Friday, May 25, 2007

Giant waterspout in Singapore

This photo sent to Stomp by A Hafiz is so surreal - it's damn scary. It looks like one of those hurricanes that are about to devour an entire city. The photo is actually of a giant waterspout that was seen by many in Singapore early this afternoon. You can view more here. Videos on YouTube here, here, here and here. Damn, I've always wanted to see one.

(Thanks to all who wrote in)


Anonymous said...

That could easily win Singapore Photo of the Year.

Anonymous said...

>Damn, I've always wanted to see one.

Me too dude. I've always wanted to be one of those storm chasers.

Anonymous said...

It looks gigantic!!!!

Anonymous said...

my bro saw it n sms me that there's a hurricane in sg.


Anonymous said...

More! More! More!

Anonymous said...

Waterspouts aren't dangerous. You can see from the pics that the ships nearby are not damaged at all.

Glacier Topaz said...

I have spotted some of these off Singapore East Coast Beach waters before but none of them this huge! So exciting!

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