wsonica is selling four yellow sector NDP 2006 actual day tickets on eBay. She writes, "On sale are 4 tickets to NDP (National Day Parade) 2006 on 9 August. (serial no. 032923-032926) Selling because I have extras. Seats are located in the yellow sector of the stadium. Here is your chance to catch the last NDP Parade at the National Stadium together with your family and friends!" So far, she has received 32 bids with the highest at S$243!

Another eBay seller is selling his four green sector NDP 2006 actual day tickets because his "family can't go to the parade due to last minute personal matter." The current bid is at S$252! He has received 11 bids so far.

Tickets for the Preview parade are also on sale like this one by genlex2004 on Yahoo! Auctions. He is selling two green sector NDP 2006 Preview tickets at S$80 each. The dude also has a sms service to accept orders. How enterprising!
But not everyone is selling their tickets. yiling on Yahoo! Auctions who has two white sector (VIP) NDP 2006 Preview tickets, wants to trade her two VIP tickets with four normal NDP tickets.

And for those of you who do not want to buy NDP tickets, how about getting a NDP 2006 Goody Bag instead? aw jacqueline is selling it for S$25. She writes on Yahoo! Auctions, "NDP Goody Bag comprising of an electric cap studded with mini-light bulbs depicting the Singapore flag. Beautiful especially at night! Also include a Nokia handphone torch light. Truly one of its kind!Other items include a large and durable bagpack, Singapore flag with stand, NDP 2006 tattoo, Pong bong sticks x2, magazine, catalogue, cookies, newater, etc."
Ah the spirit of National Day.
How did she get the Goody Bag? I thought Goody Bags are given only at the parade.
These people must be crazy to spend $200 over on NDP tickets!
soon gahmen will ban selling of ndp tickets.
Shy: She must have been working with the organizing committee or know someone there.
Patriotic mah.
Nice post dude.
Maybe they can install RFID chips into the tickets like what the Germans did to their World Cup tickets.
The RFID tickets can store the ticket holder's name and details which will be checked against his ID before he enters the stadium.
This will prevent people from selling their tickets.
So high tech huh. No need to do that. The gov just have to make it illegal to sell the tickets. Singaporeans afraid of gov.
does the goody bag includes a "Brown" t-shirt to be worn in the stadium?
.....because his "family can't go to the parade due to last minute personal matter."
Ya right!
ill keep my 200 dollars and watch the parade on tv.
johnny q: more like "because i want to make money out of silly singaporeans."
It's the whole atmosphere in the stadium that makes it exciting that's why some people will pay hundreds just to get a ticket.
anything they dun profit from, will be banned.
off topic..
Regarding the RFID tickets that they used in the World Cup, the organisers of EURO 2008 will be scraping the idea.
'The concept used in Germany was very good in theory but it didn't really work in practice,' Austria's Euro 2008 tournament director Christian Schmoelzer told Reuters on Thursday.
'Because of the large number of people turning up for every match, it just wasn't possible to check everybody and if you can only check a very small minority of ticket holders, it puts the whole concept in doubt.'
Schmoelzer said Euro 2008 tickets would still carry the name of the person who originally bought them, either visibly or in electronic form.
I do not see anything wrong with them selling the free NDP tickets. As long as there are people stupid enough or willing enough to part with their S$200 to buy the tickets, then be it.
newater has to be in the goodybag... it is after all a proud project of singapore!
RFID ticket is a waste of money!
to get the goody bag, the mother asks the her primary 5 child who goes to the preview for free to not use anything inside and bring it back home, where she promptly puts it up on ebay.
Mr. EZ Reloaded:
Thanks for the NDP article. I used it for my blog( I know u know). You are quite resourceful and your articles are very interesting.
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