(via Alethea)
Update: Reader GeekGod writes, "Not sure if this will give you an orgasm too, but you should check out the Spectrum from CineMassive." Ahem. (Thanks GeekGod)
A flying ghost at Changi Hospital, a playful tree spirit at Bedok Reservoir and the ghost of a girl who died at the famous Yellow Tower at...
IZ. Orgasm. Wow.
>I think I've just had an orgasm.
the whole setup uses too much electricity anyway.
IZ: You think? Did you check? :oP
Global Warning: Green peace!!
IZ: So now we all know what really turns you on.
it looks amazing but u gona pay a bomb for the electric bills plus its too noisy.
I rather buy a giant plasma tv and hooked it up to my computer.
I guess my Home Office Setup was a little "too incredible" since it encouraged a computer repair company called Aware Bear (owned by Andre Leite Alves) to steal one of the images, paste himself in the picture, and then passed it off as his own in the commercial brochure for his company. You can read all the details here:
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