Simple. Just choose your favourite t-shirt and get it for free!
Girls choose only one of the following:
And Guys choose one:
Then answer three simple questions:
1) IZ Reloaded is the Brand Ambassador for San Street, the sole distributor of Action Ladfigure Inc, Extreme and Zero Hour streetwear clothing lines. True or False?
2) Where is San Street's first outlet known as Extreme Shop located? (Tip check out their website here)
3) Is IZ Reloaded gay? Yes or No?
Just email me with your choice of favourite t-shirt and the above answers to I will choose two winners (a guy and a gal) randomly and announce them on Saturday. Each winner will win the t-shirt that he/she chose. Please don't forget to include your name, your blog address (if any) and your contact number. Contest is only open to those currently in Singapore.
I will personally present the t-shirts to the two lucky winners at the Extreme Shop.
Contest ends tomorrow midnight! So hurry up and email me now!!!
Update: The two lucky guy and gal winners have been announced. Find out here. Thanks to all who participated.
I like the ladies black tee!
Dude, don't you have more difficult questions? :oP
let me win!
let me win!
let me win!
Hey Im stucked at question number 3.
3) Is IZ Reloaded gay? Yes or No?
Need to try him first to find out the answer.
You better let me win!
Yes he is! Yes he is! Yes he is!
iz is not gay. very sure. ;o)
IZ: Question 3 damn difficult to answer.
>I will personally present the t-shirts to the two lucky winners at the Extreme Shop.
That in itself is worth taking part. Now I hope I win.
I know the answer to question 3!!!!
Ah darn it. Only for those in Singapore. Sigh.
IZ is definitely not gay!
Wah got free tshirt somemore!!! I go take part now. So question 3 answer is no right? You guys better dun trick me liao. I wanna win tshirt.
iz: ask san street to give more t-shirts so that we can have more winners... hehe.
IZ reloaded gay? NO! Cos, it's a blog name!!! how does it become a gay aye?
but, the blogger IZ, he is a cool GAY for sure!!! [Q3]
[Q2]Suntec City!!!
Tower 3, Temasek Boulevard
#03-27K to 27N
[Q1] YES
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