Scientists at the Defence Intelligence Staff, part of the Ministry of Defence, reportedly described how glowing "plasmas" of gas were created by charges of electricity. Air flows then sculpted the plasmas into aerodynamic shapes which appeared to fly at extraordinary speeds through the sky.(Thanks seow)
The researchers were emphatic that UFOs did not come from alien civilisations, but equally did not dismiss those who claimed to have seen them as fantasists or hoaxers, the newspaper said.
Instead, they said such plasmas could play tricks on the mind, creating vivid impressions. They noted that "local [electromagnetic] fields...have been medically proven to cause responses in the temporal lobes of the brain."
As a result, people who thought they'd seen a UFO were instead suffering from "extended memory retention and repeat experiences" induced by the plasmas.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Britain's Ministry of Defence explains UFOs
The British military, apparently with way too much time and money in their hands, has been investigating reports of unidentified flying objects or UFOs for four years and recently they decided to release the report. The conclusion is UFOs are not from other worlds. From Telegraph:
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I smell...
A COVERUP! Hahaha!
Ufo sightings are caused by "extended memory retention and repeat experiences" induced by the plasmas. SO they are saying people who spot Ufos are looney.
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