Also read: The Bikini Babe PC
In a recent interview, Thom Yorke said he heard about Prince's performance from a text message and thought it was "hilarious." Yorke laughed when his bandmate, guitarist Ed O'Brien, said the blocking had prevented him from seeing Prince's version of their song.I just did a search on YouTube and some videos of the performance are now online. Here's one of them. Watch it before Prince blocks it again.
"Really? He's blocked it?" asked Yorke, who figured it was their song to block or not. "Surely we should block it. Hang on a moment."
Yorke added: "Well, tell him to unblock it. It's our ... song."
This is Gopalan Nair in Singapore today, May 29, 2008. I have been in Singapore since May 25, 2008, and staying now at Broadway Hotel, Room 708, 195 Serangoon Road, Singapore 218067.Update: No reply from MM Lee and company, so he writes another post.
I am deliberately stating my identity and my present exact location for a definite purpose. On day 2 of Lee Kuan Yew and son verses Dr. Chee Soon Juan case, Lee senior had said in answer to a question by Dr. Chee, that if he, Lee Kuan Yew, knew the identity of bloggers in cyberspace who defamed him (defamation being used of course in the Singaporean sense), he will sue and bankrupt them.
He had earlier sidestepped the question by saying, that he had difficulty suing critics of his in the Internet because their identities were not usually known. When pressed, he categorically and deliberately stated that he will sue if they made known their identities.
Kim Eun-dung, the director of the STX Soul team says there are about 22 people currently living in the squad's house.
"Living in the house at the moment we have the pro-players who take part in match games, apprentices trying to become pro-players, and a few coaching staff … all eating, sleeping and training here," he says.
"Some apprentices are as young as 12 and players generally continue their career into their 20s. It seems the players aiming to become pro are getting younger and younger."
A lot of gamers spend many years living in their team house.
"I started my gaming career when I was 17, so I've now been leading the life of a pro-gamer for almost 3 years,” Jin Young-soo, one of STX Soul’s star gamers, says.
"In my third year of high school I went before my parents and told them: 'Mum, Dad, this is better suited to me than studying. I'm going to live as a gamer, I’m going to Seoul to try out at the team house.'"
Although they live away from home the gamers are fully cared for. The team director's sister, Ajumah Kim, lives in the house and does the players' laundry, cleaning and other housework.
What happens if I don’t pay?I think this is perhaps the most ridiculous thing that I have ever come across and no one should pay these suckers a single cent at all. Violating their intellectual property? Intellectual property my ass! Since when is linking images be deemed as an intellectual property?
You will not be granted the VUESTAR User Licence and will be unable lawfully to use visual images to access the worldwide web. Our collection agencies will recover unpaid fees.
What if I still use visual images to access sites/content?
Having been provided with proper notice of VUESTAR ’s rights, you will be deemed to have entered into a user Licence and be liable for a fee each year based upon usage/traffic. Our collection agency will recover any annual unpaid fees.
DOW Chemicals, headquartered in Michigan owns a substantial portion of the professional services offered by Dr. Manmohan Singh (henceforth referred to as the product), currently anointed as the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. Because of the high price commanded for his services, he is widely regarded as the most honest politician of India. And despite the high price tag, the product has excellent VFM and RTI factors. He has consistently been the most valuable service provider for Dow Chemicals, a multi-milllion dollar company with thousands recruits. Dow retained the right to lease him out or sell him to third parties without any explicit approval. The company has decided to sell its stake in the product, and any individual or corporation is free to place an open bid for his services. It must be said that like gold, oil, food and land, the value of prime minister of India increases exponentially with time and experience.
“The winner is … David …” Argh!
That’s how last night’s “American Idol” finale wrapped up for some viewers who had taped the show on TiVos and other digital-video recorder devices. Because “Idol” ran slightly long, some DVRs cut off the show before the winner was revealed–leaving those viewers hanging at the most suspenseful moment.
The poorly timed cutoff has become something of a tradition for the Fox program. Viewers who timeshifted the show with DVRs were denied the climactic moment last year, too.
If anything, this year’s incident was worse. The “Idol” finale came down to two contestants, both named David. Some viewers report that their DVRs stopped recording just after host Ryan Seacrest uttered the words, “The winner, by 12 million votes, of ‘American Idol’ 2008 is…David”–but before he revealed the last name.
YouTomb continually monitors the most popular videos on YouTube for copyright-related takedowns. Any information available in the metadata is retained, including who issued the complaint and how long the video was up before takedown. The goal of the project is to identify how YouTube recognizes potential copyright violations as well as to aggregate mistakes made by the algorithm...
When a user-submitted video is suspected to infringe copyright, the rights holder is contacted and given the option to take down the video in question. In addition, rights holders can submit DMCA takedown notifications at any time that cause YouTube to immediately remove alleged infringing content.
MIT Free Culture became especially interested in the issue after YouTube announced that it would begin using filtering technology to scan users' video and audio for near-matches with copyrighted material. While automating the takedown process may make enforcement easier, it also means that content falling under fair-use exceptions and even totally innocuous videos may receive some of the collateral damage.
As YouTube is not very transparent with the details surrounding this process and the software used, YouTomb was conceived to shed light on YouTube's practices, to educate the general public on the relevant copyright issues, and to provide helpful resources to users who have had their videos wrongfully taken down.
The tourism ministry on Monday named Hello Kitty as its choice to represent the country in China and Hong Kong, two places where she is wildly popular among kids and young women.(Thanks Guy Kawasaki)
Officials hope that tapping into that fan base will lead to a bigger flow of tourists into Japan, and closer toward their goal of attracting 10 million overseas visitors every year under the "Visit Japan" campaign...
At a press conference, Sanrio Co. President Shintaro Tsuji called Hello Kitty's new appointment "an honor" and pledged to "work hard to attract many visitors."
A flying ghost at Changi Hospital, a playful tree spirit at Bedok Reservoir and the ghost of a girl who died at the famous Yellow Tower at...