Tuesday, July 31, 2007
How Walt Disney Cartoons Are Made
YouTube Link
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the first animated feature film produced by Walt Disney in 1937. The video above is a documentary made one year later on how Walt Disney made Snow White and his other famous short films.
Web Trend Map 2007

(via Strange Maps)
When celebrities look like normal people

Sexiest Ladies of The Simpsons

(Thanks GeekGod)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Animation Treasures

Update: Link above is now working. Sorry. For some strange reasons, the dude decided to change his url all of the sudden.
Faceball: Your Face, Our Balls
The Items We Carry
(Thanks zinc)
Anigao Girls
YouTube Link
Anigao Girls are perfect for those of you who have a fetish for anime babes. Why settle for 2D when you can hire a real life version complete with the cute anime face! More videos here. I think this is just pure madness but errrm, I do find her strangely attractive. Gosh, I think I need some help.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Simpsons and Me
Guess who's the odd one out? D'oh! Not me of course. It has to be Bart. He's upside down! Don't forget to catch everyone's favourite dsyfunctional family in The Simpsons Movie this weekend aye. Film reviews here (may contain spoilers).
Darth Vader reads Harry Potter
Even the Sith Lord reads Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Picture from the The Real World: Darth Vader set. I guess like everyone else, he is really interested in the ending.
(Thanks T.C.)
Japan's Hello Kitty Cat Humiliation System

The Simpsons on drugs

Friday, July 27, 2007
Make Love Not War

Paris' new bike transit system

To access the Velib' bikes, you can select a one-day card for 1 euro, a weekly card for 5 euros or an annual card for 29 euros. After the purchase of an access card, riding for the first half-hour is free and a supplement of 1 euro will be charged for an additional half-hour, 2 euros for another 30-minutes and 4 euros for every addition half-hour after that.
Each Velib’ parking station will be equipped with muni-meters to purchase one and 7-day passes and to pay any additional charges once the bike is dropped off. The Velib’ meters will also provide information on other station locations.
(Thanks Antoine)
Spider-Man vs the Prodigy

My blog is like caffeine!
Lillette, a lovely old friend of mine was just talking to me on MSN Messenger. She is at the National Library now, presumably checking out some cute guys there. Ha!
Lillette: IZ, I'm so sleepy now.
IZ: You should go read my blog mate. Might wake you up a bit aye.
Lillette: Oh I did. I had to. It's like caffeine for me.
IZ: Ha! Caffeine! I hope it's all good then.
Lillette: Good and bad.
IZ: Oh?
Lillette: Good because it kept me awake. Bad because it gets me addicted.
Ok, if any of you are reading this from the National Library now, do me a favour and look out for this really hot chick with glasses. She's with her laptop. Go and say hi to her aye. Don't worry. She won't bite.
Lillette: IZ, I'm so sleepy now.
IZ: You should go read my blog mate. Might wake you up a bit aye.
Lillette: Oh I did. I had to. It's like caffeine for me.
IZ: Ha! Caffeine! I hope it's all good then.
Lillette: Good and bad.
IZ: Oh?
Lillette: Good because it kept me awake. Bad because it gets me addicted.
Ok, if any of you are reading this from the National Library now, do me a favour and look out for this really hot chick with glasses. She's with her laptop. Go and say hi to her aye. Don't worry. She won't bite.
Design-A-SIMPSONS-HOME Contest
As part of its promotion for The Simpsons Movie (now showing!!!), Golden Village is holding a Design-A-SIMPSONS-HOME Contest. Winner gets to win The Simpsons life size standee! From GV:
(Thanks Shy)
Transform your own living room into the most innovative and creative SIMPSONS home look alike before 17 Aug and stand to win LIFE SIZE SIMPSONS standee & exclusive THE SIMPSONS MOVIE hamper.Some tips for you here and here. Good luck!
1 x STAR Prize includes THE SIMPSONS MOVIE human size standee: 9ft x 12ft.
*Top Winner will have to provide own transportation upon collection of prize.
1 X Top Prize and 5 X Grand Prize to be won!
1 X Top Prize includes PVC lunchbox, table coaster set, baseball cap, kids t-shirt, directors chair, popcorn maker & home movie kit.
5 X Grand Prize includes i-pod sleeve, family movie kit, adult t-shirt, movie poster and exclusive donut maker.
(Thanks Shy)
First book ever written using mobile phone is published

Bernocco took advantage of his idle time while commuting to and from work by train, writing his 384-page science fiction novel, Compagni di Viaggo (Fellow Travelers is the English translation), on his Nokia 6630 phone, using the phone's T9 typing system. The T9 system provides a predictive text function and can be found on many mobile phones.
By dividing his manuscript into short paragraphs, Mr. Bernocco wrote his novel in perfect Italian, not your typical text-message shorthand, and saved the paragraphs on his mobile phone. Mr. Bernocco then downloaded them onto his home computer for proofreading and editing. The book took him 17 weeks to write.
"Only a few years ago I would have struggled to find both the time and the publisher to enable me to create this book," says Bernocco. "Thanks to my Nokia and Lulu, I am now proud to be a published author."
His novel can be found here.
How to make out and other top "How to" searches
Hitwise amassed a list of over 130,000 unique "how to" queries for the four weeks ending July 21, 2007. It then compiled a top 10 "how to" list that includes how to have sex and how to tie a tie. From TIME:
Top 10 "How to" Searches in the U.S (4 weeks ending 7/21/07)It's obvious from the list above that a lot of people have no clue on how put on a tie. We can also tell that there are a lot of curious sex knowledge seekers out there but what surprised me most is "how to levitate" coming at number 6. Now that's really strange. Maybe they've been watching too much David Blaine.
1. How to tie a tie
2. How to have sex
3. How to kiss
4. How to lose weight
5. How to write a resume
6. How to levitate
7. How to draw
8. How to get pregnant
9. How to make out
10. How to make a video
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Japanese Wooden Car

(via Boing Boing)
Oscar the death predicting cat
Oscar, a cat in a nursing home in the US has become real popular for its ability to predict when patients will pass away. From WebMD:
"I first heard about him from the nurses on the unit," says Dosa, also a geriatrician at Rhode Island Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, R.I. "It came to light that he was spending time with patients as they were becoming terminal."So how did Oscar do it? Sixth sense? Is it its ability to pick out a death scent? No one knows for sure but I surely won't want it to be lying on my bed when I sleep at night.
The cat, Dosa says, seems to snap to attention when he senses a patient is about to die. In the essay, for instance, Dosa tells of Oscar arriving at the room of a woman and curling up beside her for more than an hour, purring and paying attention to the patient as the family arrives and the priest gives last rites, then quietly taking his leave minutes after the woman passes away.
"As people would pass, the question [among staff] was always, 'Was Oscar at the bedside?'" Dosa tells WebMD. "And the answer was invariably 'yes.'
Interplanetary Revolution
YouTube Link
This is a 1924 Soviet propaganda animated short about Comrade Cominternov, the Red Army Warrior who flew to Mars and vanquished all the capitalists on the planet!
Rose & Camellia

Rose & Camellia is definitely the bitchiest flash game ever invented! Don't believe me? Try playing it. To win the game, you have to out-slap the bitch. Have fun. Now, I need my revenge.
(Thanks Miko)
Singapore Airlines auctions A380 seats on eBay
Singapore Airlines will be accepting bids from passengers who would like to be the first to fly on the new A380 aircraft. It will auction the seats on eBay. Proceeds will be donated to charities. From Singapore Airlines A380:
(Thanks Steff)
Bids will be invited for seats on this history-making flight, and winning bidders will know that every dollar they pay will go to worthwhile charities. All customers will receive a personalised ceremonial certificate confirming they were part of the first-ever commercial A380 flight.You can pre-register for notification on auction details here.
Singapore Airlines Chief Executive Officer, Chew Choon Seng, said the Airline wants to acknowledge the widespread interest in the entry into commercial service of this all-new airplane, and to use the opportunity to benefit worthwhile charities.
“The first commercial A380 flight will be a moment in aviation history. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, on an aircraft that will mark a new chapter in air travel.
“And while we will celebrate the event, we also wish to remember the people who are less fortunate and can be assisted by the charities to which all the proceeds will go,” Mr Chew said.
(Thanks Steff)
Frisbee. A collective. Interactive.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Zero Hour Jackets and Bags!
Yesterday, I posted some photos of the new Zero Hour T-shirts that are now available in Singapore. Today as promised, here are the photos of some of the cool Zero Hour jackets and bags.

Jackets cost S$65.90 each. Leather bags and cloth bags are priced at S$45.90. PVC ones are $35.90.
Check them out and more at the new Zero Hour shop by San Street at Suntec City and also at Queensway Shopping Centre. Locations here.
(Disclosure: I'm the Brand Ambassador for San Street, the distributor of ZeroHour, Action Ladfigure Inc and Extreme in Singapore. San Street is also a main sponsor of this blog.)
Previously: Zero Hour T-shirts in Singapore!
Jackets cost S$65.90 each. Leather bags and cloth bags are priced at S$45.90. PVC ones are $35.90.
Check them out and more at the new Zero Hour shop by San Street at Suntec City and also at Queensway Shopping Centre. Locations here.
(Disclosure: I'm the Brand Ambassador for San Street, the distributor of ZeroHour, Action Ladfigure Inc and Extreme in Singapore. San Street is also a main sponsor of this blog.)
Previously: Zero Hour T-shirts in Singapore!
Ben & Jerry's special Simpsons movie flavour!
My favourite ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's has announced that they will be making a special ice cream to celebrate The Simpsons Movie premiere. From Burlington:
(via Junk Food Blog)
Ben & Jerry's Homer homage is called "Duff & D'oh-Nuts," and according to a news release from the ice-cream maker is an "extremely limited, one-time and one-day-only flavor" that's "a combination of chocolate and cream stout ice creams with glazed chocolate donuts." Duff is the brand of beer featured in "The Simpsons" television series, and doughnuts are Homer's culinary raison d'etre.D'oh, too bad Duff & D'oh-Nuts will not be available here in Singapore. Beer plus donuts plus ice cream is a fantastic combination!
In another nod to Homer, Ben & Jerry's will for one day rename its Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor "Chocolate Chip Cookie D'oh!" in reference to Homer's famous exclamation.
(via Junk Food Blog)
Spanish Movie Posters

(Thanks edgy31)

(via thepinkbelly.com)
Anderson Junior College Kiss pic gets Digged!

Someone posted on Digg a link to a class photo showing two girls kissing in front of their classmates and teacher. The story (You Gotta Love Japanese Class Photos: The two girls in the front prove how awesome Japan is. Thank you Japan, thank you.) then got to the front page of Digg, gets digged more than 2300 times and now has more than 230 comments!
The photo is not from a school in Japan but Singapore's very own Anderson Junior College! It was taken in 2004 and it even made the local news back then. I found the following story by The New Paper on a forum. From talkgeek2me.com forums:
In a rash moment, these two girls from Anderson Junior College (AJC) locked lips for the camera - all for a wacky class photo.
They pulled off the joke under the noses of their form tutor and their classmates, when posing for an informal memento at the annual photo-taking session.
Now, the former Year One Science students say they did not mean it and are sorry for what they did.
However, it has caused unnecessary embarrassment to the college, their tutor and their parents...
AJC's principal of five years, Mr Tan Tiek Kwee, told The Y Scene that the photo of the kiss was not a result of some fancy digital trick, as some suspected at first.
It was just a result of a 'silly prank', he said.
The 'fun' pose, captured by a photographer from AJC's Photographic Society, was for the class to keep.
As the photographer said 'One, two, three', the girls kissed on the count of three.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Zero Hour T-shirts in Singapore!
Just a selection of the Zero Hour T-shirts now available in Singapore.

Here's a pic of me modelling the T-shirt pictured second from top.
All Zero Hour T-shirts are priced at S$32.90. You can get them at the new Zero Hour shop by San Street at Suntec City and also at Queensway Shopping Centre. Locations here.
I will post pictures of their jackets and bags tomorrow.
(Disclosure: I'm the Brand Ambassador for San Street, the distributor of ZeroHour, Action Ladfigure Inc and Extreme in Singapore. San Street is also a main sponsor of this blog.)
Here's a pic of me modelling the T-shirt pictured second from top.
All Zero Hour T-shirts are priced at S$32.90. You can get them at the new Zero Hour shop by San Street at Suntec City and also at Queensway Shopping Centre. Locations here.
I will post pictures of their jackets and bags tomorrow.
(Disclosure: I'm the Brand Ambassador for San Street, the distributor of ZeroHour, Action Ladfigure Inc and Extreme in Singapore. San Street is also a main sponsor of this blog.)
Harry Potter and the Big Funnel

(via Boing Boing)
Related: The ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Thriller performed by Filipino inmates
YouTube Link
Video showing 1,500 plus inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines practice their Thriller routine. I have no idea what they are practicing for but what a great choice of song aye. Michael Jackson's Thriller rocks! Oh and I sure hope these zombie inmates don't get loose. Having them terrorising Cebu and other parts of Philippines is a really scary thought.
The end of Weekly World News
This is sad. My favourite wacky tabloid Weekly World News is no more. From FishbowlNY:
R.I.P. Weekly World News. The imaginative tabloid, which gave the world Bat Boy, Ed Anger and a woman celebrating her 7-year wedding anniversary with a space alien, is no more. They're shuttering the publication in August. No reason was given.I do hope that they can still continue publishing - maybe just do an online version via their current website. They can make it into a blog. Worth a shot guys!
...the tabloid's circulation sharply declined over the past five years and there's also speculaton that publisher American Media's financial troubles might have something to do with it.
Sonic Chair

Amazing used games store in Tokyo

(Thanks GeekGod)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Kevin's Farewell Party @ Oosh
I don't usually attend blogger gatherings (too shy) but when my man Kevin organised a farewell party at the beautiful Oosh on Saturday night, I just had to go. I think more than 15 people showed up - mostly bloggers. I did not get a chance to talk to everyone there (sorry) but I had a jolly good time and I'm sure everyone else did too. Here are some pics from Kevin's camera.

The man of the night - Kevin! Have a safe trip back mate and all the best in what ever you do.

Here's Brennan (with that sexy pose of his) and me. Brennan is a long time reader of this blog, way back during its Tripod days. It was really nice meeting him. The boy is going to enter the army soon so wish him good luck as he makes Singapore safer for all of us.

Also met and talked quite a bit with Preetam. This pic was taken just after he was explaining to me how he mobilized several hundred students in China to beat me in a blog award some time ago. Damn it. Other than that, he is a very nice bloke with a fun job- he teaches lecturers how to waste their time blogging.

Finally, the LG Shine bloggers - the very hot Veron, me and our lovely LG Shine mobile phones. Read her LG shine review here.
There are more photos over at Kevin's Flickr set.
The man of the night - Kevin! Have a safe trip back mate and all the best in what ever you do.
Here's Brennan (with that sexy pose of his) and me. Brennan is a long time reader of this blog, way back during its Tripod days. It was really nice meeting him. The boy is going to enter the army soon so wish him good luck as he makes Singapore safer for all of us.
Also met and talked quite a bit with Preetam. This pic was taken just after he was explaining to me how he mobilized several hundred students in China to beat me in a blog award some time ago. Damn it. Other than that, he is a very nice bloke with a fun job- he teaches lecturers how to waste their time blogging.
Finally, the LG Shine bloggers - the very hot Veron, me and our lovely LG Shine mobile phones. Read her LG shine review here.
There are more photos over at Kevin's Flickr set.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Haunted lighthouse for sale
Who wants to buy a lighthouse in the US for just US$1? Oh, ghosts included. From Boston Herald:
(Thanks finatiq)
Geee. I've always wanted my very own haunted lighthouse. Maybe I should put in a bid.For sale: $1 property surrounded by Long Island Sound off the coast of Fairfield. Must be able to cope with possible haunting.
The U.S. General Services Administration is seeking a buyer for the Penfield Lighthouse, built in 1874 about 1.1 miles from Fairfield Beach. It is said to be the site of strange occurrences following the drowning of lighthouse keeper Frederick Jordan in 1916.
(Thanks finatiq)
Australia is slowly being eaten up by Singapore
Here's something that most of us (Singaporeans and Aussies) do not know. Singapore owns more of Australia than the Australian government. Crikey! And some Aussies are starting to worry if it may cause tensions in their country. From The Age:
Planes, child-care centres, shopping centres, department stores, satellites, hotels, power lines, gas pipelines and mobile phones: the Singapore Government owns all that and more in Australia yet this is barely mentioned in public debate.
Does anybody else out there feel a little uneasy about this phenomenon, especially given the secretive, autocratic and undemocratic tendencies of the Singapore Government?
Australian companies, let alone our Government, would never be allowed to buy equivalent assets in Singapore. And all this investment didn't even give us the leverage to save Van Nguyen from the gallows.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The wait is over. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final (thank god!) book in the Harry Potter series is out in bookstores. I've watched all the Harry Potter movies including the one currently showing in cinemas (it's so boring that I can fall asleep) but I have yet to read any Harry Potter book. Really. But this being the last book in the series, I thought I should go and find out the ending for you guys. What really happened at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Well, are you guys ready? Here goes...
Voldemort: Dumbledore didn't tell you who your real father is?
Harry Potter: What are you talking about?
Voldermort: Harry, I'm your father!
Harry Potter: No!!!!!!!!
Both Harry and Voldermort then blast each other to death with their magic spells.
The end of Harry.
Ha! Ok that's not the real ending. Although it sounds very familiar, doesn't it? Hehe. Here's the real ending. From Fool45.com:
# Albus Dumbledore is really dead. But it was all part of his plan.Damn it. I want Potter dead! Grrrrr.
# Severys Snape dies while fighting opposing Voldemort.
# The centaurs and giants fight for good. Grawp and the giants fought for Voldemort.
# Mrs. Weasley kicks ass! Enough to defeat Bellatrix Lestrange.
# Voldemort was defeated when his own Avada Kedavra backfired.
# Nineteen years later, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are seeing their three children off. James, Albus, and Severus all board the Hogwarts Express. So are Rose and Hugo, the kids of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
# Draco Malfoy is also there with his son Scorpius. He and Harry Potter make eye contact, and nod to each other.
Update: Harry Potter's Wikipedia page has already been updated (Thanks heather, GeekGod):
Harry witnesses Voldemort killing Snape, but before he dies Snape hands over memories that inform Harry that he, Harry, must be killed by Voldemort, because he constitutes a seventh Horcrux that Voldemort isn't even aware of. Heavy of heart, he slips off on his own to do so. However, the "death" he is dealt is not permanent, due to the bond between him and Voldemort, but his willingness to die triggers strong protections on the people of Hogwarts similar to the protections he received as a child from his mother's sacrifice.
Another battle ensues, Nagini is killed, and Harry is now prepared to finally kill Voldemort. Unbeknownst to Voldemort, the Elder Wand, which he has stolen from Dumbledore's grave, does not obey the wizard who wields it, but the wizard who owns it; and Harry has become its rightful owner. It thus refuses to execute the killing curse on Harry, and the curse rebounds on Voldemort, who finally dies.
After the end of the battle and the requisite fete, Harry slips away to visit the portrait of Dumbledore. He plans to keep the cloak, but to take the other two Hallows out of circulation—one dropped in the forest and the other returned to Dumbledore's grave. Dumbledore approves.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Top 10 weirdest Japanese condoms

A Guy's Relationship Chart

(Thanks Trisha)
House made from matches

Steam buns with pork flavoured cardboard is a hoax!
Remember I blogged about the Chinese steam bun seller who was caught trying to rip his customers by stuffing pork flavoured cardboard in them? Apparently the story was a hoax done by a temporary employee of Beijing Television who felt pressured to produce a story for the station. But still, I'm not buying food from any Chinese street stall! From Xinhua:
Under the name Hu Yue, Zi twice went to the No.13 courtyard inside Shizikou Village, Taiyanggong Township of Chaoyang District, and asked four migrant workers who had been preparing breakfast there to make meat buns for other migrant workers at a construction site.Previously: Steam buns filled with pork flavoured cardboard!
The four meat buns makers were identified as Wei Quanfeng, Zhao Xiaoyan, Zhao Jiangbo and Yang Chunling, all from Huayin, a city in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.
Zi allegedly invited a friend to act as the boss of the construction site, and bought pork and flour from a market in Chaoyang District and brought the materials to the courtyard.
In order to film the process, Zi is alleged to have instructed Wei and his fellow villagers to make "baozi" or meat buns by soaking and crushing discarded cardboard he had collected and mixing it with pork. The baozi were said to have been fed to dogs.
Zi used a home DVD camera to film the entire process and turned in his report after he edited it.
The Simpsons and Linda Evangelista Fashion Spread

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Silent Home Appliances

The Vader Project

(Thanks Joshua)
Thou shall not start an office romance
Not being a team player, conducting personal business on company time and starting an office romance are some of the mistakes that one can make to kill his career. From CNN:
6. Starting an Office Romance
Unless you're in separate locations, office romances are a bad idea.
If you become involved with your boss, your accomplishments and promotions will be suspect; if you date a subordinate, you leave yourself open to charges of sexual harassment. And if it ends badly, you're at risk of everyone knowing about it and witnessing the unpleasantness.
Transformers collection sold for US$1M

Odex vs Singapore Anime Fans
Odex, a Singaporean company that licenses and releases anime here, has started to take action against people who download anime fansubs of series from Japanese companies that it represents. The letter threatens legal action. Here's a copy (PDF). I understand that several letters have been issued to downloaders since June this year. One of those who got the letter is this anime fan. From Lawliet Shi Hao:
Oh god. I feel so guilty now.So far, Odex's crackdown is directed at people downloading anime using Bittorent. Here's how Odex caught these people. From Darkonlore:
My mum called AVPAS ytd.
They say that if my mum admit guilty now.
They will settle it out of court.
And yeah, this has become my mum's case. Cause she was the one that signed for the internet line. I feel so sorry for her. Cant really express my feelings well now.
Anyway if she admits guilty, it would be depend on whether the japan anime company wants to charge her.
If yes, she might have to go to jail, and pay a fine of near 10k.
Shit, god please dont make this happen. Please.
Anyway if i admit guilty i will have a high chance of going boys home.
Either way it sucks. Having really bad thoughts on life now.
I still want to take my exams peacefully and go up to poly all these one leh.
Dont want to have any record in my life...
And for all the sgreans here. Tell you something.
Its totally totally not worth it. Please stop dling anime now.
Now i dont even dare to ddl. Cause i have no idea what odex will do to contact with several ddl provider.
Its hard its hard. But please try to curb your anime addiction.
And if you think that "ah ya wont so suay kana me one la"
Please just dump your mentality into the rubbish bin.
Cause thats what i thought, and i got owned now.
We(referring to the anime community) has noticed that the ones caught are all using bittorrent. This is due to the fact that each bittorrent client keeps info of who it is connected to (IPs), and is easily accessible by anyone who use the same .torrent file. There are also trackers that would list the IPs of users who are currently connected to it. So just take down the SG IPs and ask the ISPs for their info. Encryption of data in that aspect is pointless.Odex's actions have created a furore among the anime community in Singapore. Anime fans feel that by preventing people from downloading fansubs, Odex is slaugthering anime in this country. Many also said that they have no choice but not to buy Odex VCDs because they are of a very poor quality. From MavericK:
Well, let’s see, ODEX basically has almost monopolized the distribution of anime in Singapore, so we kinda have no choice but to go to their goods. But what do they do in return? Lousy resoultion/quality, seriously bad dubbings (though they’re in dual-sound), and exorbitant prices. How exorbitant, you say? Let’s see, S$29.90 for a vcd box…which contains only around ~10 episodes. That’s like $3 for an episode. Is it worth the money then? The resolution is so bad, you dun wanna maximise to full-screen when watching them on your computer. The dubbing, the hell, you would RUSH to set the audio to the original Japanese before the characters start to speak.I'm not a hardcore anime fan (I do watch a few now and then) but I just had to highlight this after reading that so many people are furious with what Odex has done. Yes, piracy is wrong but I don't think we can include downloading anime fansubs in the same category as downloading a movie or music. Most anime titles are not well known. It is only through fansubs that people in Singapore will watch them. By preventing the downloading of fansubs, the chances that people will go to a video store and buy a new title or series are slim and that means in the long term, Odex will suffer. Now that Odex has infuriated the small but closely knit anime community in Singapore by threatening them with ridiculous fines or even jail term, many people have decided to boycott the company. Who's going to buy your poor quality VCDs now Odex? Smart move? I don't think so. Lawliet Shi Hao, the guy whose mum has settled his case with Odex out of court, said it best in his post:
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Beep Beep! It's the Road Runner!

The 50 Greatest Muppets


(Thanks GeekGod)
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