Monday, January 16, 2006

New Rubic's Cube record

A dude set a new a new world record when he took only 11.13 seconds to solve a Rubik's Cube. 11.13 seconds! Hmm, I'm trying to remember the last time I solved a Rubik's Cube. How long did I take? Well, I did not break any records because I gave up most of the time. Guess I'm no good with cubes. From ZDNet:
On Saturday, at the International Rubik's Cube competition held at the Exploratorium here, Lo took just 11.13 seconds to set the world record for solving of one of the iconic red, white, blue, green, yellow and red cubes....

He explained that the solution he'd chosen--based on algorithms he'd memorized for solving the cube as it was presented to him--ended up not requiring a final step that normally would have added two or three seconds to his time.
To watch a video of the world record click here. CNET has a set of photos from the competition.


Anonymous said...

Could it be that the guy was just lucky?

Anonymous said...

He used algorithms...cheem leh.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone noticed that most of the contestants are Asians or Chinese looking? Take a look at the CNET photos.

Anonymous said...

I noticed a babe on the last photo. I did not know rubic cube competition attract chicks like her!

Anonymous said...

I saw the asian chick!!!

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