morons.
Seriously, how can we trust our government now to keep us safe if they can't even hold on to a t3rror suspect that is already under their custody? And worse, how can the authorities let him escape while he goes for a damn toilet break? Crikey! And did I mention that he has a limping leg?
In Parliament yesterday, several MPs asked DPM Wong Kang Seng how this could have happened and why the public was only informed four hours later. Wong's reply was that based on the assessment by the security agencies, Mas Selamat was not of any imminent danger to the public.
Isn't this the same guy who plotted to hijack a plane and crash it into Changi Airport? Isn't he the same guy who was also suspected of being behind the plans to attack the U.S. Embassy and a government building?
If that's not a dangerous man, then I don't know what is. Maybe if the government had alerted the public earlier, someone would have spotted him limping his way to freedom. Come on, how far (or fast) can a man with a limping leg run?
Anyway, its already Friday night now - Mas Selamat escaped on Wednesday afternoon - and they are still searching for him. Maybe they should just concentrate on searching the sewage system under the detention center where he was kept before his toilet escape. Who knows, he could have flushed himself down the toilet. Now, that's what I call a prison break.
Flushing himself into the toilet bowl?
I can't agree more.
Please watch what you drink.I guess he's now part of the ingredients of NeWater.
This is so Wayang. Much better than DeNiro & Hoffman's Wag the Dog!
Looks like the Limping Terrorist has so far made a fool of the Lame Minister.
lovely.. i wish u cld do more pieces like this iz
Don't waste time searching for him here. He must have fled to Indonesia already.
I am sure late night talk shows in the US will have something funny to say about this.
flush down the toilet!!!
Shouldn't "someone" step down for this blunder?
if spore doesnt find him, it will be the biggest embarrassment that the country has faced.
talk about its high standards.
He must have been one hell of a runner -- to be able to escape so fast with a limping leg.
i find it quite astonishing that someone can escape a high security detention center and then goes uncaptured for days and manage to get out of the country.
He use black magic maybe.
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