IZ Reloaded reader r'chelle sent a picture of the IZ Reloaded Chinese Restaurant. Wow. I didn't know I have a chinese restaurant. Ha! Ha! Nice tagline too. Btw, don't go searching for this restaurant because it doesn't exist. r'chelle used the Chinese Restaurant Sign Generator to create this pic.
(Thanks r'chelle)
Dine in or Take IZ Home?
I'll take IZ home. Thank you.
Hohohoho! i wanna take IZ home.
I thought I saw one down the street...hehehe.
Shy: Where? Where?
i bet no one wants to dine in the restaurant.
How about a home delivery service?
Home delivery sounds good. What's the number?
yum yum... me hungry.
- I want to eat IZ!!!!!!!!!!!
the tongue!
When IZ the grand opening?
You can make other funny signs on http://www.customsigngenerator.com .
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