Friday, April 28, 2006
The Milky Way and Friends
Today on my photoblog Katoomba Syndrome: The Milky Way and Friends
.... and the 2006 Photobloggies is now accepting nominations.
Do nominate my photoblog for the Best South East Asian photoblog category.
Nomination phase closes in 9 days.
Many thanks!
.... and the 2006 Photobloggies is now accepting nominations.
Do nominate my photoblog for the Best South East Asian photoblog category.
Nomination phase closes in 9 days.
Many thanks!
Singaporean dude has 400 Star Wars action figures!
Ng Hak Beng has to be Star Wars biggest fan in Singapore. He has collected 400 Star Wars action figures and 50 toy vehicles across 28 years! I saw his collection when it was showcased at The Art Of Star Wars exhibition. Amazing! More photos on my Star Wars Toy Collection Flickr set.
The Pussy Pillow

(Thanks NdYo)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
You do not have to vote

No!!!!!! Not OK!
Damn you opposition parties. Why didn't you guys contest the Marine Parade GRC? I wanna vote. I wanna see a fight. There's no fun in walkovers.
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
I guess it is too late for me to change my registered address aye.
Click here to find out if you are luckier than me.
Previously: Voting is compulsory in Singapore... really!
LASIK at Home

(Thanks Celvin Goh)
Beware of rising tide
Today on my photoblog Katoomba Syndrome: Beware of the rising tide
.... and the 2006 Photobloggies is here again.
Do nominate my photoblog for the Best South East Asian photoblog category. Nomination phase closes in 10 days.
Many thanks!
.... and the 2006 Photobloggies is here again.
Do nominate my photoblog for the Best South East Asian photoblog category. Nomination phase closes in 10 days.
Many thanks!
Cancer, AIDS healing plants found in Borneo
Cancer, AIDS and malaria could be a thing of the past. A WWF report says that plants that could help treat or cure these deadly diseases have been found in the forests of Borneo. But WWF says this medical treasure trove is threatened and calls for its long-term protection.
Scientists are currently testing samples collected in the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, as well as in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. They hope to develop drugs that could contribute to the treatment of major, deadly human diseases.
One pharmaceutical company has identified a promising anti-cancer substance in a shrub found in Sarawak. A compound present in the plant Aglaia leptantha has been found to effectively kill 20 kinds of human cancer cells in laboratory tests, including those that cause brain and breast cancer, and melanoma.
Scientists also found a unique chemical in latex produced by the Bintangor tree. The compound, Calanolide A, appears to be effective against the replication of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), as well as the tuberculosis bacterium, which affects many AIDS patients. The discovery is particularly important as, to date, no single drug has been able to treat both HIV and TB. If clinically proven, Calanolide A could be a major development for the health of many millions of people worldwide.
Another find is a powerful and previously unknown anti-malarial agent in the bark of a local tree traditionally used by the Kenyah people of Kalimantan to treat malaria. Scientists say that the substance – a triterpenoid – apparently kills the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in laboratory tests.
According to WWF, 422 new plant species have been discovered in Borneo in the last 25 years, and many other species are waiting to be found and studied, some of them could hold potentially important medical properties. However, the global conservation organization warns that all these promising discoveries could be eventually lost if the disappearing rainforests of the heart of Borneo are not adequately protected.
Today, only half of Borneo's forest cover remains, down from 75 per cent in the mid 1980s. But the three Bornean governments – Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia – have recently launched the Heart of Borneo initiative, which aims to preserve approximately 220,000km2 of equatorial forests and numerous wildlife species.
Read the full press release here.
Scientists are currently testing samples collected in the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, as well as in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. They hope to develop drugs that could contribute to the treatment of major, deadly human diseases.
One pharmaceutical company has identified a promising anti-cancer substance in a shrub found in Sarawak. A compound present in the plant Aglaia leptantha has been found to effectively kill 20 kinds of human cancer cells in laboratory tests, including those that cause brain and breast cancer, and melanoma.
Scientists also found a unique chemical in latex produced by the Bintangor tree. The compound, Calanolide A, appears to be effective against the replication of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), as well as the tuberculosis bacterium, which affects many AIDS patients. The discovery is particularly important as, to date, no single drug has been able to treat both HIV and TB. If clinically proven, Calanolide A could be a major development for the health of many millions of people worldwide.
Another find is a powerful and previously unknown anti-malarial agent in the bark of a local tree traditionally used by the Kenyah people of Kalimantan to treat malaria. Scientists say that the substance – a triterpenoid – apparently kills the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in laboratory tests.
According to WWF, 422 new plant species have been discovered in Borneo in the last 25 years, and many other species are waiting to be found and studied, some of them could hold potentially important medical properties. However, the global conservation organization warns that all these promising discoveries could be eventually lost if the disappearing rainforests of the heart of Borneo are not adequately protected.
Today, only half of Borneo's forest cover remains, down from 75 per cent in the mid 1980s. But the three Bornean governments – Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia – have recently launched the Heart of Borneo initiative, which aims to preserve approximately 220,000km2 of equatorial forests and numerous wildlife species.
Read the full press release here.
Make money switching users to Firefox
Four Firefox die hard users are taking the battle with Microsoft's Internet Explorer to a whole new level. They have setup a new website called Explorer Destroyer which aims to increase the number of users converting from Internet Explorer to the Firefox browser.
How are they going to do it?
Simple. They are giving away money.
If you have a website or a blog, all you need to do is to download their script and put it on your site. Your site will then detect a user if he is using Internet Explorer and will automatically prompt him to convert to Firefox. You will receive US$1 for every person that converts to Firefox from your site thanks to Google. Please note that you need to sign up with Google Adsense in order to receive the bounty.
Here's an excerpt from their open letter on why they are doing this:
How are they going to do it?
Simple. They are giving away money.
If you have a website or a blog, all you need to do is to download their script and put it on your site. Your site will then detect a user if he is using Internet Explorer and will automatically prompt him to convert to Firefox. You will receive US$1 for every person that converts to Firefox from your site thanks to Google. Please note that you need to sign up with Google Adsense in order to receive the bounty.
Here's an excerpt from their open letter on why they are doing this:
About 8 months ago, we spent some time talking about an aggressive strategy to get people to switch to Firefox. Remember those splash pages on websites that say 'You must be using Internet Explorer to view this page'. What if it was the opposite? What if websites said: 'You cannot view this page with Internet Explorer. Please download Firefox to continue.'
It's a tough strategy. On the one hand, we knew it would convert way more people than classy-but-tiny "get firefox" buttons. But would bloggers and site administrators really put a splash page between 90% of their readers and their own content? Firefox fervor had reached a point where we thought that some people might actually do it, web-designers who do constant battle with IE6's lack of standards support. But we knew a lot of sites wouldn't. And we were really busy. So we tossed the idea onto the ol' idea pile and kept on trucking.
Then a few days ago, Google announced that they would pay $1 for each referral to Firefox with Google Toolbar. The idea popped back out of the idea pile. Google has just set the stage for Firefox to literally "take back the web" and go from 11% of browsers to over 50%. If people can now spread Firefox, stick it to Microsoft, and make money for each user switched, an aggressive strategy just got more appealing.
Transformers Movie: "Their War. Our World."
Lucky dude from Ain't It Cool News got a chance to meet with Michael Bay, director of the upcoming Transformers movie. Bay revealed lots of interesting info about the movie including its tagline, "Their War. Our World." Now, that's what I called a great movie tagline. Brilliant! From Ain't It Cool News:
Bay then showed me a rough design for the TRANSFORMERS teaser poster. It was a robotic eye overlooking planet Earth, kind of peeking over the curvature of the globe. The eye was in a brow the shape of a right triangle and looked very mechanical, iris and all. The tagline was "Their War. Our World."(via Transformers LIVE)
...It was around here that I got my first look at Optimus Prime. I saw three concept art pieces on Optimus. The first was a headshot. He is blue, like the cartoon, but I noticed a lack of red in the early stuff I saw. Mostly steel gray and blue. Not sure what I think about that. His face is a bit longer than I remember the cartoon being, but the image I think of when I picture Optimus Prime is when his face guard is up. Bay was quick to point out that the Optimus I was seeing was him without his battle mask. Like the other robot I saw, Optimus was more angular than the cartoon, but he was still hulking. He was by no means lithe and skinny. Bulky, but not blocky.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Singapore is...
Come on mates! Singapore is a great place to live because... From Republic of Bobby:
In Singapore, the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous Buildings (HDB),
And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP).
Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB).
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get more from you.
So what more can you do when you are in the Money Only Environment (MOE)?
With the current Mad Accounting System (MAS), you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA),
Which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB).
And forced to live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system.
Crazy Monopoly Cards

(Thanks Andre)
The IKEA Office Planner

(Thanks Lucca)
Chinese women growing bigger boobs
We all know that China is experiencing an explosive economic growth but that's not the only thing that is "growing" in China. The breasts of women there are also growing larger according to a study. Bra manufacturers have already taken notice of this "booming" trend. They have been producing larger cup sizes for the Chinese market. From China Daily:
Zhang Jing, a saleswoman with the Triumph brand at Landmark Plaza said she's surprised to find many women under the age of 20 need bras with C, D or even E-cups.The report says that nutritious food and increase participation in sports are the reasons for the bust size increase. I wonder what kind of food they eat there in China.
"It's so different from the past when most young women would wear A- or B-cup bras," she said. "You will never expect those thin women to have such nice figures if they are not plastic."
...Feng Wei, an official with the Ordifen's design, development and research department, said the company began making more C-cup products last year based on sales feedback and an internal survey.
"We make and sell products differently in various areas based on data collected in those places," said Feng. "For a time we only made A and B-cup bras for many categories of products but now C-cups have become a major focus especially in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing."
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Bamboo mouse and keyboard
Is this the biggest burger ever?

(Thanks maccaman10)
Global warming created 2005 storms
Scientists say that global warming played an important role in the record number of hurricanes in the Atlantic last year and warn us that this is just the beginning of more extreme weather to come. From Reuters:
"The hurricanes we are seeing are indeed a direct result of climate change and it's no longer something we'll see in the future, it's happening now," said Greg Holland, a division director at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado...
Holland, director of the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division of the federal research center, said tropical storm anomalies in the 1940s and 1950s can be explained by natural variability.
But he said carbon dioxide started changing traceable patterns in the 1970s and by the early 1990s, the atmospheric results were affecting the storm numbers and intensities.
"What we're seeing right now in global climate temperature is a signature of climate change," said Holland, a native of Australia. "The large bulk of the scientific community say what we are seeing now is linked directly to greenhouse gases."
Today is Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day!

Today, Ben & Jerry's is giving away free scoops of their delicious ice-cream as part of their global Free Cone Day. Here in Singapore, just drop by any of their Scoop Shops at Great World City, United Square, Suntec City Mall or the Singapore Zoo between 12 noon to 7pm to enjoy a free cone of ice cream.
For those in the US, click here to find the participating stores near you while those living in other countries can find out more here.
(Thanks Mel)
Monday, April 24, 2006
IZ Reloaded you are mighty!

Thanks to reader Coffee Addict for making me smile today. All I need now is a blue cape and spandex and I'll be a superhero.
(Thanks Coffee Addict. I'll buy you coffee next time.)
Happy First Birthday Snuppy!
The world's first cloned dog celebrates its first birthday today. The dog named Snuppy was created in South Korea by a team of scientists led by one time national hero and now shamed scientist Hwang Woo-suk. From Reuters:
The birthday celebrations at the university where Hwang once ran his lab were subdued. Snuppy, short for Seoul National University puppy, is in good health and weighs about 29 kilograms (64 lbs), university officials said.
For his birthday, Snuppy enjoyed two of his favourite foods; ice cream and sausages...
Dogs are considered one of the most difficult animals to clone because of their reproductive cycle. Snuppy was born after a normal pregnancy in a yellow Labrador surrogate mother.
The process was difficult and costly. A total of 1,095 reconstructed embryos were transferred into 123 surrogates to create two living puppies. The other cloned dog died after 22 days from pneumonia.
Kamasutra Gummy Bear style

(via MeFi)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
How to put a plaster on your finger
I always have a problem with sticking plaster. Yup, those sticky plastic adhesive bandages (BandAid, Handyplast, Elastoplast, etc) that you use when you have a cut on your finger. Most of the time, they tend to fall off.
You can tell how happy I am after watching this Japanese video showing the proper way to stick a plaster on your finger.
What a neat idea! I love Japanese!
(Thanks Keyes)
Cool new bottle cap

T-shirt tape gallery

(Thanks Uncle Jim)
How to make flip flops using duct tape

(Thanks neorod)
Friday, April 21, 2006
Voting is compulsory in Singapore... really!
Get ready to hit the election centres come May 6. That's the day that the Singapore government has chosen for the country's General Elections. For most of us who have never voted before in Singapore, this could be our chance to finally do so. Well, even if you aren't too eager to vote, you really have no choice because as we all know, voting is compulsory in Singapore. Everyone has to vote!
So if it is compulsory, what happens if someone does not vote? Will the government track you down, charge you in court and put you in jail? No one I talked to really knows. They only say that when it is compulsory in Singapore, it means you have to do it or else. So or else what? What really happens if you don't vote?
Well, I found my answer thanks to the Elections Department Singapore website. Over at its Voting is Compulsory page, it says:
Anyway do our votes really matter? Should every Singaporean be out in full force come May 6 or should we just don't turn up? It is no secret that everyone knows who's going to win aye. Well, it does matter to me. Why? Mainly because my fingers are just itching to mark an X on the spot. See you guys on May 6.
So if it is compulsory, what happens if someone does not vote? Will the government track you down, charge you in court and put you in jail? No one I talked to really knows. They only say that when it is compulsory in Singapore, it means you have to do it or else. So or else what? What really happens if you don't vote?
Well, I found my answer thanks to the Elections Department Singapore website. Over at its Voting is Compulsory page, it says:
Voting at Singapore’s presidential election or parliamentary election is compulsory for all eligible citizens. It is part of the responsibility of being an adult Singapore citizen.There's also a couple of interesting Q&As on the same page:
So, if the presidential election or the parliamentary election in your constituency is contested, and you are eligible to vote, you must present yourself as a voter at your assigned polling station on Polling Day and cast your vote.
What if I do not vote at an election?There's no mention of any other punishment besides the above. So if you don't really want to vote, I would think that you can safely do so as long as you don't mind not being to allowed to participate in future elections. Or maybe there's something else that they are not telling us.
At the end of the election, the Returning Officer will put your name, together with all others who did not vote at the election, in the list of non-voters and pass that to the Registration Officer. The Registration Officer will then remove your name from the certified register of electors.
This means that you cannot vote at any subsequent presidential or parliamentary election, and you are disqualified from being a candidate at any subsequent presidential or parliamentary election.
Anyway do our votes really matter? Should every Singaporean be out in full force come May 6 or should we just don't turn up? It is no secret that everyone knows who's going to win aye. Well, it does matter to me. Why? Mainly because my fingers are just itching to mark an X on the spot. See you guys on May 6.
Sex on the road, India style
This is a video shot by someone driving along a road in India. It shows a couple having sex at the side of the road. To me, it looks like the lady is probably a prostitute. Watch closely and you can spot another lady in the video, squatting just a couple of feet away from the couple. I think she is waiting for her turn.
(Thanks Andy)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
The Firefox Bus

(Thanks SIM)
Your very own vintage Chinese propaganda poster
Now you too can have your portrait painted like a vintage chinese propaganda poster at Just choose a poster among their selections, send a photo of your face and for a few hundred bucks, a Chinese painter will paint a replica of the poster with your face on it.
I too wanna be a Chinese Socialist Hero. So I decided to use a photo of mine and a bit of photoshop to see how I would look like in such a poster. You can see the result above.
Hear me roar!
"Ba pi lin pi kong de douzheng jinxing daodi!"
or in English, it should sound like this,
"Carry out the struggle of denouncing Lin Biao and Confucius to the end!"
Dang. I feel like a hero already.
How to build a dirt cheap fisheye camera

(Thanks K M Johnsen)
Thousands hug Hugging Saint
The latest buzz in Singapore is not the upcoming elections (boring!) but a 53 year old lady from India known as the Hugging Saint. Thousands are expected to queue for hours just to have a 3 second hug from her. From Channel NewsAsia:
A really good feeling.
A special energy.
Hmmmm, these are the same kind of reaction I get from people who have hugged me too. Maybe I should be a Hugging Saint. Travelling around the world, giving hugs. What a job. I love hugs!
Over the past 35 years, she has probably hugged almost a million people a year, many of them on her travels around the world to places like Japan, the US, Europe and the Middle East...Wow.
Her assistant, translating from Amma's native Malayalam, explained: "There is a thirst to experience pure love and people are reluctant to give it and when we give it, there is a selfish motive. But Amma wants to love selflessly and awaken that love in others."
Those who have received her hugs agree.
"You have to experience it yourself. I cannot explain it, it's a really good feeling," one person said.
"There is that special energy, that difference. It is difficult to describe," another person said.
A really good feeling.
A special energy.
Hmmmm, these are the same kind of reaction I get from people who have hugged me too. Maybe I should be a Hugging Saint. Travelling around the world, giving hugs. What a job. I love hugs!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Your camera phone can now be a scanner too
Camera phone users can now use their phones to scan, copy and fax thanks to a cool free software called scanR. It uses advanced imaging processing and data extraction technologies to convert photos taken from your camera phone into legible, searchable PDF files. From MobileCrunch:
My experience with ScaR is that it does take a bit of patience to learn the best way to light and photograph your document for optimal results, but when you consider the difficulty of what they’re allowing you to do and when you think about how large the office equipment is that lets you do essentially the same thing that fact that this works at all is nothing short of amazing.(Thanks GeekGod)
Frankly I was very impressed with the quality of the images that the scans returned. Even in comparison to shooting documents directly with my Nokia N90 I found that the ScanR scans compared very favorably - even when those scans were produced using a much lower resolution camera.
A collection of fart sounds
We all fart. There's no shame to it. People do not realise this but when we eat, we also swallow air. Gas is also produced when our food gets digested. More air! Now, when you have that much air inside you, it has to come out somewhere. That's why we all fart.
Do you know that not all fart sounds are alike? Bad Gas has a collection of 16 fart sounds in wav format. Go listen to them all. There's one that sounds like a motorbike gathering speed just before the engine abruptly cuts out. And another that sounds like a duck having a disturbing nightmare.
"A good fart should be treated like fine wine."
Now what kinda fart is yours? Mine just now sounded like a propeller plane landing in a swamp.
Do you know that not all fart sounds are alike? Bad Gas has a collection of 16 fart sounds in wav format. Go listen to them all. There's one that sounds like a motorbike gathering speed just before the engine abruptly cuts out. And another that sounds like a duck having a disturbing nightmare.
"A good fart should be treated like fine wine."
Now what kinda fart is yours? Mine just now sounded like a propeller plane landing in a swamp.
This is how people drive in India
I'm starting to think that over in India, a driving licence isn't enough for you to get behind the wheel. You need lots of balls too.
(via Mr Brown)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Microsoft's guide to computer slang
Over at the Microsoft website, parents can learn how to understand leet, a popular computer slang that is used by kids today. From Microsoft:
Numbers and symbols often replace the letters that they resemble. The term "leetspeak" could be written as "!337$p34k". The character "!" replaces the letter L, "3" poses as a backwards letter E, and "7" is the letter T, and so on. Other examples of character/letter replacement include using "8" for the letter B, "9" for G, and the number 0 for the letter O. The substitution is limited only by the leetspeaker's creativity.(Thanks Mr Big)
Letters can be substituted for other letters that might sound alike. For example, the letter Z can replace the final letter S in the word "skillz". With the letter X replacing the letter C or K, the example becomes "sxillz". Then using numbers and symbols, leetspeakers might refer to their computer skills as "5x1llz".
Spell with Flickr

Spell with Flickr is a cute little Flickr hack that allows you to type any word or sentence and it will spell out for you using images of letters and numbers found on Flickr. You can also click on a particular image to change it. Cool!
(Thanks GeekGod)
McDonald's Recipes
'McMenu: Do-It-Yourself McDonald’s Restaurant Recipes' is an alledged authentic list of recipes of McDonald's food products. It teaches you how to choose the right beef patties, how to cook them, how to toast the buns and much more. There are recipes for McDonald's icons such as the Hamburger, the Quarter Pounder, the Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish and even the french fries. From the HTML version of the PDF file:
Peel the potatoes. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, corn syrup, and hot water. Make sure the sugar is dissolved. Using a French fry slicer, cut the peeled potatoes into shoestrings. The potatoes should be 1/4" x 1/4" in thickness, and about 4" to 6" long. (You can do this with a knife, but it is a lot of work)Here's the PDF file (hosted by Junkheap) for download. These recipes are based on the old McDonald’s production methods of the 50's, 60's, and 70's.
Place the shoe-stringed potatoes into the bowl of sugar-water, and refrigerate. Let them soak about 30 minutes. While they're soaking, pack the shortening into the deep fryer. Crank up the temperature to "full". The shortening has to pre-heat for a very long time. It will eventually liquefy. After it has liquefied and is at least 375°, drain the potatoes and dump them into the fryer. (be careful, it will be ferocious)
(Photo above by Slice who also writes a nice burger blog)
25 most difficult job interview questions
This set of questions and tips on how to answer them can be very handy for those going for job interviews. From GoodRecruits:
23. What do you feel this position should pay?
Salary is a delicate topic. We suggest that you defer tying yourself to a precise figure for as long as you can do so politely. You might say, “I understand that the range for this job is between $______ and $______. That seems appropriate for the job as I understand it.” You might answer the question with a question: “Perhaps you can help me on this one. Can you tell me if there is a range for similar jobs in the organization?”
If you are asked the question during an initial screening interview, you might say that you feel you need to know more about the position’s responsibilities before you could give a meaningful answer to that question. Here, too, either by asking the interviewer or search executive (if one is involved), or in research done as part of your homework, you can try to find out whether there is a salary grade attached to the job. If there is, and if you can live with it, say that the range seems right to you.
Monday, April 17, 2006
The Bikini Babe PC

I love the Bikini Babe PC made by Japanese master pc modder Katsuya Matsumura. He has built some really impressive pc mods in the past but I think this time, he has really outdone himself with this sexy piece of work. Check out those curves! Man, I need to get one of these.
Dogs In Duds

(Thanks Giselle Loh)
Spurs are the Premiership's kings of England
Tottenham Hotspur are the Premiership's kings of England! The football club now in fourth position in the English Premier League, is chasing for the fourth and last Champions League spot. Martin Jol, the Spurs manager said that his team deserved the fourth spot and that everyone in England should support Spurs to take the last Champions League spot away from Arsenal, their biggest rival. From Mirror:
No matter what happens at the end of the season, I think we have done a good job. No one expected us to be challenging for the Champions League spot when the season began and we have been in fourth position for a long time this season. We are very likely to play European football next season through the UEFA Cup competition even if we do not qualify for the Champions League. Our talented English players are still young and they can only get better.
Spurs meet Man Utd tonight and Arsenal this weekend. I think I'm going to have a weak heart after this week.
The whole of England, he insisted, should be proud of what is happening at Tottenham.I'm proud of being a Spurs fan. We play with a lot of young English players, something that other clubs do not. For example, during the weekend, we had NINE Englishmen on the pitch! Champions elect Chelsea had only three and Arsenal - zero!
That they should salute a policy that has offered a chance to compete at the top level to young, homegrown players of real potential.
Jol believes it is simply not happening enough, and claims too that such a short-sighted policy can eventually have a damaging effect on the future of the national team...
"But last week in the Champions League there wasn't a single English player and that is strange and worrying. "That is why I think everyone in England should get behind us and be proud that we've got an English team with some foreign players thrown in."
You know what? He is right. Spurs play some exhilarating football in the right spirit, and they do it with young English players.
No matter what happens at the end of the season, I think we have done a good job. No one expected us to be challenging for the Champions League spot when the season began and we have been in fourth position for a long time this season. We are very likely to play European football next season through the UEFA Cup competition even if we do not qualify for the Champions League. Our talented English players are still young and they can only get better.
Spurs meet Man Utd tonight and Arsenal this weekend. I think I'm going to have a weak heart after this week.
Parking Idiots in Singapore

Sunday, April 16, 2006
You have 30 secs to impress a gal
A research done by Scottish scientists reveals that women need only 30 seconds to make up their mind whether the guy they meet for the first time, is a potential boyfriend. From Scotsman:
Professor Richard Wiseman, of Hertfordshire University, said: "Men are often accused of being shallow and judging women very quickly.So guys, remember the importance of a good pick up line. Alrighty, go get em.
"However, this evidence suggests that women may make up their minds much quicker than men. It suggests men have only a few seconds to impress a woman, thus emphasising the importance of their opening comments."
The study also found that women were twice as picky as the men.
How to build an atomic bomb
Do you have US$5 000 to US$30 000 to spare? If you have, then you can build your very own atomic bomb according to this article. From Barking Spider:
Important: Please do not try to build one and explode it in your neighbourhood. This is only for educational purpose. I repeat. Only for educational purpose.
(Thanks Rocky)
1.First, obtain about 50 pounds (110 kg) of weapons grade Plutonium at your local supplier (see NOTE 1). A nuclear power plant is not recommended, as large quantities of missing Plutonium tends to make plant engineers unhappy. We suggest that you contact your local terrorist organization, or perhaps the Junior Achievement in your neighborhood.Chey. I didn't know it's that easy. Piece of cake mate.
2. Please remember that Plutonium, especially pure, refined Plutonium, is somewhat dangerous. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after handling the material, and don't allow your children or pets to play in it or eat it. Any left over Plutonium dust is excellent as an insect repellant. You may wish to keep the substance in a lead box if you can find one in your local junk yard, but an old coffee can will do nicely.
3. Fashion together a metal enclosure to house the device. Most common varieties of sheet metal can be bent to disguise this enclosure as, for example, a briefcase, a lunch pail, or a Buick. Do not use tinfoil.
Important: Please do not try to build one and explode it in your neighbourhood. This is only for educational purpose. I repeat. Only for educational purpose.
(Thanks Rocky)
Lots and lots of airline meals

(Thanks Joline Michelle Wee)
Weekly comic book cover scans

(Thanks sgho43)
Friday, April 14, 2006
South Park Cartoon Wars Part 2
In the concluding episode to South Park: Cartoon Wars, Comedy Central decided to stop the show's creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone from showing the Muslim prophet Mohammad. The scene where Mohammad gives a salmon helmet to Peter of the Family Guy was censored and in its place is a statement "Comedy Central has refused to broadcast an image of Muhammad on their network" on a black screen. The last scene where Jesus, Bush and a bunch of Americans crapping on each other was allowed to be shown. Watch Cartoon Wars part 2 below.
(Thanks hitboi)
Update: The last video isn't working because it has been removed from YouTube's server. You can still watch the ending of Cartoon Wars 2 below. (Thanks Rusdie)
Previously: Watch South Park Cartoon Wars Part 1
(Thanks hitboi)
Update: The last video isn't working because it has been removed from YouTube's server. You can still watch the ending of Cartoon Wars 2 below. (Thanks Rusdie)
Previously: Watch South Park Cartoon Wars Part 1
The USB Bra

What if USB plays an important role in the things we use everyday? That's the question an exhibition in Germany called Universal Connection asked earlier this year. One of the products showcased in the exhibition is the USB bra. For a world without hooks or eyes... unplug and play!
(Thanks Uncle Jim)
24 will soon be a movie
Fans of the hit TV series 24 will soon get to see Jack Bauer on the big screens. Actor Kiefer Sutherland says that the TV series has a film script in development. From MTV:
Leaving open the possibility of several big-screen Bauer missions, the veteran star then explained that the first "24" flick will not be 24 hours long but will instead offer a Reader's Digest-like summary of a whole new day from hell. "The '24' movie would be a two-hour representation of a 24-hour day," revealed the actor, who also stars in the similarly themed drama "The Sentinel" later this month. "That would be the first time that we would not do something in real time, but the characters would obviously all be derivative of the show.
How to sleep on planes
Some people have problem sleeping on planes. Not me. I can sleep anywhere. The Independent Traveller has some useful tips on how to sleep on planes. From The Independent Traveller:
Avoid completely the last row in the plane, and any seats just in front of the exit row. Think twice about bulkhead, exit row, and aisle seats.Go ahead and sleep during your next flight. Just don't snore too loudly.
Good Seats
Go for window seats near the front of the plane
Window seats:
- Give you something to lean against
- Keep you out of the lines of traffic, so no one has to climb over you or ask you to get up repeatedly
- Give you some control over the window shade
Seats in the front of the plane are quieter, although if the airline boards back to front, you may be skunked when it comes to overhead bin space, pillows, and blankets.
How to make a plastic bag bra

Ah, the joy of recycling.
(Thanks vince)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Beware of Bausch & Lomb ReNu
ReNu, a popular contact lens cleanser made by Baush & Lomb has been linked to a rare fungal infection of the eye known as fungal keratitis. It is caused by a fungi called Fusarium and it can severely damage the cornea and even cause blindness.
In Singapore, so far there is a total of 75 cases of cornea fungal infections according to the Ministry of Health which also did a study to investigate the infections. They found out that the use of ReNu is linked to the corneal infections. From Ministry of Health:
Previously: Another health hazard: Beware of the pedicure
In Singapore, so far there is a total of 75 cases of cornea fungal infections according to the Ministry of Health which also did a study to investigate the infections. They found out that the use of ReNu is linked to the corneal infections. From Ministry of Health:
A comprehensive case-control study (comparing contact lens users with infection and contact lens users without corneal infection) was undertaken in Feb-Mar 2006 to investigate risk factors for the spike in fungal corneal infection. The study found a strong association between corneal infection and the use of ReNu solution. This association remained strong even after taking into consideration socio-demographic, lens, hygiene and environmental factors. The findings are also consistent with recent observations made in the US and Hong Kong.In the US, 109 people in 17 states had the same infection and yet again ReNu is linked to some of these infections. Bausch & Lomb has decided to immediately and voluntarily suspend all shipments of its ReNu solution. Stores all over US have also started to clear their shelves of ReNu. From Bloomberg:
``This created a lot of confusion'' for customers, said spokesman Michael Polzin of No. 1 drugstore chain Walgreen, based in Deerfield, Illinois. ``To try to alleviate that customer confusion, we are taking out all the ReNu line.''So far, reports of fungal keratitis possibly linked to ReNu has only surfaced in the US and South East Asia. Bausch & Lomb will not halt the sale of ReNu in other parts of the world. From Times Online:
Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, based in Bentonville, Arkansas, is removing ReNu with MoistureLoc from its shelves and has stopped sales ``pending further tests'' by the CDC, said spokesman Kevin Gardner in an e-mailed statement.
No. 3 U.S. drugstore chain Rite Aid, based in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, will remove the Bausch & Lomb product from its stores in the next 24 hours, said spokeswoman Jody Cook in an interview. Jean Coutu Group Inc., which owns 1,853 Eckerd and Brooks stores, is also removing the product from stores, spokeswoman Helene Bisson said.
Visits to stores yesterday turned up considerable confusion. Even after Rite Aid, Walgreen and Safeway corporate headquarters said the product was being removed, ReNu with MoistureLoc was still on shelves at a Safeway store in downtown San Francisco last night while all but two canisters had been pulled from a Rite Aid store. Walgreen had removed the item from its downtown San Francisco stores as of last night.
Bausch & Lomb (B&L), the US-listed eyecare company, said yesterday that it would not withdraw the solution from distribution in the UK because its supplies for Europe, the Middle East and Africa were made in Milan, Italy.Bausch & Lomb meanwhile has stated that its ReNu products is safe and effective. From Forbes:
The eye disease has been linked to contact lens solution manufactured in B&L’s plant in Greenville, South Carolina, which supplies products to the US and South-East Asia. B&L said yesterday that no “unusual trends” in eye disease had been reported in the UK, Europe, Middle East or Africa.
In a conference call with analysts, the CEO was quoted by The Associated Press as saying, "As far as speculation about theories, there's a lot of them, we've run a lot of them to ground and come up with nothing." He continued, "Every additional test we've run suggests that the formulation is as safe and effective as anything on the market and in particular with regard to Fusarium."The company also said back in March 31 that it believes that the root cause of these infections is not related to a specific contact lens or lens-care product. It said that test results show that ReNu proved to be stable, sterile and highly effective in killing the fungus. From Bausch & Lomb:
Product from the lots of ReNu® with MoistureLoc ® multi-purpose solution that were identified as being used by patients in Singapore and Hong Kong, were tested and proved to be stable, sterile and highly effective in killing the fungus.With the exact cause of these recent infections yet to be identified, contact lens users are advised not to use ReNu for the time being. Also keep your contact lenses clean all the time and best, use daily disposable lenses. From Business Week:
Product from the lots of ReNu with MoistureLoc and ReNu® MultiPlus ® multi-purpose solutions that were shipped to Hong Kong and Singapore were tested and proved to be stable, sterile and highly effective in killing the fungus.
Product samples collected from the Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore markets were tested with a full panel of biocidal challenge organisms and full chemical testing was performed. All testing indicated that the samples were within specification and highly effective in killing bacteria and fungi.
Colby says the best way for contact lens wearers to avoid eye infections is to keep their lenses scrupulously clean. Hands should always be washed before touching lenses, the storage case should be cleaned, and a multi-purpose solution should be squirted on the lens 10 seconds to 15 seconds before it is stored.Update 16 April: Bausch & Lomb's open letter to consumers: "Switch to another lens care solution for the time being"
The eye surgeon's ultimate recommendation: "I really prefer disposable lenses that are thrown away at the end of each day" to avoid storage and cleaning problems.
Previously: Another health hazard: Beware of the pedicure
How to Pick Up Japanese Chicks and Doom Your Immortal Soul
How to pick up Japanese chicks and doom your immortal soul, a book written by a dude who obviously has gotten lucky with plenty of Jap chicks. Guys, you need to get this book if you wanna pick up one. From the book:
You can find Japanese chicks almost anywhere in the world. They resemble cosmic dust motes and lecherous clergymen in this way, and only this way. Millions are abroad at any given moment, working, studying, shopping or just browsing.(Thanks Shy)
This is partly my doing. Here in Japan it is my job, nay my privilege, to prepare Japanese chicks to study abroad in English-medium colleges throughout the world.
It has its benifits; I'm often the recipient of savage, full frontal hugs when our university posts the study abroad scholarship list.
Anyway, thanks to me, you can now encounter Japanese chicks in the environs of universities...
My LV Desktop
Thanks to Kevin "Macdaddy" Lim, I have decided to pimp my notebook with Loius Vutton! From Theory.IsTheReason:
Until I figure out our fascination for handbags and purses adorned with monograms, geeks with affinity for Louis Vuitton can now take solace in how cheaply they can pimp their Macs likewise. Think free. Whether you own the latest dual-booting MacBook or the ugliest Dell Inspiron, you can at least show some attitude by replacing your vanilla desktop wallpaper with one of these LV monstrosities.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Robert J. Lang Origami

(Thanks S W Wong)
How to draw an Ewok

(Thanks Raymond)
MacbookPro plus Win XP beats PCs
Fans of Windows XP should be delighted with Apple's new Bootcamp software which allows Apple's Intel powered machines to run the Windows operating system. Over at Macworld, they did a Windows XP testing on 2 Macs and 3 PCs. The winner: MacbookPro. From Macworld:
Previously: Macs do Windows too
Even with Boot Camp, it still takes a couple of hours to set these systems up. But once running, they’ve been very stable. Here are some WorldBench 5 results, compared to three computers recently tested by PC World...Impressive! I want one!
As you can see, the Macs running Windows gave these PCs a run for their money, with the 2.16GHz MacBook Pro turning in the fastest scores on three of the five individual tests.
Previously: Macs do Windows too
Yahoo attacks Yahoogle
I think Yahoo's lawyers have nothing better to do with their spare time. They decided to send a cease and desist email to a blogger at for infringing the Yahoo trademark. From Yahoogle:
Yahoo claims "your use of the YAHOO! mark in the Domain and on the website located at the Domain constitutes trademark infringement and unfair competition, and dilutes and tarnishes the famous YAHOO! trademark."
After doing a little googling (heh, heh) on the subject of trademarks, it appears that if my domain is confusingly similar to theirs that they may have a legitimate beef. However if you look at all my posts on this site and all the comments, and if you were able to look at all the email I have received (even the penis ones) you wouln't find a single instance of anyone ever confusing my website for theirs.
One factor, according to one trademark website, in determining whether users would be confused or not is the sophistication of said users. What is Yahoo saying about itss users? they aren't sophisticated enough to tell the difference between a "!" and "gle"? I know my visitors can. Sheesh, even AOL'ers would be able to tell the difference.
How to be like Jack Bauer
Fans of the hit TV series 24 listen up. Ever wanted to be like Jack Bauer? This dude teaches you how. From Vergel's Aeneid:
No one can be exactly like Jack Bauer. He's too hardcore. You'd kill yourself even if you dreamt that you were Jack Bauer.
You, however, want to be in his likeness. So, I have compiled a handy list for those Jack Bauer wannabes; perfect for a night out on the town or for saving the United States of America from biological or nuclear obliteration.
There are essential items that Jack Bauer wears that contribute to his overall trademark ruggedness and badassness...
Item 1: the Jacket
Jack uses a variety of suave and sophisticated jackets over the 5 days that we've been following him. A personal favorite of mine is the jacket/hoody. After intense deliberation and speculation, a lot of people have claimed that Jack's jacket is the japanese-made: Supreme Water Proof Hooded M65 JKT Black.
Quarter of species to go extinct by 2050
Scientists predict that a quarter of the world's plant and vertebrate animal species would face extinction by 2050. From
"Climate change is rapidly becoming the most serious threats to the planet's biodiversity," said Jay Malcolm, an assistant forestry professor at the University of Toronto. "This study provides even stronger scientific evidence that global warming will result in catastrophic species loss across the planet."
In the most dramatic of the scenarios, for which carbon dioxide levels grow to double that of today's levels, the models forecasted a potential loss of 56,000 plant species and 3,700 vertebrate species in the hotspots.
Such a climate scenario could become a reality in only 50 years, the study estimates.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Helicopter model took 15 years to complete

(Thanks Dav)
Singapore is top Asian city for quality of living
Singapore has overtaken Tokyo as the top Asian city for quality of living according to Mercer's annual World-wide Quality of Living Survey. Singapore ranks 34th (score 102.5) followed by Tokyo, Japan's highest scoring city, at position 35 (score 102.3). Hong Kong's modern and efficient infrastructure, including its airport which is considered one of best in the world, has pushed it up from 70th to 68th position with a score of 95.4. The top-ranking city in China is Shanghai in 103rd place (score 80.1).
The best city in the world for quality living is Zurich. The city scores 108.2 and is only marginally ahead of Geneva, which scores 108.1, while Vancouver follows in third place with a score of 107.7. Other highly-rated cities include Dusseldorf (107.2), Frankfurt (107.0) and Munich (106.8) in positions 6, 7 and 8 respectively. Athens remains the lowest scoring city in Western Europe, scoring 86.8 at position 79.
London is the UK's highest ranking city and is stable at position 39 (score 101.2). The two other UK cities covered in the survey are Birmingham and Glasgow which both score 98.3 and climb one place to joint 55th position. Dublin has dropped two places to 24th position, scoring 103.8, mainly due to increased traffic congestion.
Auckland and Wellington have both moved up the rankings from 8th to 5th and 14th to 12th places respectively, mainly due to strong internal stability relative to other cities, while Sydney remains at position 9 with a score of 106.5.
And the city with the worst quality of living for the third consecutive year is Baghdad with a score of 14.5.
The best city in the world for quality living is Zurich. The city scores 108.2 and is only marginally ahead of Geneva, which scores 108.1, while Vancouver follows in third place with a score of 107.7. Other highly-rated cities include Dusseldorf (107.2), Frankfurt (107.0) and Munich (106.8) in positions 6, 7 and 8 respectively. Athens remains the lowest scoring city in Western Europe, scoring 86.8 at position 79.
London is the UK's highest ranking city and is stable at position 39 (score 101.2). The two other UK cities covered in the survey are Birmingham and Glasgow which both score 98.3 and climb one place to joint 55th position. Dublin has dropped two places to 24th position, scoring 103.8, mainly due to increased traffic congestion.
Auckland and Wellington have both moved up the rankings from 8th to 5th and 14th to 12th places respectively, mainly due to strong internal stability relative to other cities, while Sydney remains at position 9 with a score of 106.5.
And the city with the worst quality of living for the third consecutive year is Baghdad with a score of 14.5.
Free TV shows on
Starting May 1, viewers can get to watch TV shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives and Alias online for free thanks to ABC. From MSNBC:
The programmes will be available for download over a broadband internet connection following their network premieres. They will contain advertising – which cannot be skipped – from such companies as AT&T, Cingular, Ford, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, Unilever and Universal Pictures.I think this is going to be big and I'm not surprised if more TV networks start to put their shows online and adopting the model that ABC is using . Get ready for TV 2.0!
It will also supply programmes from its Soap Net and Disney Channel cable networks.
Monday, April 10, 2006
1978 sex education video for trainables
Here is a 1978 training video for people who need to teach sex education to the mentally disabled.
Vintage Chinese Calendar Cards
Common errors in English
Paul Brians is a Professor of English at the Washington State University. Over at his site, he lists all the common errors in English usage. For example, "everyday" should be written "every day" and "lol" shouldn't be used to depict laughter. From Common Errors in English:
“Everyday” is a perfectly good adjective, as in “I’m most comfortable in my everyday clothes.” The problem comes when people turn the adverbial phrase “every day” into a single word. It is incorrect to write “I take a shower everyday.” It should be “I take a shower every day.”
The common Internet abbreviation “lol” (for “laughing out loud”) began as an expression of amusement or satirical contempt: “My brother-in-law thought the hollandaise sauce was gravy and poured it all over his mashed potatoes (lol).” It has become much overused, often to indicate mere surprise or emphasis with no suggestion of humor: “The boss just told us we have to redo the budget this afternoon (lol).” And some people drop it into their prose almost at random, like a verbal hiccup. It is no longer considered hip or sophisticated, and you won’t impress or entertain anyone by using it.
Note that this initialism has had two earlier meanings: “Little Old Lady” and “Lots Of Love.”
Travelling with your iPod
The iPod is your best travelling buddy. Find out nine ways how your iPod can enrich your travelling experience. From National Geographic Traveller:
1. Grab a Playlist(Thanks sonawand)
It's no secret that there are millions of songs available at Apple's iTunes and other sites. But busy travelers can also download entire playlists—preselected soundtracks keyed to a certain mood or genre—for their wanderings. Listeners can even find preassembled hits from all sorts of celebrities (on iTunes), such as Jackie Chan's favorite Chinese rock ditties or Aussie Nicole Kidman's selects for that trip to the Outback.
2. Match a Book to Your Destination
It's not just classical music in your earbuds; it's the classics themselves. Audio books, many unabridged, are available at such sites as iTunes and, both with extensive libraries of fiction and nonfiction offerings. If you're visiting the English countryside, take along Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice ($28, Heading to Bangalore, you can bone up on the subcontinent's booming economy by toting Thomas Friedman's The World Is Flat ($19, iTunes).
Saturday, April 08, 2006
South Park hits out on Family Guy
The latest episode of South Park is on YouTube. In "Cartoon Wars", people are protesting against Family Guy (another popular cartoon in the US) for airing an episode with a cartoon of the Muslim prophet. The dude who uploaded the episode on YouTube split it into three parts. You can watch it below. Warning: Episode may offend some people.
You can also download the episode using Bittorrent via MrTwig's net. I can't wait for Part 2. South Park rocks!
(Thanks hitboi)
Update: South Park Cartoon Wars Part 2
You can also download the episode using Bittorrent via MrTwig's net. I can't wait for Part 2. South Park rocks!
(Thanks hitboi)
Update: South Park Cartoon Wars Part 2
10 video sharing services reviewed
DV Guru reviews 10 video sharing services: vimeo, eyespot, jumpcut, ourmedia, vSocial, Google Video, grouper, Revver, VideoEgg and YouTube. From DV Guru:
To test each service, I uploaded my demo reel (a 15MB Sorenson 3-encoded Quicktime file) to each site and compared video quality, site interface, community features, and functionality. Where applicable I also tried to embed the resulting video in a Wordpress page. Many of these sites are still in beta, and their functionality could change in the coming months, but if you're looking to post and share video today, this is the current state of things.(Thanks vho274)
Playboy launched in Indonesia

Kissing law in Indonesia
On Thursday, I blogged about the ridiculous law in Malaysia that prohibits kissing and hugging in public. Now, Indonesia is also taking steps to curb kissing in one of its cities. From Reuters:
(Thanks xXx)
Previously: No kissing and hugging in Malaysia
Unrelated people who kiss each other on the lips for more than five minutes at public places in the Indonesian city of Tangerang will face arrest, local media said on Friday.Here's an advice to those who want to kiss in public in Tangerang: Bring along your stopwatch.
The government in Tangerang, a suburb west of Jakarta, defended the regulation as a practical guideline for its officers to follow up on tough and heavily criticised anti-prostitution laws passed by the city council last year.
"Please do not dramatise this. We will not arrest people at will as we are not oppressors," Ahmad Lutfi, head of the city's public order department, told the Koran Tempo newspaper.
(Thanks xXx)
Previously: No kissing and hugging in Malaysia
Friday, April 07, 2006
IZ Reloaded for Dummies

My new book IZ Reloaded The Blog For Dummies is now out in all major bookstores. Go grab one quick. For a limited time only, when purchasing the book at the counter, shout out "IZ Reloaded Rocks!" and you'll get to buy the book at half price. And if you do the boogie-woogie after you shout "IZ Reloaded Rocks!", you'll get a 70% discount! Now that's a good deal aye.
(Thanks Johnny Q)
Gospel of Judas this Sunday!
One of the most hated men in history, Judas Iscariot, the dude who betrayed Jesus to the cross will most likely be seen in a new light after this Sunday. National Geographic Channel will be airing at 10pm, Sunday (Singapore time) the exclusive world premiere of The Gospel of Judas. From the site:
Dang. I'm excited. They have been showing the trailer over and over again on NatGeo. This is definitely must watch TV on Sunday. Only one problem. Man Utd vs Arsenal is showing at 11pm. Shit.
What if an ancient gospel were rediscovered that offered a radically different perspective on a man that history has painted as the ultimate villain? What if this account turned Jesus' betrayal on its head and in it, the villain became the hero? Tune is for an exclusive two hour global event that traces the incredible story of what has happened to the Gospel of Judas since it was found, the recent authentication process and analysis, and key insight gleaned from its laborious translation and interpretion.Over at the National Geographic's Lost Gospel site (different from the above link), you can learn more about the project and also view a few pages of the Gospel of Judas in English and Coptic!
Dang. I'm excited. They have been showing the trailer over and over again on NatGeo. This is definitely must watch TV on Sunday. Only one problem. Man Utd vs Arsenal is showing at 11pm. Shit.
Macs do Windows too
Apple has released Boot Camp, a software that allows its Mac machines to run Windows XP! Boot Camp will be included in the next Mac OS and the public beta version is currently available for download. From PC Magazine:
To use the software, users need an Intel-based Mac with a USB keyboard and mouse, or a built-in keyboard and TrackPad; Mac OS X version 10.4.6 or later; the latest firmware update; at least 10GB of free space on the startup disk; a blank recordable CD or DVD; and single-disc version of Windows XP Home Edition or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later.This announcement by Apple may be good news for its stockholders. They may sell more Macs. More PC users may buy Macs now. We may see more Macs in the homes and offices. More revenue for Apple. More profit. Surely all these should be good for Apple right? I don't know. I always thought some of the reasons why people want to buy a Mac is because it is cool. It is different. And it DOESN'T RUN WINDOWS! Now with Windows, the Macs will be vulnerable to more virus attacks. From InformationWeek:
In an interview with PC Magazine, Brian Croll, senior director of marketing for Apple's OS X, said that the software's Boot Camp Assistant first creates a separate partition for Windows. The user determines how much capacity he or she wants for Windows and how much for OS X, and can set the Windows partition in either FAT32 or NTFS format. It then creates a CD-ROM with the Windows drivers to support the screen, audio, wired and wireless networks, keyboard functions such as eject key, brightness, and other functions. Users must then install Windows using a full Microsoft Windows XP SP2 disk.
"When a Mac is booted into Windows, it can be attacked by the same [exploits] that threaten any Windows PC," said Dunham. "If you're running an unpatched version of Windows XP on any box, it'll be hacked pretty quickly."Over at the BootCamp site, Apple says it best:
Of the two operating systems, "naturally with Windows you're more at risk," said Dunham. Neither Mac OS X or Windows are invulnerable to attack -- the former was the subject earlier this year of its first zero-day bug -- but the latter is, by far, the one that draws most attacker attention.
Don’t forget to follow best practices for updating and protecting your Windows system.... Windows running on a Mac is like Windows running on a PC. That means it’ll be subject to the same attacks that plague the Windows world. So be sure to keep it updated with the latest Microsoft Windows security fixes.Thanks very much Apple for opening your world to the rubbish that is Windows.
Singapore launching preemptive strike

Preemptive strike is a military attack designed to prevent, or reduce the impact of, an anticipated attack from an enemy. After the 911 incident, the US has been very vocal about using preemptive strikes to take away any security threats. Countries like Israel and Iran have also warned their enemies that they too will launch their own preemptive strikes if they feel they are threatened. And you know such policies are the in-thing now when you hear that Singapore too is launching a preemptive strike. No enemy countries to launch a preemptive strike? No worries. We launch one against the mosquitoes.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I want a Strawberry Lolly!

No kissing and hugging in Malaysia
This is fucking ridiculous. A Chinese couple in Malaysia will be charged in court for hugging and kissing at the Kuala Lumpur City Centre Park. The punishment is a fine not exceeding RM2,000 or jailed up to a year, or both. From Daily Express:
The local government has the power to establish by-laws to prosecute citizens who behave in a disorderly manner in public, the Federal Court ruled Tuesday.And now tourists in Malaysia are advised not to kiss passionately in public or they too may be brought to court. From BBC:
Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, together with Federal Court judges Datuk Alauddin Sheriff and Datuk Richard Malanjum, unanimously held that the Datuk Bandar of Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) was correct to charge two students for behaving indecently by hugging and kissing at the Kuala Lumpur City Centre Park.
The court ruled that Section 8(1) of the Park By-Laws, the section invoked by the Datuk Bandar to punish persons caught behaving indecently in public was constitutional.
Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz commented that hugging and kissing might be "acceptable in England", but he said it was open to question whether Malaysians took the same view.You cannot kiss and hug your loved one in public in Malaysia but you can kiss a cobra 51 times in Genting. What the fuck!
But a warning from the couple's lawyer that tourists could find themselves hauled up before the courts prompted Kuala Lumpur's mayor to play down the ruling.
Mayor Roslin Hassan told the BBC that officials would simply advise people rather than arrest them if their behaviour was inappropriate.
He says holding hands is OK, but couples should not kiss too passionately in public.
Missing link between fish and tetrapods found
Palaeontologists have found the missing link between fish and four-footed land animals (tetrapods) in the remote Arctic. It has long been thought that our fish ancestors began walking on land some 400 million years ago. Now they have the prove. From New Scientist:
The new animal has been named Tiktaalik after suggestions from Inuit elders in the northern Canadian territory of Nunavut, where the fossil was found. The name means "large freshwater fish", and before long could be as well known as that of another iconic transition fossil, the feathered dinosaur Archaeopteryx.
"We describe this as a 'fishopod': part fish, part tetrapod," says Neil Shubin, a palaeontologist at the University of Chicago, and a member of the team that discovered Tiktaalik.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
My Ultraman Daddy
A young gal posts photos of her and her Ultraman Daddy on Flickr. Cute!!! Everybody deserves an Ultraman Daddy!
(Thanks dre)
Tobacco company sues secondhand smokers
Secondhand smokers are a poor bunch of people. Not only they have to suffer the ill effects from secondhand smoking but if this story is true (of course it ain't), they will be sued for taking in other people's smoke. From Weekly World News:
The B.S. Raleigh Tobacco Company is fighting back. They're tired of people enjoying their products for free. That's why they've filed a $5 billion classaction lawsuit to penalize millions of secondhand smokers.Now why didn't Marlboro and other real tobacco companies think of that?
"If people ain't gonna buy our cigarettes, they shouldn't be able to enjoy other people's smoke," declared Raleigh President Frank Thermal.
Podcasts banned in General Elections
Bloody hell! Podcasting is not allowed during the elections here in Singapore says the government. It also adds that video casting is also prohibited and that bloggers who want to discuss politics must register themselves with the Media Development Authority. From Channel NewsAsia:
Well, I don't care. Fuck the rules mate. No podcasting? Says who. Here's mine (announcing out loud to the government). Go listen to it. Oh once you finish listening to it, you may need to play it backwards to reveal the hidden actual messages.
Warning: Hidden messages contain political views that the government does not want us to hear. Do not play it in reverse unless you are one of those who truly believe that subliminal messages can be hidden in an audio recording.
Dr Balaji said: "There are also some well-known local blogs run by private individuals who have ventured into podcasting. The content of some of these podcasts can be quite entertaining. However, the streaming of explicit political content by individuals during the election period is prohibited under the Election Advertising Regulations. A similar prohibition would apply to the videocasting or video streaming of explicitly political content."Here's another Channel NewsAsia report that talks about the reaction:
One academic believes the ban has the 'potential to scare people'.I know some of you may ask what is the government afraid of? I pity the opposition parties. They do not have the resources to promote their views and campaigns freely using the local media and now they cannot use podcasting or the internet without fear of the government coming hard on them. And what about people like you and me who have every right to discuss freely about who we want as our leaders? We are talking about the future of our country here and we cannot even do that. So who is really afraid of who here?
"It's a reminder that there are laws, that if you transgress, if you violate the laws, you can be punished," said Associate Professor Benjamin Detenber, Nanyang Technological University's School of Communication and Information.
"A lot of people were hoping that with the new technology, there would be an opportunity to push the boundaries of political discourse a little further, open things up. What we've seen here is that as long as the communication is political, it doesn't matter what technology is being used, it's still subject to the same laws," he added.
Well, I don't care. Fuck the rules mate. No podcasting? Says who. Here's mine (announcing out loud to the government). Go listen to it. Oh once you finish listening to it, you may need to play it backwards to reveal the hidden actual messages.
Warning: Hidden messages contain political views that the government does not want us to hear. Do not play it in reverse unless you are one of those who truly believe that subliminal messages can be hidden in an audio recording.
Jesus did not walk on water
Previously, I blogged about the new book, The Jesus Papers that says Christianity is one big lie. Now, scientists have suggested that Jesus may have cheated others into believing that he was actually walking on water. From
Previously: What if everything you know about Jesus is wrong?
The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel...Ah, now we know how he did it.
The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 –1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived.
Previously: What if everything you know about Jesus is wrong?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Catching the next total solar eclipse in our neighbourhood
Last Wednesday, I did a live blogging of the total solar eclipse visible from Turkey. Some of you later asked me if we can ever see a total solar eclipse here in Singapore and when will be the next one.
I remember talking to a fellow amateur astronomer here in Singapore sometime last year at a star party. He said to a bunch of people that we will never see a total solar eclipse here. He was wrong of course but you can understand why he would say that. You see, because for us in Singapore, total solar eclipses are super rare! Check this out. The last total solar eclipse visible in Singapore was on 4 March 1821! And the next one? Well, only if you can live long enough past October 7 2135!

Totality in Singapore is very rare but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy one in your neighbourhood. There are a couple of total solar eclipses visible in South East Asia. The one closest to us occured in Indonesia on March 18 1988. Before that on 11 June 1983, Indonesia was again treated to a total solar eclipse. Another close one to Singapore was on October 24 1995. That time, the total eclipse was visible from Thailand and parts of South East Asia.

The next total solar eclipse visible in South East Asia and nearby regions will be on March 9 2016. Again, Indonesia will be the best place to view it. There's an earlier one on July 22 2009 but it will only be visible in India and China. The other one worth mentioning is November 13 2012 visible on the northern tip of Australia. Alright now, go ahead and mark your calendars.
(Note: The blue path on the charts depict the path of the total solar eclipse while the red path is an annular solar eclipse which happens when the moon appears slightly smaller than the sun therefore it does not cover the sun completely, leaving a ring of the sun around it.)
(Charts copyright Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)
Update: How to watch the August 1 2008 Total Solar Eclipse
I remember talking to a fellow amateur astronomer here in Singapore sometime last year at a star party. He said to a bunch of people that we will never see a total solar eclipse here. He was wrong of course but you can understand why he would say that. You see, because for us in Singapore, total solar eclipses are super rare! Check this out. The last total solar eclipse visible in Singapore was on 4 March 1821! And the next one? Well, only if you can live long enough past October 7 2135!

Totality in Singapore is very rare but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy one in your neighbourhood. There are a couple of total solar eclipses visible in South East Asia. The one closest to us occured in Indonesia on March 18 1988. Before that on 11 June 1983, Indonesia was again treated to a total solar eclipse. Another close one to Singapore was on October 24 1995. That time, the total eclipse was visible from Thailand and parts of South East Asia.

The next total solar eclipse visible in South East Asia and nearby regions will be on March 9 2016. Again, Indonesia will be the best place to view it. There's an earlier one on July 22 2009 but it will only be visible in India and China. The other one worth mentioning is November 13 2012 visible on the northern tip of Australia. Alright now, go ahead and mark your calendars.
(Note: The blue path on the charts depict the path of the total solar eclipse while the red path is an annular solar eclipse which happens when the moon appears slightly smaller than the sun therefore it does not cover the sun completely, leaving a ring of the sun around it.)
(Charts copyright Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)
Update: How to watch the August 1 2008 Total Solar Eclipse
Monday, April 03, 2006
How to build a 7 Eleven

(Thanks Ayumi)
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