As with "Holy Blood," Baigent supposes that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and sired a child, though he concedes "we are short of evidence -- all that we have is circumstantial." Critics have said even circumstantial evidence is lacking.You can read an excerpt of The Jesus Papers here.
From there, "Jesus Papers" proceeds to speculate that Jesus didn't die on the cross. Rather than supposing that somehow someone substituted for Jesus, Baigent follows another older theory, that Jesus remained alive and was spirited away to recuperate, which is why his tomb was empty on Easter morning.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
What if everything you know about Jesus is wrong?
One of the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, a book that first talked about Jesus having a secret bloodline with Mary Magdalene, is releasing a new book to take on The Da Vinci Code. Titled The Jesus Papers, the book is saying that Christianity is one big lie. From LA Times:
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Probably explains better why a rabbi over the age of 30 is neither married nor gay, something quite unthinkable back then. This hypothesis makes more sense.
Wow! I must buy this new book.
Nothing new. The concept of Jesus having an affair with Mary is a little bogus. There's no evidence to say that they have a child, etc.
What is interesting is that in the new book, they said Jesus did not die on the cross. All Muslims already know this as it was stated in their holy book.
E@L is writing a book too...
God has always been a lie. All religious texts are hypocritical, self-contradictory documents espousing violence and hatred of other peoples and other religions.
Jesus was a Jew and always will be a Jew - a magic mushroom eating Essene preacher on no great originality...
Religion kills much more than it cures. Religious people tend to be nasty, cultish, tribal and bigoted.
Be a free thinker, avoid religion and avoid religious people, they are lost in irrationality and cannot be deprogrammed.
Let's face it, we are merely psychologically animated meat with a bad attitude, monkeys grown too smart for our own good.
Other than that, no opinion...
I think the ongoing court case between the authors of Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood is just a stunt to promote the paperback release of Da Vinci Code and the new book Jesus Papers.
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