Congrats firstly to Sailesh...
who wins this cool t-shirt by Action Ladfigure Inc.
And also congrats to the other winner, Zabby...
She wins this lovely t-shirt by Extreme Gal.
Here are both them together, looking all so cool!
Sailesh and me...
I'm wearing a t-shirt from Extreme.
Zabby and me...
More photos from the shoot here.
If you like the t-shirts you see here, do check out San Street. Their main outlet is at Suntec City and the other is at Queensway Shopping Center. Address here.
Disclosure: I'm a Brand Ambassador of San Street, the sole distributor of Extreme, Action Ladfigure and Zero Hour streetwear clothing lines in Singapore. San Street is also a main sponsor of this blog.
T-shirt Contest Winners
Contest: Win a free t-shirt!
I like Zabby. Does she have a blog?
Got photoshoot somemore! I like your tshirt IZ.
I'm jealous that she gets to lean so close to IZ.
Nice pics dude! Too bad I did not win. Anymore contest??
IZ: Who's that gal with you at the after party? She looks hot with the specs! Ha!!
Love the shots! esp the one with you laughing while zabby makes a funny face... I also like the "leg" shots of you and Sailesh.
wats zabby's blog url?
Sailesh has this really cheeky smile man.
Got afterparty too? Wow! IZ, u look like u were so high in that pic or is it coz got chiobus beside u liao.
cool pics! love them!!!
Myra: Mee too! But jealous is an understatement. Hmmph.
no pics of iz n zabby hugging, kissing, etc?
I want the t-shirt and take picture with IZ!!!!
xXx said...
IZ: Who's that gal with you at the after party? She looks hot with the specs! Ha!!
Looks like him! Is that his sister?
Damn it I din win
missed the previous contest... do one more iz.
She's definitely not his sister!
I lost too :o(
SAILESH!! Surprisingly, you're looking good here!!
Those shirt designs are really cool. Especially the one you're wearing IZ.
wonderfull dezines. Kool
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