(Thanks Allan)
A somewhat disgusting ball of minced lard, gristle, fat, liver, intestine, and occasionally pork meat, preferably served in a "rich western country sauce". Although enjoyed by some, this pork delicacy - courtesy of meat producer "Mr. Brain's" - should probably be avoided.(Thanks bkiehl)
We took the Bells line of road via Lithgow. The road was very beautiful but the rain marred the complete beauty and made us concentrate much more on the road ahead with slippery factors than we should have. The distance was short today and we hoped to arrive early in Sydney and meet up with Mick, Editor of AMCN. Fate had some other plans. We surely arrived at the outskirts of Sydney pretty early, around 12.30 Pm, but the city took us by surprise. Sydney had worse traffic than many Indian metropolitan cities. OK, the horns were not there, people werent shouting, but the traffic was slow as if it were following a snail. For an outsider Sydney would be really hard to traverse with all those one ways, tons of confusing road signs and traffic.(Thanks WH)
It is understood that American politicians and world leaders are being kept abreast of the situation.
In response to the reports Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said: "Appropriate government agencies are monitoring the situation.
"Numerous satellites over the years have come out of orbit and fallen harmlessly. We are looking at potential options to mitigate any possible damage this satellite may cause."
He refused to discuss specifics, such as whether the satellite might be destroyed with a missile. But such a move is considered unlikely by experts as it would create a rain of debris which could cause more widespread damage.
We are the authorities in getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind. We are the authorities on improving conditions. Criminals, we can rehabilitate criminals. Way to happiness, we can bring peace and unite cultures, uh, that once you know these tools and you know that they work, it’s not good enough that I’m just (doing okay?)...Only Tom can make Scientology sound crazier than it already is. Anyway, watch the video above which is a mash up of the Tom Cruise Scientology video, a scene of Days of Thunder and a Will Smith interview! It's funny. Oh wait. Should I be even posting this on my blog? Hmmm. Hopefully the Scientologists and Tom won't come and get me for this. I really don't want Tom to jump on my couch. That's scary.
It is the time now. Now is the time, okay? It is, being a Scientologist, people are turning to you, so you better know it. You better know it, and if you don’t, you know, go (sound deleted, appears to be “fucking”) learn it. (Laughs) You know? But don’t pretend you know it and, or whatever. It’s like, we’re here to help. (cut)
If you’re a Scientologist, you see life, you see things the way that they are. In all its glory, you know, all of its complexity. Uh, the more you know as a Scientologist, you don’t become overwhelmed by it. (cut)
Scrabulous is currently one of Facebook's ten most popular applications - little programs that Facebook members can add to the profiles they maintain on the site.I have yet to play Scrabulous on my Facebook (really) but I'm sure it is as fun as playing the real Scrabble. Scrabulous is a very popular Facebook app with 603,014 daily active users. Instead of forcing the shutdown of Scrabulous, I think Mattel and Hasbro should have worked with the Scrabulous founders instead - either by asking them to make Scrabulous an official Scrabble entity or have Scrabble become the main sponsor for the app. Only after failing in those areas, should Mattel and Hasbro get their lawyers and sue the living daylights out of those two Indian founders. Scrabble has this big chance to get its product and branding across to these 603,014 users (and growing) on Facebook. By shutting down Scrabulous and angering all its thousands of users, it may have just lost this huge Facebook marketing opportunity. And that unfortunately is a bad business decision.
The request to remove the add-on came from both Hasbro and Mattel because ownership of the Scrabble trademark is split between the two. Hasbro owns rights to the game in the US and Canada while Mattel has rights everywhere else in the world.
Facebook told the PA newswire that it had no comment to make at this stage.
The Scrabulous add-on was not created by Facebook but was built for the site by Rajat and Jayant Agarwalla - software developers based in Calcutta.
Prof Paul Salkovskis, clinical director of the Maudsley Hospital Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma, saw a patient in Yorkshire some years ago who feared clowns as one of a range of problems.
But he believes children's fear may be less to do with clowns per se and more to do with being unsettled by something as unusual-seeming as a clown.
"People are typically frightened by things which are wrong in some way, wrong in a disturbingly unfamiliar way," Prof Salkovskis says.
"It is almost certainly not a reaction to clowns, but we are sensitive to things which are extraordinary, particularly sensitive when we are young. My three-year-old was terrified by Peter Rabbit at a B&Q. Peter Rabbit is six inches high, not seven feet high."
Over 4000 bottles from all over the country and some from out of the country. COCA-COLA 10 0Z and 8 0Z COMMEMORATIVE, COCA-COLA HOBBLE SKIRTS 6 and 6 1/2 oz, STRAIGHT SIDES, BLOB TOPS , HUTCHINSONS and SIX-PACKS, 7-UP, PEPSI, SPRITE, DR.PEPPER, MT DEW, CRUSH, RC COLA, NEHI, many different root beets, the list goes on and on and on and on... hundreds and hundrerds of painted label bottles.
A flying ghost at Changi Hospital, a playful tree spirit at Bedok Reservoir and the ghost of a girl who died at the famous Yellow Tower at...