Friday, November 16, 2007

10 places to have sex at work

I know some of you may think that it is exciting (me too!) but please don't do it at work fellas, unless you own the office. Ahem. From Snakes and Ladders:
One in five people claim to have had sex in their office building. I did some asking around (and, of course, some looking on the internet) and discovered exactly where:

1. The boss's desk. Some surveys suggest that up to 25 per cent of people have bruised their spines - or someone else's - on their manager's table.

2. All 25 desks in your office. Don't think that you have the energy? Follow the example of this Australian woman.

3. Against a filing cabinet. It might be noisy and it's possible that at least one of you will end up with handle marks imprinted in your buttocks; on the other hand, a naked break-dancing civil servant might jump out of the cabinet mid-way through, making the whole escapade less private but potentially more exciting, if you like that sort of thing.
(Thanks Shy)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sex on the office table is a must!!! lol

Anonymous said...

2 things i must do before i die:

1) sex in the airplane

2) sex in the office

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