Here are other Brokeback Mountain trailer mashups: Brokeback Island (Brokeback Mountain meets Lost), The Brokeback Phantom Menace (Brokeback Mountain meets Star Wars: The Phantom Menace), Brokeback to the Future (Brokeback Mountain meets Back to the Future), Scrubs Mountain (Brokeback Mountain meets Scrubs), Brokeback of The Ring (Brokeback Mountain meets Lord of the Rings), Brokeback Justice League (Brokeback Mountain meets Justice League), Spongeback Mountain (Brokeback Mountain meets Spongebob Square Pants), Brokeback Hobbiton (Brokeback Mountain meets the Hobbits), The Empire Breaks Back (Brokeback Mountain meets Star Wars), The Brokeback Samurai (Brokeback Mountain meets The Last Samurai), Brokeback Gump (Brokeback Mountain meets Forest Gump), Brokeback Hunting (Brokeback Mountain meets Good Will Hunting), Brokeback Team America (Brokeback Mountain meets Team America), Shellback Mountain (Brokeback Mountain meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Brokeback Trek (Brokeback Mountain meets Star Trek) and Brokeback Penguin (Brokeback Mountain meets March of the Penguins).
Here's the original Brokeback Mountain trailer.
Arghhhhhh....gay overload!!!
Spongeback Mountain! Hahahaha!
I suspected Spongebob is gay all along.
Brokeback Mountain has turned into a cult following!
oh gosh, they are all so gay.
I like Brokeback Team American the most! Puppets are so so gay!
I'm glad they did a mashup involving the hobbits. If you're looking for gay love, you can't go wrong with the hobbits.
Totally insane! Hahahaha!
too bad gay isnt given the same mraning it had back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
Food for thought: Why is everyone so fired up about this brokeback mountain movie? It really hasn't done all that well in the theaters anyways. The numbers I've seen say its only made about 76 million. The powers that be say that a movie needs to make 100 million to be a blockbuster so why was it even nominated? In fact, all the movies nominated for best picture made even less than BBM. And most people I've talked to say they have not and will not see it.
This is a clear cut case of the liberal agenda trying to force their homosexual opinion on us. And I for one am sick of it. Homosexuality goes against nature and God. You ever see two bucks doin it in the woods? And Leviticus 18:22 says Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. I mean really, how much more proof do you need? Call me narrow minded if you wish. Personally, I don't care. I don't claim to be perfect by any means, I'm a sinner just like the rest of you but at least I know what sin is and homosexuality is a sin period. And I for one am sick of seeing it on TV, in politics (gay marriage) and now in the movies. GIVE IT A REST PEOPLE, IT'S WRONG!!!!
One more thing. The Chronicles of Narnia made over 300 million and wasn't even nominated for best picture. HMMMMMMM, makes you think don't it?
(***) you Anymous! I wish you was self Gay then you know how diffucult that is! And Narnia is a good movie, but many people go also to Scary Movie or somthing like that and is that a good film?
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