I was looking at my blog's stats and found out that a lot of you are searching for the blog of the Singaporean girl that is selling her used bra and panties online, thanks to the news story that I posted on New Year's eve. Tsk. You perverts!
The girl, 18 year old Pamela, has recently moved from her Blogspot to a new domain at SG-Panties.com! Wow. Business must be booming. From SG-Panties (Link is not safe for work):
Hi boys! ;) I am just your average schoolgirl selling her panties to h0rny boys like you, with the exception that I am one really really h0rny schoolgirl. :PShe provides shipping to Singapore and Malaysia. And interested buyers of her used bra and panties can also order some extra services. For example, you can choose if you like her panties to be worn for 6 hours or 12 hours or 24 hours before she ships them to you. There's also a m4stur3at10n option for those who prefer extra soiling. Crikey! Singaporean kids today are so enterprising aye. I wonder if anyone would actually buy my used boxers. How about $30 for a pair? Any buyers?
I am doing this so that I can make some money while I am studying, so do support me if you see something you like ok?
UPDATE (Dec 2010): The following links are no longer working but if you're still interested in used panties, check out this other girl.
Also read: Be careful when you buy used panties online
IZ: Show us some pics of you in your boxers so that we can decide if they are worth buying. kekeke
Walao eh!! used bra and panties also can sell one!
Pamela is one "BIG" girl ;o)
IZ: I buy! Pics?
too bad she don't provide other service lah
IZ: $30 and you'll take them off in front of me? LOL
Check out her page about the things that she want. She's one horny gal.
*snif snif at used panties
sell me your g-strings iz.
THANKS MAN!! me from msia. read about the girl in a msian newspaper. been lookin for her blog but couldnt find.
LoVE ThE SIte!!!
PAM is a guy.
Who knows if it is really her panties?
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