There was a problem with the regular Hallmark Channel feed so they were showing recorded shows instead. This is the actual message that came across the bottom of the screen once in awhile:
"You are now watching recorded programme from Hallmark Channel as there is a temporary breakdown in transmission of the live feed due to undersea cables disruption caused by earthquakes off Taiwan. We apologise for any inconvenience caused."
Apologise?! Ha, no need to! Man, I have been dying to watch Tuesdays With Morrie, the award winning made for TV movie starring Hank Azaria and the late Jack Lemmom. The movie is based on the best selling novel of the same name by Mitch Albom. I have a soft spot for all Mitch Albom's books and Tuesdays With Morrie is one book that has a real special meaning for me. When my mum passed away, that book was my only company. I read it like it was some holy book, again and again to find some meanings and answers. While I was watching Tuesdays With Morrie on TV last night, my mind kept shifting back to what was written on the book and the events that happened few years ago, how my mum suffered from her illness and her death. So you can imagined how red my eyes were after the movie ended and the amount of tissue paper used to wipe off my tears and blow my nose.
Anyway the movie is brilliant. Hank Azaria is perfect as Mitch and Jack Lemmom's portrayal of Morrie is even better. Anyone who read the book will fall in love with the movie version too. It's so beautiful and touching.
Many thanks to the Taiwan earthquakes and Hallmark Channel for giving me that special moment last night. Now, can you guys in Hallmark show Five People You Meet In Heaven too?
Even cable tv also affected by earthquakes liao
Hug Hug. You should stop crying over your mum.
I love Tuesdays with Morrie! You should go read his latest book.
Ah, you caught that too huh. Did you watch the show after that? Hawking!
hmmm.... there's a movie for five people you meet in heaven?
I agree with you man. Hallmark Channel is usually very boring. Ha!!
That's touching.
Anyway I love the piece you wrote about the Five People You meet in heaven.
Thought I share with you guys some quotes from Morrie taken from the book:
Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.
The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.
Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too--even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling.
Love each other or perish.
how come other channels not affected?
Mr Big: Yes they showed the BBC show on Stephen Hawking's life. I thought it was very good too.
Love each other or perish!!!
why don't they make it into a theatrical release? im sure it will more money than just for tv.
It is indeed a lovely movie.
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