The Cleaning Hunk is a marketing campaign for Xtra-Pine, a cleaning product. The video on the marketing website shows a sexy, muscular young man doing housework for a lonely woman as he strips off his clothes. I'm sure every lady would want The Cleaning Hunk to clean her house....
It's about time!
Hot! Hot! Check out his bod!
Yup. I don't mind him cleaning my house for sure.
Sex sells that's for sure.
Dream on ladies! :oP
I want IZ to clean my house n esp my room
I told IZ I want him to be my Cleaning Hunk. LOL.
Damn! Why do they have to stop the video during the best part??!!!!!
Ha! I don't mind IZ too.
IZ, how much to clean my place? Name your price kekekeke.
he's so hot but i prefer my man to be less bulky.
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