A visitor to the Singapore Zoo snapped this photo of a
chimp showing its middle finger. Chimps are highly intelligent creatures so I reckon this one could have learned it from the visitors or maybe even the zookeepers. Talking about zookeepers, the Singapore Zoo has an
opening for an animal keeper. Part of the job is to prepare food and feed the animals, clean the animals and their exhibits and dens, and maybe teach the chimps some proper manners.
(Thanks Mr Big)
Their brain is almost similar to ours and that makes them intelligent. They can be taught sign language so maybe this chimp is showing us what it has learned lately.
If Ah Meng were to do this, it will be on the news all over.
Maybe I go try become an animal keeper.
Need a change of job.
bad primate!
F.U Humans! Haaaa! That's precisely what I thought the chimp meant to say.
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