I was looking at my photos when I realised that I don't really show my teeth when I smile for the camera most of the time. Maybe I need the Beauty Smile Trainer, another wacky product from Japan. Wearing it often supposedly gives you the perfect smile. It also has the ability to give one a face lift, tones the facial skin and muscles and reduces sagging. Worth a try?
It kinda reminds me of another Japanese invention - the HanaHana:
Read about it here.
(Thanks Kitaro)
Well if the smile trainer works, I'd say go for it! Although I have to say that many products nowadays are merely hope in a bottle :P
On the other hand, I saw the hanahana product at far east plaza and was very very tempted to buy one to make my button nose a little sharper, then I remember that I tried to put a clothes peg on my nose and all I had was a nose ache :P
u have a lovely smile even without showing ur teeth
i think if you wear that, you will have a smile like the joker's.
IZ: You don't need the Beauty Smile Trainer to give you a perfect smile. I love your smile the way it is!
such an adorable smile!!!
forget about that stupid product.
So hamsem! Where to buy the Beauty Smile Trainer leh?
Another one of those crap, useless, Japanese inventions eh.
dann said...
i think if you wear that, you will have a smile like the joker's.
dann's right. I think so too man.
IZ: The reason why you don't smile much is because you always wanna act cool in your shots.
His teeth made of silver and gold liao! cannot let pple anyhow see see one.
I bet one has to put that one for 30 mins a day to be effective?
Is it patented or patent pending?
It's just a gimmick. Anyway IZ, you smile pretty good already. Wait till you see my smile. It's horrendous.
l o v e
y o u
- s e c r e t a d m i r e r
i think u r blessed wif a nice smile, nice lips, nose and that tongue of urs... arhhhhhh
I love your smile, lips, nose, everything!!!
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