Two days ago, I posted some pictures of the new kitchen. Today, the guys came over to fix the countertop, hobs, sinks, lights, etc. Yay! But looks like I have to do some cleaning again on a Saturday night.
Update: Here's a crappy video uploaded to YouTube. No sound.
Previously: Pics of new kitchen!
Wow! Did you design it yourself?
oh my god!!!!!!!
i caught a glimpse of IZ in the clip!!!!!!
Thatz nice.
Dude, can clean tomorrow! Go out and play tonight!
The best part of the video is the ending. Keke.
IZ: I help you clean!
Wah your lights and sink very designer style leh.
do u wear cap even at home?!
hobs? What are hobs?
That's a lovely kitchen IZ.
Fannie: Of course! :oP
Lord Kimbo: Hobs = stove
white countertop? that will be hard to keep clean.
I love the cool lights and sink.
Anonymous said...
do u wear cap even at home?!
Nope. My hair was in a mess so I decided to put on the cap for shooting the clip.
vessel style sinks are so damn cool!!!
Dude, invite all of us for a meal. I'm sure some of us are dying to taste your cooking. Then after that you can decide who stays and who goes home.
Have a kitchen party!
We come. You cook. We eat.
IZ: It looks lovely. Hope the cleaning up went well.
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