Thursday, August 02, 2007
Morning Musume's Sexy Boy performed by a Pig
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Video clip of someone in a cute pig costume dancing to my favourite Jap group Morning Musume's Sexy Boy (PV and live performance). If that's not enough to make you dance to the song, how about watching some Mexican boys and a hot girl doing it?
Remember I wrote that I had a dream of Risa Niigaki a couple of months ago? I said that I have to go to Japan, find her and propose. Now thanks to the video above, I think I found a good way to do that. I'll dress up in this pig costume, do the Sexy Boy dance for her and then propose to her. I'm sure she will say yes.
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That's so cute!
-- Baoli
give us a preview first can?
IZ: After you finish the dance, take off the mask, kneel, take out the ring, and then say, "Oink. Oink. Niigaki san, will you marry me?"
Dude, try that. She will say yes!
cute pig
The guys dancing to Morning Musume are disgusting!
p l e a s e
d o
n o t
m a r r y
h e r
- s e c r e t a d m i r e r
I can see that Morning Musume's fans are all crazy.
iz: i juz dun understand ur obsession wif dat jap girl. stay in sg n propose to me instead k :oP
I just did the Sexy Boy dance!
The Mexican boys dancing to the song is highly disturbing.
Ok lah. The pig is really cute.
Ya lor. give us preview first with and without the pig costume.
IZ: I don't see what's so attractive about that Japanese girl. I'm so much better than her. I'm the ONE that you should propose to.
To the rest: IZ is mine. All mine!
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