Reader Giselle Loh sent me a Yahoo news story about a study published in a British journal which reveals that women look at men's faces to find out if they are suitable for a long term relationship or a short fling. From Yahoo News:
In the study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, researchers looked at a group of 39 men, ages 18 to 33, at the University of Chicago. Each man was shown 10 pairs of photographs and silhouettes, one of an adult and the other of an infant, and asked to rate their preferences. Meanwhile, their saliva was tested to determine testosterone levels.Giselle also included in the email to me, my photo which I posted on my blog and Flickr sometime back with an analysis on how I would fare based on those four qualities. She wrote, "Nice jaw, nice goatee....highly attractive..... hmmmmm... I rate you high on masculine which means based on the study, you fare very well as a short term romantic partner."
Photographs of the men's faces were then shown to 29 women, ages 18 to 20, at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
The women were asked to rate the men on four qualities: "likes children," "masculine," "physically attractive" and "kind." Then they were asked to rate how attractive they found each man for short-term and long-term romance.
The study found women did well at rating men on their interest in babies, and those they rated masculine generally had higher testosterone levels than the others...
The higher the women rated the men for masculinity, the higher they were rated as potential short-term romantic partners. The higher they rated men for their interest in children, the higher they were rated for long-term romance.
The features that research has suggested denote high testosterone levels include a prominent jaw and a heavy beard.
Bloody hell! ;op
(Thanks Giselle Loh)
What? No analysis of his thick luscious lips?
"...you fare very well as a short term romantic partner."
But IZ loves kids. Heh.
*stares deeply at the pic
IZ: I now know who to turn to when I need a little excitement.
No wonder I dun get all those happening ladies coming to me all the time.
I must go fix my jaw and grow some beard.
Does that explain why I see so many babes end up marrying guys who are not good looking? Hmmmmmm
IZ did not include this last part of the sentence which I wrote to him in the original mail:
"Nice jaw, nice goatee....highly attractive..... hmmmmm... I rate you high on masculine which means based on the study, you fare very well as a short term romantic partner.... BUT I STILL WANNA HAVE YOUR BABY! KEKEKEKE."
The 'Handsem' pic again.
IZ, if no women think you are suitable for long term relationships, you may want to consider crossing to the other side.
I'll be waiting.
short term romantic partner - better than nothing.
mr big: That will help a little. Ha!!
Wooooooh....IZ loves kids!!!
*still staring at the pic
A cutie!
Hahaha...I wanna make little IZs too.
analyse those lips??? the more I look, I feel like I'm gona faint...keke
There's more to just good looks when we women look for a husband.
Lots of my really pretty girlfriends end up marrying guys who I have to admit are not on par with their looks.
Their husbands tend to have more of a boring, family, loving dad kind of look, not those kind you want to be with when you're single and younger and when you're out for some fun.
Can someone point me to the other pic of IZ with his tongue out, the one that FILA was talking about?? PLSSSSSSSSS.
I assume we can get to see little IZs runnign around in the not too distant future??? :o)
dun u have a much bigger pic of your face to post? why dun u juz put up a pic the size of the screen?
sandy: Go download the pic and print it liao!
kim: Here's the link. Enjoy.
Arghhhh that pic! Those eyes. The lips.
Women choose the less atrtractive kind because they do not feel secure with those good looking men with high testosterone levels.
YEAH! The pic. Thanks!!!!
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